Don't eat the flower!

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We'd gotten back in the car and we headed on our way to Vegas. Where I was sure even if we weren't after pearls that something bad was gonna happen to us anyways, I mean its us, bad things happen to us all the time mortal or not mortal. Until we finally pulled up to the casino, where we needed to be in order to get the pearl.

Just remember guys, we're not here to gamble and play games, we're still on a mission here. Pearls are our goal, keep that in mind. Who knew by the time we would walk in there, there would be a trap waiting inside for us, but not a trap in the sense that it was an actual trap, but one that would keep us there if we stayed too long, where time moved differently there, messed with our mind.

After we refused to check into the hotel, lady after lady, server after server came up to us to offer us treats. We were inclined to take them. But where everyone else loved the taste of theirs, it was bitter to me, but magic still corseted through me. Like I'd fallen under a spell. If only just a little bit.

And soon, it was like we were in our own little world, and for whatever reason we were all beginning to laugh, and Anna was telling us that we should stay here for a while, and even I was saying sure, but just for the night. After all it was pretty late already. But no matter how great that sounded we were reminded that this was time sensitive mission, but suddenly that didn't even matter, it was like being on drugs, and we were having the time of our lives, we're under age, but no once seemed to care.

It was like all time had stopped, but after mentioning it, Percy couldn't even remember if that's what we'd been doing. And I was still the only one who had some kind of idea of what we were doing here. This was not going to end well. A part of me knew that if we stayed, we'd never leave, and run out of time, and just like I would've predicted, Anna suggests we're here to have fun and Percy says we should never leave and I say, no we have to leave at some point, but no one was listening to me.

Soon, we'd forgotten why we were here in the first place. Luke tried to call and call, but I didn't answer, he started getting worried. We lost all our worries, and lost the time, forgot why we were there, but I kept trying to tell them to stop, that if we weren't gonna get in trouble for one thing we would get in trouble for being underage, which was the weird part, we're all not 21 or over, we shouldn't be gambling, this should all be illegal.

I couldn't exactly remember what I was looking for, but since I never finished my cookie, parts of me were still in the right mind, and I knew I'd been looking for something important. I held my necklace in my hand with the pearl in it, that Luke gave me, and I thought about him wishing he was here. That's when I started to remember exactly what had happened. And what we were here for, but everyone else was eating the cookies having the time of their lives.

And I ran around looking for the rest of the gang. I ran into Jack first. Jack, Jack hey, wake up, snap out of it, stop eating those things. I told him. Why they're so good, I know we're supposed to be looking for the pearl, but hey, loosen up have some fun. Wait the pearl, you said the pearl right? Yeah so what? So, you're not under the cookie's spell. What spell? Jack, what time is it? Only 8pm. No, it can't be that's not true it has to be like at least 3am. Look at the clock. Jackson that clock isn't moving! We're gonna be stuck her forever!

I grabbed his hand and we went to go find the rest of the gang, and then I heard my father call out to me, and Percy must've too, because he started turning down the cookies. We ran into him, I cling to his arm. Percy wake up are you awake. I ask to him. I explain to him that we're trapped here, which was exactly what our father was saying. You hear him too I know you do.

Why aren't you two under the influence? Because I didn't have a full flower, it tasted bitter to me, it didn't really effect me much, and Jack is not our kind of immortal, he's made differently. Look at the clock, its supposed to be like 3 in the morning or something right? It only says its 8 at night. And that clock isn't moving. Then Percy made a comment about a movie on DVD and the guy had no idea what DVD was and that the game he was playing the movie based on it was the best movie of this year. This year? Yeah its 1971 he told us. Which means he's been there since then.

We came to a table where we saw the pearl, it had been easy to find, but because they were all under the influence it had been the hardest one to find so far. And once security realized we 3 were awake, they tried to stop us as everyone offered us more cookies. We went to go find our other friends and wake them up too, remind them why we were here, while I grabbed the pearl from the table, and we could get out of there now, but not without our friends.

We explained them what was going on, that they needed to wake up, he told them we were trapped, and we made them stop eating the flowers. That we were never gonna wanna leave that we were gonna stay here forever, we had to get out now, before there wouldn't be another time to get out. We made a run for the car on display got into it and drove off with it and we were out of there.

Wait, what about the pearl?! I've got it right here, no big deal, don't worry. I looked at my phone. Holy G-D Luke's been trying to call and text me like every hour, I need to call him back ASAP! He's gonna be so worried. Whoa no, hold up tomorrow is the 21st! No it can't be its still only the 15th, no tomorrow is the 21st we've been in there for 5 days! Annabeth tells Percy. I immediately call Luke.

Me: Come on Luke, pick up Luke!Him: OMG, you're ok, do you know how worried I've been its been 5 days since I heard from you what's going on?!Me: Luke I am so sorry, we walked into a trap at Vegas, we were gonna be stuck there forever.Him: You guys are gonna run out of time, I'm so glad you're ok now though, man I'm ready to fly out there where you are now and come back you come back home with me!Me: Luke, I'm sorry, it's not our fault, but we've got pearl number 3 we just need to get to Hades now!Him: Don't apologize, I'm so glad you're safe once again, this is all my fault the whole thing, I should've gone with you baby, I'm so sorry!Me: Luke its fine, its not your fault.Him: It is though and I'll explain why later, you guys are back on track and I don't want to keep you from that path, just always remember that I will always love you.Me: I love you too.Him: My phone's about to die, so I'll call you later, keep me updated, glad you're safe again, make it to Hade's and back on time, please your safety means everything to me.Me: Thank you, go plug your phone in and I'll see you real soon, I promise, bye I love you so much.Him: And I love you most, bye safe and healthy journey's ahead, G-D speed darling G-D speed. Because we were stuck there for so long we now only had one more day, we had until midnight of tomorrow. And we still had to figure out where Hade's lair was and how to get there, and to Hollywood we went.

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