The quest begins, first get out of camp

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So let me get this straight, you just tried to kill us today, and you're always fighting it out with my sister, and now you want to do defend us? That's not real, besides, she's "my" little sister too and I'd do anything for her, same as the rest of us would, just like she would. But that's just training. I've grown up in this world and so has your sister, summers at least, and I've only been to the real world a couple of times, but I've never been on a real quest. Annabeth told him. All we ever do is train here.

Besides you've won one battle, and I've won hundred's and draw in battle with Snow. You're gonna need my experience. She's got a point Perce. Who's side are you on? He asks me rolling his eyes. You just didn't want them to come anymore than I did, and now you think this is a good idea? You three really want to come? All: Yes! Fine, then I guess we're going. Anyone know how to get to the underworld? Nope, didn't think about that one.

Actually I do. You do? Should I be worried. Do I even want to know why? That's not important. He says frowning. Luke? I ask him, holding my hand to his cheek, brushing my thumb over his cheek. You know you can tell me anything. Right? *Sigh* Not this, it could put you in more danger than you already are, but I love you and matter what I have to do or what I have done, if I don't do the things I've done or I'm going to do, then you could get killed, and I don't want that to happen.

Just trust me. I do trust you. I love you. And I love you too, more than you can imagine, and that's why I had and have to do the things I need and needed to do, just remember that, forever. Lukey you're scaring me. Don't be scared, everything will be fine. He holds me close in his arms in a warm embrace. Setting his head on my own. Now, let's go to my tent, to the modern world and I'll show and give to you everything you'll all need.

He smiles taking my hand, and leads the way. Those two are adorable. Just wait until it goes on all summer, and after. So how did the two of you even end up together? You want to tell that story, or shall I? Go ahead sweetheart. Ok, so it was, what already 2 summers ago? Wow it sure has. He says squeezing my shoulders. Anna rolls her eyes. And we'd already been pretty good friends as it was.

I was with the girls, and he was with his guys. We'd all at the same time had been playing truth or dare. We're pretty sure it was set up that way, since almost everyone if not everyone else at camp already knew we liked each other. She was strong, and sweet, and fierce. great on the battle field, one of my best teammates, she was brave, and sang beautifully and doesn't even compare to her own beauty to Aphrodite's daughters. Oh stop. I whined, she's adorable and talented in every way, and I was drawn to him.

He's kind and loyal and brave and strong and totally handsome, when I do get hurt, I get sent to him by my friends, before they give me the chance to heal myself. He's a pretty good healer. Even when those aren't really my powers, I should've been the one going to her for help, but soon she came to me on her own instead of healing herself and we started hanging out more.

It was planned later found out by our friends that we were both supposed to be truth so that we'd tell who we had a crush on. To get us to admit it. Soon we all got together, and everyone decided to spend the night, and when we woke up the next morning everyone was gone except the two of us. Which had been planned, and so the next time I got badly hurt, I'd come to see him, and after he helped me, he brushed back my hair, and held my head in place, told me to close my eyes, and he kissed me.

I was scared and shocked at first, but gave in and kissed him back. I'd fully healed myself after that, and we made it official as boyfriend and girlfriend, we do all the cliché couples things, and our ship name is Fluke, which is kind of funny because that's kind of like saying it's fake, and the name needs work, but we haven't bothered to change it yet. And that's that, and now we're happily together.

Isn't that right? You are correct my dear, he leaned my head up far enough as he leaned down to kiss me. Anna, Grover and Jack groaning in disgust, Percy smiling happily at us, playfully also rolling his eyes. We stepped into his tent into his modern world and I sat down on the hemic. You're father is the G-D of the messenger, he's the only one who's gotten in and out. He's not the only one, but that's not info I can share at this time.

Do you know how? My dad's a jerk, I've never met him. You too? Percy asks him. I wrap my arm around his shoulder as he pulls me close. Sounds like we've all got "daddy" issues. Luke says to him. Because all those G-Ds are one thing selfish. They only care about themselves, and I know first hand, but, I've told this this story to Farrah plenty of times, but I broke into my dad's house and got some pretty cool new things, I'll go get them. Jade don't move or touch anything, please and thank you babe.

He comes back and blows some dust off the box. Are those them? These are for him. Oh open the box Perce you're gonna love 'em. I know I do. Flying shoes? He asks amazed, as they fly out of the box. Farrah, take yours from under the bed. I switch out of my other pair of shoes and put those on. My dad has plenty of these things, he won't miss a couple pairs of them, lift the second one up. It's a map, more than just my dad, have gotten in to the underworld that part is the easy part it's the getting out that's the tricky part.

The map will show you were to get his wife's pearls. He forced her to marry him and now she's his prisoner. Needless to say she hates it there, and the two of you, Farrah and Jack are going to too. Trust me, I know my girl, you wont like it down there, and Frosty will melt. It's hot down there and he's a weirdo, so she has secret visitors she's hidden her peals from him all over the world, for only her visitors to find and locate. They're you're way out, you need a pearl for one of each of you. Step on it and crush it, and it will get you out. Protectors only need one to share, so that's one less to find, but, let's hope you'll still have enough to get everyone in and out.

There are only 3 in the US, and here is your first place you need to go. The first place shows up. In golden little letters. When you have the first one the map will show you the next one and then the next one and then you'll be off to Hades's  Knowing Farrah, you guys will need some extra protection, this is my favorite shield, and you might want to step back, he says giving it to Percy as it turns itself into a huge disc.

And Farrah. I have something for you (necklace)he takes it and puts it around my neck. What's this on the inside? My dad goes around the world collecting these pearls. I stole one for you and put one in this necklace for you to use as one of your escape pearls one less pearl to find. Now you'll have a little piece of me wherever you go. You'll always be with me Luke, here in my heart. You're such a hopeless romantic. That makes two of us then. Cause you are too. And I'd do anything for and to protect you, remember that, no matter what.

I love you. I love you more. Thanks Luke. Don't mention it a brother or sister or friend to my girl is a that to me. No big deal, but you do all have to promise me one thing. Anything. If you see my dad on your way to you know where, kick his well you know what for me. He says smirking at us. Bye Luke. Love you. I love you too just promise me you'll be careful. I promise to try. We kiss and we head out, next stop pearls. As the song plays us out. 

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