Capture the flag

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We all stayed on our sides, until the horn was sounded off as we all charged into battle. The three of us, Percy, myself and Luke, ran after to get the flag. Keep up, keep your eyes open, don't get killed. Either of you. Jack and a couple other guys came after us, one of the reds pulled Luke's helmet off. I as usual fought one on one against Jack. You're pretty great with a sword and shield out on the battle field, but your team's never one a capture the flag you know. This is is just for fun, the real battle is the battle grounds, which you always lose at. And you'll lose here too.

While Luke and I fought, we made Percy go on ahead to search for the flag, Luke said he knew where it was. Both: Percy get away from here go after the flag! We kept fighting the opposing team, but looked at each other and smiled. Jackson rolled his eyes same as Percy, but he ran off anyways. Jack pulled away to run after him, and I almost fell, but one handed Luke still fought the red he was fighting and caught me with the other, I thanked him and fired my ice at Jack's feet, into ankle shackles.

He tripped over them, and growled in annoyance. G-D Snow again?! All is fair in love and war. This isn't war, it's flag capturing! Same difference. You won't be saying that when your uncles try to take over the world. With real war. You know what I meant, I said rolling my eyes. Farrah go, ran after Percy, go get the flag, maybe we can win this, this time. I'll hold them off back here. When I caught up, Percy told me we take camp way to seriously.

It's all in fine and having a good time, it's part of training. Soon we came across the little river, where we stopped and splashed ourselves with the water. I made sure to use my heating powers to make it so that I wouldn't dare turn into a mermaid at the moment, then used my water powers to get across the river, when we saw the flag just within our reach. When we thought we won, I knew it wouldn't had been that easy. Both: Did you really think it would be that easy? Annabeth and I asked him, when she came out of nowhere.

My mother is the G-Ddess of wisdom and battle strategy. Do you know what that means? It means I always win. Not with my sister you don't, you two tie during battle. And I always lose so maybe it's possible that we're both wrong. There's two of us and one of you. Annabeth slashed at Percy, and around the corner Chiron and Grover peeked their heads around to watch us. Soon everyone else came too, and Jack started fighting along side her to make things even.

Oh really? You really want to lose against me Frost? Not gonna lose Jade. And when Percy was defeated, everyone thought the red team had sure won. We heard a voice tell him to go to the water, our father's but he didn't know it but did it anyways. Almost as soon as he touched the water, he healed himself. Which I would've done for him if given the chance. And everyone watched in amazement as the water began to heal and give him power.

And as the water soaked through his clothes underneath it was like the cuts were never there to begin with. We all left the rest up to Percy as he limped over to the red flag defeating those that got in his way. Both impressing Luke and shocking Anna. No one moved no one dared breathed as he found the new power within him to continue on his quest to win. Until Anna came back to him and tried to fight him again the closer he got to the flag.

For once and probably only one time only Annabeth found herself "defeated" And for once the blue team had finally won at capture the flag thanks to my brother. Everyone cheered and celebrated, before the bonfire later that nigh we all hung up our battle suits for the time being, and now with soaked clothes we decided a change (outfit 3)was in order, and soon no one at each other's throats and we all laughed and played and had fun together.

And a bunch of Nymphs told us about how they were having a party later and asked us to come join them, but where Percy said yes I was unsure I don't like parties, Jack and Grover tried to get in on the action too, the girls were ok with Jack, but were unsure about Grover and then Anna scared them away anyways. Good game little sister, she told me swinging an arm around me into a playful headlock.

Yeah, yeah. What do you really want Anna? So you feel like a hero? Nah more like a mutant like I'm not gonna grow gills or a tail or anything like my sister am I? No mermaid is not contagious. So not likely. Percy changed the subject. You know you could've killed me out there I could be dead if I was normal. Id never let her get that far, I said rolling my eyes. But you aren't Anna agreed with me.

That's what I keep telling him. I get the sense that you don't like me very much. Possibly, after all our parents hate each other. But you like me just fine. You just annoy me sometimes, you've grown on me, you're like a little sister to me. I rolled my eyes again No kidding. Wait what they do? He asked us. I defiantly have strong feelings for you I'm just not sure if they're positive or negative yet.

Well, then you should let me know when you figure it out. Well I'd say you'd be the first but it will probably be your sister, who I'm sure tells you everything. She said winking at me. No not everything. Clearly. He said holding me in headlock. Perce not you too I whined giggling. Everything was all fun in games until a monster was coming out of the fire, and we all scattered running away or staying to fight as Percy and I pulled out or swords.

Jack, Luke and Anna and Grover were right by our sides. He asked for us specifically we approached him as I covered my face from the flames. Luke took my hand. Rubbing it gently, as I squeezed his. I'm not fond of fire, I hate it I fear it, there's a reason for the water powers, that I wish I could've just used to put this guy out, but I knew that would've been impossible.

He threatened to destroy the camp if we didn't show ourselves. Chiron got in the way, calling the monster in front of us Hades. This wasn't him exactly this was a different form of him. Jackson's bring me the bolt, be good little children and I will exchange it for your mother. We ran up to him. Our mother is gone! He told him. I knew she wasn't gone, gone, but I didn't know how at the time hoe to explain it to him, but she was in his world perfectly safe for now as his prisoner.

He sent a figure of her to us so we could see and talk to her. Mom? Percy Farrah. Her voice was so weak, she was so weak. Then he made her disappear, telling us that if we ever wanted to see her alive again to bring him the lightning bolt. He disappeared into thin air as if he was never there, we wanted to go after her and find her, tell him the truth hoping he'd release her if we did. But I knew better, and Chiron told him so.

That if we didn't have it, he'd kill all three of us, and that's not what we wanted. We had a plan already, to go to Olympus and bargain with our uncle Zeus, and try and convince him that we were innocent. Percy looked like he wanted to cry. But we would do anything within our power to save those we love. Luke squeezed my hand, as tears threatened to spill. He whispered into my hair not to worry and not to cry, that everything would be ok. Anna, Grover and Jack shared concerned glances at us, and when it was all over, we retreated to home base for the night.

But really our plan was to grab our stuff and get out while we still could but then Grover and Jack appeared out of nowhere, asking where we were going we lied saying we were going on a walk. Jack knew when I was lying IDK how but he just could, and Grover insisted that they both were coming with us, we argued with them that we didn't want them to come with us.

We came across Annabeth, who was still up and it was already 1:00am. Everyone was packed and ready to go. We wanted to be left alone. One small victory and you both think you're ready to beat Hades. Go away Anna. I said rolling my eyes at her. All we're missing is Luke. Ask and you shall receive. Oh babe please tell me you're not coming too?! I wish I could he said kissing my cheek. But alas I'm needed here. To run and watch over things here, I want to go with you, believe me I do, but you don't need me he said caressing my cheek with his thumb.

I don't want you to go, but I know that once your mind is made up there's no stopping you. You know me so well. Look we just found out our mother is still alive. Look you can't stop us and since I know as our protectors that you can't stop us from doing this, and you won't leave us alone, that I know you must come with us both as our protectors and our BFFs but Anna you don't need to come too. Sure I do little sister, trust me you'll need all the help you can get, you tie with me at sword fighting, that's just play and your powers could use the practice.

I can do that right now if I wanted too. You really want to fight me without any battle armor? This is just something we need to do on our own, but unfortunately they couldn't stop us from going and we couldn't stop them from coming with us. No matter what, the rest or nearly our start will be saved for the next chapter sweet dreams, and goodnight. From yours truly.

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