Our background

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See that's him, my adorkable twin brother. He doesn't know anything about this, and I can't remember how I do. We have powers. But once again, all magic comes with a price. Dyslexia for us both is a problem, but that's not really what that is. We switch the letters in Greek to English, which makes it look like we're dyslexic. We have a new stepdad, who hates us all, but hordes off the bad immortals who will try to kill us.

He has no respect for women of any kind, and abuses myself and my mother, but my brother takes the hit most of the time for me so that I don't have to. Someday he'll understand, but until then we're just special. Freshmen or whatever in high school, his best friend Grover is actually part goat, but in the mortal world he has crutches. That's his little problem thing.

He's our protector, and his brother Jack, I'm not really sure what his power is, or his powers price, to me he looks completely normal. He's my BFF. We've all been friends since as long as any of us can remember. But my twin will still always be my best friend, with a movie type sibling relationship. Trust me, we're definitely more like BFFs then siblings. We share a room, but have separate beds, even if mostly I climb into his all the time, I have such bad dreams all the time, but when my brother is by me they're gone.

I'm a mermaid in the immortal world and I don't speak a lot. I get made fun of because of that. The reason why is because in our world my singing is beautiful and so is my voice, but I can use it as a weapon like a song of a siren. Which isn't good. We both kind of live in the water, and can hold our breath for a very long time. The water helps heal us, we have water powers like our father, but Percy doesn't know any of this.

That's where we were now actually. He was in shorts, I had on a swimsuit with shorts and a t shirt on over and he watched each other cross legged have a holding our breath competition. We turned toward each other our breaths held, cross legged nodded our heads at each other closing our eyes, like we were just in our own little world, good thing school didn't start for like another hour or whatever, but we really just can't stand being at the house with that alcoholic abusive maniac. Grover and Jack timing us, placing bets on who they thought would hold their breath longer or make it a tie if we ended up needing to hurry up.

The water was so peaceful, so healing, serene, esc. With a secret mermaid with powers of course that's where I'd rather be. Sometimes he won other times I won. But it never mattered in the end because we didn't end up caring, we just loved spending time with each other, especially in our element. One night I came to the pool and and got in falling asleep, I had left a note, I always had an alarm, or Jack with me to make sure it didn't look suspicious to mortals or Percy. 

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