
The heavy feeling settled in her chest all day, and even the troopers had noticed her distraction, especially when she did not respond to the comments from the soldiers she usually bantered with.

"Are you well?" Alpha's gruff tone cut through her thoughts at one point, Zaiya knew it must be because she was performing poorly than genuine concern, he barely knew her after all.

"'M fine," she muttered with a frown, if she was so bad to the point Alpha had to say something she really had to get it together, this was ridiculous.

"You look like you're about to jump the railing and stab one of them," Alpha snorted, "this one of your new techniques?" Zaiya looked up, startled.

"What? No, why would I--" she began, only to see him smirking at her. He was trying to bring her out of it on purpose by stirring her up. "Well played," she says with a flat look. He let out a huff, folding his arms across his broad chest. She wondered if she should ask him about what Jango said. About whether she was pushing them too hard. Alpha would be the one to know his brother's limits best. But then, she was meant to be the instructor... If she doubted herself, what respect could she expect from others? Then again... if she said nothing, and she was indeed harming the men, there would be no respect to gain. Perhaps then...

She shifted to speak to Alpha again when her eyes widened. She felt it. That ripple in the Force. It was familiar. She froze in place, feeling a sense of dread colder than the rains outside wash over her. Alpha seemed to notice her expression and looked tense.

"What is it?" from his voice, he seemed to suspect a threat. He wasn't wrong.

"We have a visitor," she said, staring into nothing as she used her senses to determine the origin.

"What visitor?" the big clone asked. Zaiya raised her gaze and snarled.



It was the second time she'd raced through the halls of Tipoca city, her hearts racing as she made her way to the private quarters. The Jedi was here. But how was it familiar?! How did she know the signature? The only Jedi she had met was... well the Twi'Lek was certainly not able to be here. Who else could it be? Perhaps it was just that Jedi had a similar feeling to each other. She had to quiet her thoughts and her own signature in the Force in order to remain undetected, but it was difficult when she was already heightened and anxious.

She reached the door in a flurry and tapped the code to open it hurriedly.

"Jango," she called, and entered, not waiting for an answer. Boba sat at the little table at the end of the suite that looked out to the cold storm-torn skies. She looked at him, her expression serious and his eyes darted to the refresher door. She turned and he stepped out, still slightly damp and in only a towel.

"What are you kriffing doing, woman? Witches don't know how to knock?!" he snapped at her, but his annoyance faded when he saw her face, "what is it?"

"The Jedi are here," she warned. Jango's face dropped. "Put some clothes on and pack, I cannot know if whoever it is has come for you for the sake of your recent job... but..." She sighed and leaned against the wall as Jango turned away. He began tugging some clothes on and paused when reaching for his armour.

"If I am suited up when they arrive they will be prepared to fight," he said, and grabbed more casual clothing. Boba too grabbed his favourite things and Zaiya helped, though she stopped him before he packed all of it.

"Leave some things out, else they will suspect something. You want to pretend to know nothing and be as relaxed as possible," she explained to Boba, "your dad is great at these types of situations, no matter what happens, you can't let your opponent know you are worried, alright?" The boy nodded and put on a brave face.

A Prince of Dathomir (Darth Maul x OC)Where stories live. Discover now