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Narcissa. She is standing here at our door. I shut the door, and walk back into the living room. "Dracy, your birth giver is outside." I growl, she looks at me. "Your kidding?" She asks with a small chuckle. I look at her, she realizs I'm not joking.
"Why!? She is not coming in this house! She is not hurting my babies!" She says while putting Eleanor up to her chest, and putting her hand over her head. "I am going to see what she wants. I will help you get the babies inside the nursery, before I talk to her." I say as I walk over to Elijah.
I pick him up, and walk over to the stairs. Dracy is right behind me. I walk up the stairs to the nursery, I put Elijah in his crib. I watch as Dracy puts Eleanor in her crib. Dracy then looks at me, and walks over to me.
"Harry, please be careful." She says as she puts her hand on my cheek. I nod my head, and kiss her hand as she starts to pull it back.
I walk out of the nursery, down to the door. When I reach the door, I open the door after taking a deep breath. "What do you want." I snarl out, I wanted to protect my babies.
"I want to apologize to my daughter." She says while looking me up and down. I stand straight up, like I do when meeting a business partner. "She doesn't want to see you." I say while looking her up and down.
"After all you are the reason she had miscarriage." I looked at her in eyes, I knew how to self guilt people. "She what?" She asks me, I could tell she was taken back.
"Why would you move? That house was perfect for you and her." She says, she had a point. "She didn't like the house, she got weird feelings from it; and I'm not going to make someone that just lost her baby staying a place that makes her uncomfortable." I say while looking down to make it more upsetting. I heard her gasp.
I knew I got her. "I'm a horrible mother!" She yelled as she turned the other the way. "I will go get her." I say, I will tell her the story I made up. "Please, do and get her." She says and I nod my head.
I close the door, and I walk upstairs to the nursery. I walk in the nursery, Dracy looks at me with concerned eyes; I smile at her.
"Well?" She asks me. "I told her that you had a miscarriage. She was still downstairs, but she believes that she made you lose your baby." I say with a smirk. Dracy mouths her mouth in shock. "Does she really believe that?!" She asks as she walks over to me. "Of course." I say with a smile.
"She wants to see you, so I figured you could go along with this story." I said as I pull her in. She put her hands around my neck, then noded. I kiss her forehead, then let go of her.
She took her hands away, then startes to head to the door. I walk towards the cribs, and sat in the rocking chair; in front of both of the cribs. The rocking chair was turned around, facing the door.
I say there trying to listen, the more I sat there the more anxious I was becoming. I started to bounce my leg, I couldn't hear anything, I couldn't do anything. She might be hurt, but I'm up here with our babies. She should be here, too.
I looked at the door, when I heard yelling. I quickly stood up, and went to the door. I listened in, to Dracy yelling at her mother.
She could fight her own battles. She is strong- stronger than I will be- but she kind. She can be so evil, but she is so good.
I don't know why I was worried. I just was. I knew she could fight, I knew that I had nothing to worry about.
I have my ear against the door, I was trying to listen to everything. I was listening to every word, to every step, everything I could possibly listen to. Everything to know that everything was okay.
I hear steps coming up to the nursery, I know they are Dracy's steps. I'm nervous settle down, I listen for the steps to get closer.
When they do I back away from the door. She opens the doors with tears going down her face. "What happened?" I ask her, and she just shook her head no.
I quickly hug her, I start to rub her back. I pick her up- bridal style- I carry her over to the rocking chair.
I listen to her cry about what happened. I just listen, comfort her, try to take the pain away. But, I know I can't help take the pain she has away this time.
And that hurts me the most.

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