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Draco pov

It's been a few weeks since, we and Harry's mum, dad and sister found out. Me and Harry have went to one visit. They told us some stuff, and gave me some medicine.
We are on the train ride over to my parents. We have told Pansy, Blaise, Hermione, and Ron.
Oh! And we found we having twins! I'm happy, and scared. "Love, you need to sleep." Harry says with a strong tone. I laugh at him, and close my eyes
After it felt like a good 30 minutes, I wake up. "Good evening, sir." I hear someone, and I know damn well that isn't Harry.
I instantly sat up, and open my eyes. To see a man in suit, with black hair that gelled back. I feel an hand on my shoulder, and move back slapping whoever's hand it is.
I look back to see Harry. "Ow." He says as he rubs his hand. "No, we are good." Harry says opening his eyes, then looking at me.
The man nods his head, and keep walking on. I let a deep breath out, "WHO HELL WAS THAT?!" I yell at Harry. "I don't know, it was the person coming around asking if anyone wanted anything off the cart." He said calmly. I felt embarrassed, and I could me checks burn.
"Okay either, 1) pregnancy has got you more jumpy 2) do not wake you up." He says as he nods his head. He said like he was taking notes, but I know he was meaning for me to answer.
"Wouldn't you be scared, if you're taking a peaceful nap to wake up to find a male standing at your doorway of your train compartment, with a suit and gelled hair." I say pointing out things. Harry nods his head.
"Okay, calm down. It's just us." He says as he moves closer to me. I take a deep breath, and put my head on his shoulder. My hair gets moved, so I'm breathing in my hair.
I eventually fall back to sleep. Harry is the one, who wakes me up now. "We almost there, love." He says, and I slowly wake up.
"I love you." I say, as I sat up. I rub my eyes, and smile. "I love you, too." Harry says back, with a smile as well.
"Hey, babe I'm going to head into town when we get to our stop. You will still go to manor." Harry tells me, and I nod my head.
I stand up, and start to look through my suitcase. "Harry..." I say as I start to see that I can't find it, "I can't find my medicine." I finish, after looking almost through the whole suitcase.
"Okay, we could call Pansy ask her to bring it to the manor." Harry says while pulling out his phone. I nod my head.
Pansy was house sitting 12 Grimmauld Place. Harry hands me the phone, and wait until she picks up.
"Hello?" She asks. "Hey, pansy. I forgot my medicine at the house. Could you possibly bring it to the manor?" I says as I bonce my leg.
"Of course, you three need your nutritions especially the two. I'll bring it by the manor soon. Where are they exactly?" She asks and I take a deep breath. "In the medicine drawer below the sink in mine and Harry's bathroom." I say while smiling.
"Okay, I'll make sure bring them to you." She says before she hangs up. I give the phone back to Harry, and smile.
"Not to be mean, but she has a loud mouth." Harry says as he puts his phone up. I laugh, I mean he wasn't lieing.
"Why are you going to town?" I ask remember that he said he would be going into town. "I was thinking. You told me when we first moved into 12 Grimmauld Place, you felt uncomfortable there. So, I was going to head to the town and see if there was any houses that could maybe hold up to several people." Harry says with a small smile.
I nod my head. This is why I love him.
The trains stops and I almost fall if Harry didn't catch me.
"I guess is our stop." Harry says after helping me stand on my two feet and look outside.
We get off the train, and Harry kisses me before he goes off to town. I smile at him, and start to walk to the manor.
After a while, I made it to the manor. I go up to the door, and knock. I had my backpack. Harry was going to bring the luggage, later.
"Come in!" I hear my mum yell, so I walk in. "Mum!" I say with a smile, she is going to love being a grandma.
"Dracy, darling, your here." My mum says as she comes down the stairs. My mum hugs me, and I hug back. "Leave your luggage there, the maiden will put it in your room." Mum says, and I nod my head.
Dad and mum were always this wealthy while growing up, so I always had a maid. I smile at mum, "Oh, mum I forget something at 12 Grimmauld Place. Pansy is going to bring it." I say halfway up the stairs.
"Okay, sweetie. Thank you for telling me." Mum says as I walk up the rest of the stairs.
I get in my room, and lay down on my bed. I can imagine my life, with two little babies my family all around.
"DRACY NARCISSA MALFOY!" I hear my mum yell on the top of her lungs. I quickly sit up, and look at the door.
She breaks my door open and throws my pills at me. "YOU FUCKING SLUT!" Mum yells at me, and points at the medicine bottle.
"Mum... Calm down." I says while standing up, and I put my hands up. "Don't tell me to calm down!" My mum says as starts to get closer to me.
"Mum..." I say as stay still. She won't hurt me, right? I think.
"You bloody pregnant at 18!" Mum says while getting closer. I nod my head, I thought my mum wouldn't be mad. But, she is furious.
"Narcissa?" I hear someone say, and I know that's my father's voice. "Mum, what is going on?" I look to see my oldest brother, Cato.
Then all of sudden everything goes black, but before it does I see Harry, father, and my youngest brother, Caesar.
"Dracy!" I hear someone say, before everything disappears.

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