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This takes place after Harry left for town

Harry pov

I walked out of the prefect house, well to me it is prefect. It has a lot of land, 6 bedrooms, and 7 bathrooms.
As I was walking through town, heading to the manor. "Harry?" I hear someone say, I turn around to see Mr. Malfoy, Cato, and Caesar.
Cato was Dracy's older brother, and Caesar was Dracy's younger brother.
"Mr. Malfoy, Cato, and Caesar. It's nice to see you, I was actually heading to the manor." I say with a smile.
"Oh, were heading there as well. Where's my daughter?" Mr. Malfoy asks. "Oh, she is should be at the manor already." I say with a smile.
"Well, come on I want to see my little sister." Cato says as he starts to walk off. I laugh, and we start to walk with him.
After a while, we made it to the manor to hear yelling. I look at Mr. Malfoy, and he looks at me. He shrugs his shoulders, and walks to the door.
He opens it, and we hear nothing. "Narcissa?" Mr. Malfoy calls out, and nothing. Cato is already halfway up the stairs, and goes to Dracy's room. We quickly all go up there. "Mum, what's going on?" Cato asks and we all get at the door. To see Mrs. Malfoy shoot a spell to Dracy.
"Dracy!" I yell, and quickly run to her. Her eyes are closed, and I don't think she can hear me anymore. "Narcissa, what did you do!" Mr. Malfoy yells at  Mrs. Malfoy.
"She is pregnant at 18, Lucius!" Mrs. Malfoy, and I look at all the boys. Mr. Malfoy doesn't look effected, Cato has a smile on his face which quickly drops as he looks at Dracy, and Caesar is looking at Dracy with terrified expression.
"Okay, and? We were pregnant at 16. Until you had the miscarriage." Mr. Malfoy says, and everyone looks at him.
"Lucius Malfoy, they weren't supposed to know!" Mrs. Malfoy says with shocked eyes.
"Well why are getting mad at our daughter, who has been in love with someone  for six years, and pregnant." Mr. Malfoy says, well pointing at me and her.
"Because she could have slept with someone else." Mrs. Malfoy says. I felt my anger boil at that one. "You really think she would go and cheat on someone, who she loves!" Mr. Malfoy says, and smile at him.
"Cato help Harry get Dracy to the living room. Caesar call a doctor." Mr. Malfoy says, and Cato comes to help me pick her up. Caesar runs downstairs, and calls the doctor.
After we get her on the couch, I make sure she has a pillow under her head. I them sit on the ground next to her hand, and holding her hand hoping she is gonna be okay.
"Harry, did you know? Did you she was pregnant?" Cato asks me, as he put a hand on my shoulder.
"Yes, I did. We were planning on telling you guys at supper. We expected everyone to be happy about it." I say while rejecting not walking with her.
"Have you already went to an ultrasound?" Cato asks, I nod my head. "How was the baby?" Cato asks and I laugh a little.
"Try babies." I say with a chuckle. I look at him, and his face is light up. "Twins?!" He says with a huge smile, and I laugh. "Yeah." I say while looking at her little belly. It looked like she was bloating just a little bit.
"I'm going to have two grandchildren, at the same time. How far she is?" Mr. Malfoy asks, I look at him and I see Caesar with a huge smile.
"Around 12 weeks." I say while looking back down at her. I analyze her breathing, her breathing was slow. Not that slow, but as if she was sleeping slow.
"When is the doctor gonna be here?" I ask, as I look at Caesar. "He said he would be here, in 5 minutes. So, 2 minute maybe." Caesar says, and I nod my head.
We let the silence sit, until the doctor got there. He quickly came over, and listened to her heart. "She seems okay. Where is the person who did this?" The doctor asks.
"Upstairs. I will show you." Mr. Malfoy says quickly. Mr. Malfoy and the doctor go upstairs to Mrs. Malfoy.
"So... What's your job?" Caesar says, and I quickly look at him. "Okay, wrong question." He says, and I can see him glup.
"Sorry. I usually get asked that by the wrong people. I'm the mafia." I say before looking at Dracy again. "You're in the what?!" Cato asks while jumping back.
"Oh, down worry. I wouldn't dare hurt someone that was close Darcy." I say with a smile. "No, wonder you have muscles for days." I hear Caesar says under his breath.
"Thanks, I guess." I say with a smile. "You heard me?" He asks me with a confessed face. "I have to listen for guns getting loaded, don't you think I have good hearing?" I ask with a smirk. They both nod their head.
"Okay, she will survive. I just need to give you this medicine, to make sure nothing bad will happen to the baby." The doctor says when he comes back. "Not to be rude but it's babies, sir. Twins to be exact." I say with a polite but stern voice.
"James?" The doctor says, and I instantly realize who it is. "Uncle Remus!" My say while standing up. He smiles, and hugs me.
"Wow, you have grown." He says and I nod my head. "Sorry, but this is my Uncle Remus. Sirius Black's husband." I say while at Mr. Malfoy, Cato, and Caesar.
"You're the person that Sirius married. That's how you knew my wife, well ex-wife now." Mr. Malfoy says while shaking his hand. Uncle Remus nods his head.
"Did you know what his job was?" Cato asks uncle Remus. "Of course I do, the duo that I'm terrified of. James and Harry Potter, don't get on their bad side." Uncle Remus, and his eyes open at the last part.
"What?" Caesar asks, and I smile. "Yeah, let's just saying my job runs in my family." I smile at them, and I see them all with shocked faces. "Please tell, she knows." Cato says. I laugh and nod my head.
"Oh, Harry. This is not how I wanted to find out about you two being pregnant." Uncle Remus says, and I laugh. "Well, I didn't know when you were going to be back from your trip. And I know you guys are business with little Teddy." I say with a smile.
"Okay, fair. And congratulations." He says, "She passed out due to stress." He whisperes to me. And I nod head. Why wasn't I here?!
"Thanks. Also, call Dad. He's been wanting to know how long you guys have been home, he wants to talks about a new job opportunity that has came up." I say with my strong tone.
He nods his head, "What kind of job opportunit?" He asks while raising a eyebrow.
"Well, it's really about your husband. And his gun shooting." I say with a smile. "Oh, okay. I will inform him. Thank you, Harry." Uncle Remus says, with a nod.
"Okay, well I think we did enough talking and my job here is down." Uncle Remus says with a smile. He turns around with his hand out, and shakes Mr. Malfoy.
He waves goodbye, and I look at the Malfoy's. They all had shocked faces.
"One, wow. And two, do you know how to kill people?" Caesar is the first one tot speak. I smile, "Yes, I do. I know how to snap a neck with my hands, how shot a gun, and how to kill someone quickly with a knife." I say with a sinister look. They all look terrified.
"And I thought we were scary." Mr. Malfoy says while blinking his eyes. "Oh, the Potter's know how to keep a secret. We are trained since we are little to keep a secret from everyone. Expect the family we are marrying." I say with my proper voice.
"Okay. So, if people know they either found out, married into the family, or are in Mafia." Cato says while nodding his head.
"Exactly." I say, and my eyes shot up at that the stairs. I heard someone's footsteps, and the only other person is Mrs. Malfoy.
"Why?" I ask her as soon as she gets down the stairs. "Because she is ruining her life." Mrs. Malfoy says while coming in the room. I quickly clench my fist.
"This is her life. Not, yours." I said as calmly as possible. But, wasn't very calmly. "Harry?" I look at Cato, I probably looked like I could kill someone.
"Get out of this house! Your lucky, I don't call the police on you." Mr. Malfoy says as stronger and powerful.
Mrs. Malfoy makes a scoffing noise. And walks upstairs. I take a deep breath.
"Easy there. She needs you calm." Cato says, while pointing at Dracy. I look at Dracy and see her starting to wake up. "Yeah. Thanks Cato." I say with a smile.
"H-Harry?" Dracy says as she puts her hand on her head. "It's okay. You're safe." I say as I rub her back, as she starts to sit up.
"Where is my mum?" She asks while instantly covering her little belly. "She is packing her stuff. She is leaving, my sweets." Mr. Malfoy says who right her.
"And she didn't hurt them. The doctor came by, and he knew Harry!" Caesar says with a smile.
Dracy looks at me. "Yeah, I told them it's twins." I say while rubbing the back of neck. Dracy smiles, and looks at Cato. "Cato... I know your a mama's boy... I'm sorry..." Dracy says while walking towards Cato.
"I'm fine. Mum tried hurt not 1 person, but 3 people." Cato says while rolling his eyes. "Plus, I needed to go grow out of that." He says with a chuckle.
"Dad, I know. I'm young and every-" Dracy gets cut off, by Mr. Malfoy. "Dracy you have loved him for six years. You two have been through the bad, and good. He loves you more than the word it's self. I don't care that your pregnant. I just want you to have a happy life." Mr. Malfoy says with his hands on her shoulders.
"Thank you, dad." She says with tears in her eyes. Mr. Malfoy hugs her, and Cato and Caesar hug me.
"I love you, guys." Dracy says with a smile, and a few years running down her face.
Cato and Caesar go up to Decay, and hug her. I just smile.
One person maybe didn't like the idea of us being young and in love. But, everyone else doesn't care.
"I can't wait for the next ultrasound." I hear someone say, I am pretty sure it was Cato. "I wanna come!" All three Malfoy boys say. Me and Dracy look at each other, and glup.
This is gonna be fun.

A/N Today is my birthday. But, I wanted to still post this.

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