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Harry pov

But, before I could. I hear a honk, and I look to see a car truck heading straight for me. I couldn't move, and the truck wasn't stopping.
Next thing I know is that someone is pushing me out of the way. I hit something hard, and after that I don't remember anything.

James Potter pov (Harry's dad)

I quickly run after Harry. When, I see him in the middle of road. I look to see where he was looking. There was a truck heading straight his away. He wasn't moving, probably from shock. I run as fast as I could.
I was able to push me and Harry out of the able to push him out of the way. I have no idea where he was pushed. All, I know is landed in a grassy patch.
I stand up to see everyone else outside. "Where is Harry?!" Lily yells while running over to me. "I don't, I shove him out of the way from a moving car and I don't know where he was shoved." I say while standing up.
"I found him! His unconscience!" I hear someone yell, I figured it was one of the Malfoy boys.
We all run over to him, to see Harry look like he's sleeping. I put my hand on the back of his head, to feel something wet. I knew instantly what that was.
"Someone call ambulance! He's bleeding back of the head!" I say, a done person runs off to get there phone.
Lily takes a sobbing Dracy, and Isabella inside. "James, is there anything I can do to help?" Mr. Malfoy asks me. "Yeah go get some washcloths or towels." I say and he takes off. I need to slow his bleeding down or put something over the wound.
Before long Mr. Malfoy was running back to me, we quickly put the towel around his head. After we did that the ambulance showed up.
We helped them get Harry get in the ambulance, then Dracy got in with Harry. The rest of us got in our cars, and drove to the hospital.
When we got there, we find out that the would was nothing major. But, he was in a coma and had to get stitches.
A few days has passed, and Dracy hasn't left the hospital. It's horrible for the babies, we have been trying to get her to leave.
"Dracy, he's not going to wake up until another week. Go home take a nice shower and I will stay here and watch him." I say with gentle smile, "If it makes you feel any better I have you on speed dial. And if Harry shows any signs of movement I will call you straight away." I say showing her my phone.
She smiles at me, and nods her head. "Okay, just this one time I will go take a shower at home. But please do call me if Harry makes any movements or shows any signs waking up." She says, and I nod my head.
She leaves, and I am left with Harry. I should have never got him in this business.
Now, he's about to become a father to twins and he is in a coma. We didn't talk about the night he was shot, he wouldn't be in this hospital bed. He would be at home taking care of Dracy, and loving all three of them with all his heart.
"Dear, I know that look. And don't you dear blame yourself." Lily says, I smile at her. She is the only reason why I don't ever blame myself or think about the bad side of things.
"I can't help it, Lily. I can't help but think that if I hadn't taught him about the Mafia. Or even talked about it with him. He wouldn't be here, he would be home with Darcy who's pregnant with their twins." I can't help but tear up. I know it's the truth.
"No! James, he did it because he wanted to you gave him a choice. He ran outside the house cuz he was scared. And everyone gets scared and when he gets scared he's used to running from something. I'm not mad at you, I'm not mad at Harry. Darcy me both know that you helped Harry find himself. And we are not mad at you, so don't blame yourself." Lily says and I smile. This is why I married her.
"Thank you." I say, and she hugs me. We share a quick kiss. Then, we both look at Harry.
I can't help but, to wonder will he be up for the delivery of the twins. And I think everyone is questioning that. But, know Harry will wake up before then. I know he will.
Before long Dracy comes back, this time she has changed of clothes, her medicine, and some hygiene stuff. She puts on all in Harry's small bathroom. And some on Harry's room. She walks over to me, and Lily.
"You know he loves you both, more than than the world it's self." She says, and I can't help but smile. My son is proud to be my son. And I'm proud to be his father.
"If you want we could stay during the night so you can actually rest." My lovely, caring wife says with a smile. How did I get so lucky to have this kind of family.
"No, thanks. I felt sick, and awful when I was with Harry. Even after I took my medicine. I called the doctor she said that it wasn't because of the medicine." She pause. I was trying to connect the dots.
"So, I figured it was because our babies miss him." It hits me. They babies can sense him, and they miss him.
"It happened all the time with me. With both my kids honestly James couldn't even leave for work without me getting sick." Lily says, and I remember those days.
I remember when she was pregnant with Harry, if I tried to leave during the day and she wasn't coming. Harry would make her so sick that I would have to stay home and take care of her. The same happened with Isabella. Both of them hated me leaving, I feel sorry for Dracy she has both of them missing Harry.
"I thought it was going to sound weird." Dracy says with a deep breath. We laugh, and make jokes.
During that time we had no idea with Harry could hear us, and if he could then I bet he is also laughing. Then, I think Harry only is supposed to stay in hospital for a week more.
Maybe, just hopefully, he will wake up when he expected to wake up.

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