Gender Reveal

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When, Isabella said that she lwould have the party ready in 2 weeks are so she was lying.
Here it was 2 weeks later, after the appointment. I am standing in white to find out, that they are going to shoot paint guns at me.
But, let's get catched up. So, for 2 weeks Isabella has been having questions. We answered them the best we could. Finally, the day came to find out the gender. I woke up at early to make breakfast.
Dracy woke up when I was almost done with breakfast. "Aww, thank you." She say as she sits down. I smiled at her, and then I put the food on the table. We talk about today, and what we think the genders are.
"I will call Isabella, and make sure she wants there at 12." I say as we finish breakfast. Dracy nods her head, she looks down at your belly.
She liked she was supposed to be 26 weeks (7 months), when she is only 20 weeks (5 months). The twins are growing so fast. I love it.
I go in the kitchen, and call Isabella. "Hey!" She says excitedly. "Hi, I wanted to make sure your wanted us still to show up at 12." I say with an assumption.
"Yeah, on Harry I would wear your bulletproof vest." She says and I could hear chuckle.
"O-oh, okay." I say actually nervous. She laughs, "Bye, Har." She says before she hangs up.
I walk to Dracy, who is still seating in the chair. "She wants there at 12, still. And she told to wear my bulletproof vest." I say with a smile. Dracy's eyes go wide.
"Now I'm curious." She says with a chuckle. I roll my eye, "Of course you are." I say with a smile. I look at the clock to see that's it's 10.
"Come on we need to get ready." I say know that Dracy will take a shower and everything. She nods her head, and holds out her hand.
I smile and help her up. I help up to the stairs, "You want me to help you take a shower?" I say with my eyebrows raised. She tiles her head, and then nods it.
After the shower, I help her get dressed. I get dress, then look my phone to see it's 11.
"Okay, if we head out in 15 minutes. We should get there in time." I say as I turn to look at Dracy.
She was wearing a green sweater, that showed off her belly, and a pair maternity blue jeans. She had very little makeup on, but still had some. She was so beautiful.
I was just wearing a long sleeve blue shirt (with my bulletproof vest under it), and a pair of jeans. But, at least we know who is going to pick the kids outfits out.
I walk over to her, "You finished, love?" I ask her, and she nods. I humm in response, I crouch down to be in front of her belly.
I kiss it twice, then I stood back up. And kiss her. It was a very long kiss, but it was still filled with love.
"How did I get so lucky to have you?" She asks and I shrug my shoulders. "How did I get so lucky to have you?" I ask her back, and she laughs.
After a few we headed downstairs, to go to my family's mansion. It's not as big as the Malfoy's mansion, but it is beautiful decorated.
"Do you think our dad's are going to get along?" Dracy asks me, and I glance at her.
"Yes, I do think they are going to get along." I say, and if they don't get along. Then I guess, I will be teaching them a lesson.
"Okay." She says, after that we had small talk. I could tell she was nervous. I grab her hand and kiss it. She smiles at me.
It did take us long to get to the house. I turned off the car, and went to help Dracy out of the car.
We walked inside, and Dracy was amazed. From the outside it looked dull, and it was not going to be fancy at all. But, when you walked in you would be amazed.
"I just realized, for the whole time we dated. You never once had been inside the house." I say with shocked face.
"Or if I did, I would see the laundry room or the kitchen." She says and I nod my head.
She has come over for swim parties. But, she only change in the laundry room, or she would get some food from the kitchen.
I pull her up the stairs. "Where are we going?" She asks while walking up the stairs.
"My room." I say with a smile. I want to show her my childhood. I seen hers, and it's now for her to see mine.
We walk to my door, and I open it. It looked just the way u found it. She was so surprised, when she saw my dummy. She looked around the room amazed or shocked.
"This was my childhood." I say while sitting down on the bed. "Wow." I all she says with a smile.
"Come on we need to show them that we are here." I say as she looks a drawing I did.
"Harry, this is amazing." She says as she points at it. I smile, and her nod my head.
We both head downstairs, after a little fight about me being artist. We walk into the kitchen, to find everyone there. My dad, and Mr. Malfoy was getting along. Caesar, and Cato were talking.  Mum, and Isabella were talking. We family had the whole family under the same roof.
"Harry, Dracy!" Isabella yells so everyone would look at us. "Ready to get the show on the road?" Mum asks, and Dracy nods her head.
I smile, at the excited women. "Okay, come on w have to do this outside." Isabella says, and everyone nods. We all follow Isabella.
"Okay, Harry stand right here." Isabella says, as she points at the ground. She smriks, when I stand right there.
"Today we're finding out the genders of the twins. But we also wanted to make Harry feel the pain that Darcy will have to go through." Isabella starts put with, and I can feel my heart drop.
"By doing so, we're going to hit him with paint guns. Only two guns have the gender, there are four guns." Isabella says, with a smile. Mum hands on the Dracy, then hands one to Isabella, then one to Mr. Malfoy, and the last she hands to my dad.
"Okay, we all shoot at different times. Dracy, will go first, then Mr. Malfoy, next will be dad, and lastly will be me." Isabella says with a smile.
"Okay, you can shoot." Isabella says, and Dracy shoots. She hits right I'm between my ribs. No color.
Mr. Malfoy shots and hits me dead chest. No color. Then, dad and he hits my heart. No color.
Isabella is last, and she shoots. She hits his in the lower stomach. No color.
"P-please tell me let the color ones are going to be soon." I say out of breath. Isabella looks at me wired. Dad walks over to me.
"1-5." He says, and I take a deep breath. "3." I say as I straight my back up.
"Isabella, is the next round the gender reveal?" Dad asks, and Isabella looks dad confused.
"Bulletproof vest might sound bulletproof but they still leave nasty bruises. And where I hit him in the heart and Mr.Malfoy hit him in the chest he's in pain. Not the kind of pain during a labor, no. But the kind of pain where he cannot breathe." Dad says as points at me.
I take a deep breath. Trying to get breathing normal, again. Isabella's face is shocked and concerned. Dracy looks like she could faint, and Mr. Malfoy looks as if he killed someone for the first time.
"Yeah, the next round is the genders reveal. Is Darcy's and your your gun dad. That has the genders." Isabella says, and dad nods.
"Dracy, and me will be the only ones to shoot." Dad says, and we all nod our head.
I look at my mum, she was biting her fingernails. Cato, and Caesar looked nervous.
I nod my head, so Dracy can shoot. Dracy shoots me in the chest. Color blue. Everyone starts get so happy, and yell that it's a boy. Dracy smiles, but then looks at me.
I nod my head, and dad shoots me in right side ribs. Color pink. Everyone is now going ballistic that we are having a boy and girl.
I so happy, now they can both decided on what they want to do. Dracy walks over to me, I smile at her.
"Are you okay?" She asks me, and I nod my head. "Dad, can you go get a elastic bandage." I say, my dad nods his head. Everyone heads inside.
After a few seconds, dad comes back. I stand up, and walks into the house. I take of my shirt, then my bulletproof vest.
"Okay, Harry tell if it's too tight. You know, we have to keep this lose." Dad says as he puts the elastic bandage on. I  nod my head.
Dad starts to wrap me, and I could feel everyone staring at my chest. I look down to see the nasty bruises.
"Harry? Are you gonna be okay?" Isabella says with a sorry face. "Izzy, this ain't my first time being shot." I say with smile.
She looks at me confused, I look at dad. He nods his head, and I smile.
"Back when I first joined the Mafia, one on the missions me and dad went on was not best suited for someone who never had experience." I say as I remember the night.
"It just like a normal mission, at first. Eventually, it was time for us to leave. This is when it all went down. Me, and dad tried to leave. We thought we had done it, and everything was finshed." I look down at my leg, and then at my right side.
"I stood up, and then I felt pain in my leg. I had been shot in my leg. Dad tried to shoot them, and get me out. Dad was able to cover me, and I was able to get out. But, before I could get fully out of the room someone shoot me in the side." I say pointing at my side that as a scar.
"That night I learned two things. One; Always wear something to protect you. Two; stand up after dad." I say the last one with a chuckle.
Mum shakes her head, "That night I got a call from my husband, saying 'Me, and Harry have been shot. We are at a hospital.' I thought that night I was going to lose Harry and James." Mum says we all remember that night.
"And why did I never learn about this, until now!" Isabella says mad and concerned. "Because me and your father both decided that it would stay in between us three, and if something ever came up like this then we would tell someone. Izzy, we didn't want to tell you because we know how you are about Harry and your father even being in that kind of business, we didn't want you thinking of it even worse." Mum says with a sorry face.
"Harry were you going to think to tell me?!" Dracy say with an confused face, she looked like she about to cry.
I look down, I couldn't. I should have told them. Before dad could finish the last one, I stood up and went outside. Hearing dad, Mr. Malfoy, Cato, Caesar, mum, and Dracy yelling my name. I was shaking, and in my own world. I needed to get far away from them.
But, before I could. I hear a honk, and I look to see a car truck heading straight for me. I couldn't move, and the truck wasn't stopping...

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