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Harry pov

It's been a few weeks, since we went over to the manor. Mr. Malfoy has filed a divorce papers and has moved all of Mrs. Malfoy's stuff out.
Today is the day where Mr. Malfoy, Cato, Caesar, my mum, and my dad all sit in one room to look at the sonogram. We already called and told them how many people want to be in room.
They said all 4 people can enter the room. So, I'm going to stay in the room with Dracy. While everyone else switches.
"Harry, what if one of them is hurt?" Dracy asks me as we seat out waiting for the rest of my family.
"I promise they won't be." I say while taking her hands. She looks at me with sorry eyes, and I want to kill Narcissa so much.
After a while, everyone showed up. "Okay, so what's going to happen is I'm going to stay in the room with Dracy. While you guys switch. Only 4 people are allowed in the room." I say while looking at all of them.
We all walk to the room, me and Dracy go in. Mr. Malfoy, my mum, and my dad come in. The doctor comes in and smiles.
"Okay, so we did warm this. But, it still might be cold." The doctor says while looking at Dracy. She nods her head.
"Okay ready." She asks, and Dracy nods her head. She is holding my hand, and I kiss her hand.
The doctor puts the gel on and Dracy makes a face. I laugh and she roll her eyes at me.
After a while they found a picture of one of the babies, and Mr. Malfoy, my mum, and my dad walk out so the boys can come in.
The boys come in and we find the next little one. Cato, and Caesar both walk outside to waiting room. "Would you like pictures?" The nurse asks us. "Yes, and thank you." I say while she gets the pictures and clean Dracy off.
We walk out, and I smile. "Why don't we go and eat. On me." I say with my smile. Everyone nods, and walks outside.
When we get to the place, we all get out. "Thank you, Harry." Dracy says as we walk in. "For?" I asks.
"Doing this for everyone, for loving me, and so much more." Dracy says with a smile. I just smile at her, and kiss her. She kisses back, which didn't last long. "You two done. We want to eat." Caesar says, and Cato hits his arm.
"Caesar be nice! Anyways, dad wanted to know what drink you wanted." Cato says with smile. Me, and Dracy chuckle. "I would like a Pepsi, and Harry would like sweet tea." Dracy says as looks at her brothers.
Cato and Caesar walk to tell Mr. Malfoy. Me and Dracy, walk to the table. "Took you long enough." My dad says, while rolling his eyes.
I roll my eyes, and wasn't long until they brought our drinks and asked what we wanted to eat. 
We all were chatting, and having a good time. Dad and Mr. Malfoy were telling what to expect from Dracy during her pregnancy.
Cato was talking to Caesar about a girls Caesar likes, and are planning to date. Mum and Dracy we're talking about baby things.
This is one of meals where you don't want to walk away from, and you want to stay in.
This was a meal that you wish everyone could have at least one like. But, you know not everyone gets. If anyone came to talk to anyone of us.
But, when it was time to leave. No one was sorry to go. It was a fun night, and everyone was tried.
"Harry, I want our Christmas like that." Dracy says as I'm driving home. I glance at her, and hold my hand out. She takes a hand, and I kiss her hand. "Me too, love." I say with a smile.
"The twins are going to grow up in a happy home. With a big family. 2 uncles, 1 aunt, 2 grandfathers, and 1 grandmother that love them." Dracy says with a huge smile.
"Talking about aunts. Where was your sister?" Dracy asks me, and I take a deep breath.
"She was at work, and couldn't make it. But, she wants to be there for the next one." I say as I glance at her. "Okay, then I will call her tomorrow and tell when the next appointment is." Dracy says as nods her head, agreeing with her self.
When we finally get home, Dracy is fast asleep. I get out, making sure not to make to much noise, and get her out. I carry her inside, and into our bedroom. I lay her down, and cover her up.
I go back outside, get her purse, and go back inside. I made sure to put the pictures of the babies, into her purse. When, I get inside I got the pictures out.  And her purse away.
Then, I headed to bed. I got changed and changed Dracy, making sure not to wake her up.
I quickly fall asleep, after I got in bed and cuddled with her. This is the nights where I can sleep for days, because if how comfortable it is.
I sleep dreamless that night, like every night I'm with Dracy. And when I woke up, I found my blonde haired, greyish blue eyes girlfriend still in my arms, still asleep.
I can't help, but smile. I was looking at her body, her curves fit my hands. Her body in general is amazing, from every her curve to her smile. She is perfect. And our kids are going to be perfect.
When she wakes up, she kisses me like everyday and cuddled closer to me. We would stay like this for days, if we could.
"Come we need to get up." I say with a frown. Today I have a meeting, and Dracy has stuff to do.
She groans, but gets up. I kiss her forehead, while getting up. After that, I go and get dressed. I make sure to put my contacts in, and to wear my black suit.
"You know, that's my favorite suit on you." Dracy says as she comes in the bathroom. "You know why, right?" She asks me, and I shrug my shoulders.
"Because you were wearing this suit, the night we got to together, and you wore this the night we fucked for the first time." Dracy says with a smirk.
"You remember all those times, and me wearing this suit?" I ask making sure she wasn't making this up. Because I can barely remember 6 days ago.
"Yes, because I remember how easy it was to get all the buttons, unbuttoned." She says as she moves closer to me. I roll my eyes. "No, we are not fucking." I say and continue to get ready.
I could feel her roll her eyes, and walk out to get dressed. "And don't think about fucking yourself!" I yell at the door.
"Shut the bloody hell up, Harry!" She yells back, and quickly goes down stairs. Harry could hear Dracy stomp down the stairs. He laughed to himself.
"Harry!" Dracy yells in her concerned and scared voice. Harry looks at the door, and walks into the bedroom.
He grabs his gun, and heads downstairs. "Harry?!" Dracy yells again, this time you could hear the crying and scaredness in her voice.
I got to Dracy. And...

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