Chapter 2: A Tether to What Was

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Ace: "So V? What's all the fuss about? You rarely ever use Neo to contact me."

V: "While it is true, I prefer not to contact you through your...friend. The importance of our meeting supersedes my preferences."

Ace: "Okay. Hey, where's the overgrown chicken?"

V: "Griffon is currently accompanying my benefactor."

Ace: "Benefactor?! Aren't you moving up in the world. Now mind explaining what you wanted me for?" V gestures for Ace to follow.

The two head through a small pathway that leads deeper into the underground space V had dug. Walking through the expansive area reminded him of how he first got V this space under the apartment complex. As Ace reminisced, he was brought back to reality as he felt the panther, Shadow, rub against his leg. Out of all of V's familiars, Shadow was by far the most emotional despite the inability to speak like Griffon. But he would never admit that Nightmare was his favorite out of the three.

Reaching a small room filled with pipes that seemed to be frozen solid and all connected into a small human-sized pod. Ace couldn't tell what lay within the pod due to the frozen glass lid. The two walked over to a set of computers hooked up to the machine.

Ace: "V? Where did you get all this stuff? Please tell me you aren't having Shadow steal for you?"

V: "Heh, no, no. This would be because of my benefactor."

Ace: "Yeah, your..benefactor. Who you still haven't told me who THEY are."

???: "That's because he didn't want to spoil the surprise."

Ace quickly turns, recognizing the feminine voice. He tightens his grip on his revolver as Winter Schnee walks into the room, followed by Neo and a set of robotic guards. One of which is heavily modified. Flying in behind the group was a large black bird, one of V's familiars, Griffon.

Ace: "Winter Schnee. I'd say it's a pleasure to see you again, but I'm not under your payroll anymore."

Winter Schnee looked much older than she actually was. A side effect of having to pick up the pieces of her family's empire. After the death of her family, she was the last remaining. She turned the Dust Company into something she was more comfortable running, a private military company. Now going by Schnee Military Core, she practically owns everything in New Beacon. Police, Fire Department, Hospitals even the traffic lights had her company's symbol somewhere on them.

While her company practically owned New Beacon, she had been one of the main reasons the city still stood. Her military had defended the city from all forms of threats, Grimm, bandit clans, and the occasional terrorist group.

Neo: "Aww, I thought you'd be happier to see me, Ace." A small choker on her throat seemed to pulse, an implant which allowed the mute to speak finally.

Ace: "What kind of shit do you need V for, Winter? Finally got tired of you half-ass yes men you call advisors."

Winter: "While I wish we could conduct our usual banter. We're here in business. Did you show him?"

V: "Not yet. But since we're all here, might as well."

Griffon: "Ace! Hey! It's good to see you, bucko. How've you been?"

Ace: "Could be better. But at least I can count on you not to keep secrets from me."

Winter: "That is if he can keep his beak shut. But he does his job of keeping me informed of V and his work quite well. And besides, I always preferred birds over cats." Running her fingers along Griffon's feathers, causing the familiar to release a shiver of pleasure.

Ace: "Ok, am I the only one who doesn't know what's going on!?!" There was a silence in the room as Shadow did a slight nod up to Ace. "Great, even the cat is in on it."

V: "Enough...Ace the reason I brought you is that you were the only one who could help...reintegrate someone into the current time."

Ace: "Reintegrate? Who the fuck am I reintegrating?"

V then begins typing on one of the computers. The coolant then stops flowing to the pod as the pod begins to defrost. Ace watched as the glass became more visible. Eventually, he was able to see clearly into the container. Inside was a woman around his age, perhaps a year older. She had solid short black hair, and wore a solid white cloak over a pure black outfit.

Ace: "So who's the bombshell?" Having a cocked eyebrow as the woman was quite good-looking.

V: "This is Summer Rose."

Ace: "Wait! THE Summer Rose?! Isn't she supposed to be dead or some shit?"

Winter: "She was. That was until my team and I found her when we raided the castle of Salem. We found her in its inner depths inside Arthur Watts's laboratory. It seemed Salem wished to hold Summer hostage as to have some kind of edge over Ozpin. We found her like this, and V insisted that we should reintegrate her properly. My personal opinion is that I should've handled the process, but V said you would do just fine."

Ace: "Wait, so you guys are just going to throw this all on me? And not even tell me!"

Neo: "Oh, please, would you have accepted our offer if we told you ahead of time? Come on, we know you better than that. Besides, we'll be paying you."

Ace: " long before she wakes up?"

V: "Right about now."

They watch as the silver-eyed huntress awakens. She's slow to awaken as the pod door opens, V being the first to approach.

V: "Miss Rose, are you alright?" Ace realizing something.

Ace: "Uh V, that's not a good idea."

Summer's vision slowly returns as she can make out a white-haired individual wearing black clothing standing in front of her. Before V could react, Summer kicks him away as she takes V's cane and holds it over him, ready to stab him. Thrusting downward towards the blurred person, she hears a loud gunshot as the came goes flying from her grip.

Ace: "Hey!!" Summer's vision somewhat returned to look towards Ace. He could tell that she was able to see him. "Calm down. We aren't going to hurt you. But I'm not going to let you kill my friend."

Summer looked around; as her vision had fully returned, she didn't recognize anything about this room. Looking down, she sees V breathing quickly. Realizing what she almost did, she quickly gets off him and stands a good distance from the others. Ace hadn't put away his revolver as he helped V to his feet, Shadow bringing over his cane.

Summer: "I'm-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that.. I just saw your hair and-and thought it was her-"

Ace: "Don't be sorry. It was a bit of our fault as well. We didn't think the white hair would set you off until the last moment. Now. Are you going to behave?" Summer nods, causing Ace to holsters his revolver. "Good. Now then, do you know your name?"

Summer: "Yes. My name is Summer Rose, and I am a huntress of Beacon Academy and leader of team SRTQ. Who are you all?"

Ace: "I'm Ace, this is V. Over there is Winter Schnee, daughter of Jacques Schnee, and next to her is Neo. What was the last thing you remember?"

Summer: "I remember going to Vacuo on a mission from Ozpin. Then I was attacked by a man with a scorpion tail. Then I blacked out, but I knew he worked for her."

Winter: "You mean Salem?"

Summer: "Wait, you know her?! That means your with Ozpin. He should be able to help me through what's going on. Where is he? You know what, never mind, I have to get home; Ruby must be worried sick." She begins to walk towards the exit, but her stomach starts to growl heavily.

Ace: "Looks like your hungry. Here you can eat first while I give you a rundown on what you missed. Got any food, V?"

V: "Of course, Shadow will show you the way." Shadow then leads Summer towards the kitchen.

Winter: "Ace...Don't drop the news too hard on her. Okay?" Her voice sounded sorrowful and pleading. Ace knew why; he knew all too well.

Child of Omens Ruination: Aftermathजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें