Hook chuckled. "Careful love, you're sounding almost Boreadonian there."

"Oh perish the thought," Milah chuckled as she looked up to kiss Hook on the lips. "Now I do believe we were going to introduce Harriet to Sammy?"

"That was your doing love, you're the one who came in here with Harriet."

"Oh come on now, I thought we were a team?"

"We are and we always will be a team but 'we'? Really?"

Milah shook her head in amusement. "Alright fine, I'll go and introduce Harriet to Sammy. Better?"

"Much," Hook nodded.

"Captain Hook...more like Captain Pedantic," Milah muttered. "And wasn't it your idea to have Harriet meet Sammy anyway?"

"You know I can hear you right? The cannon fire hasn't made me deaf."

"That's the idea love," Milah called to him as she broke from his arms and began to make her way down the hall to the bedrooms. "If I didn't want you to hear me, I wouldn't have said it out loud or in the same room as you."

Harriet cooed softly from in her mother's arms, preventing Hook from firing back a retort as he smiled at the sound. Yes he enjoyed hearing Jess just as much but there was something different about hearing the coo of the child he'd waited nine months to meet.

Oh Gods, if the crew ever heard him say those words, he knew he could expect a mutiny to be certain as they'd never follow someone who'd gone soft. Well almost all the crew would mutiny. Smee wouldn't.

Smee's a good First Mate, he may be a bumbling oaf but he's loyal, Hook thought as he followed Milah and Harriet to the Smees' bedroom where Sammy and Jess were located.

"Oh! Captain! Captainess!" Smee said as he noticed them in the doorway. "Is everything okay?"

"Everything is fine William," Milah said with a small smile. "I just thought I'd introduce Harriet to Sammy if that was okay with you and Mollie?"

"Of course," Mollie said with a small smile of her own as Sammy cooed on the bed, propped up by a couple of pillows. Her ash blonde hair had already begun to grow fairly long, longer than what one might keep their hair on the Isle but then again, there really wasn't anywhere Mollie could go to trim Sammy's hair.

Curl Up and Dye wasn't exactly the best place for a baby to go and in all honesty, the Tremaine women might have been good midwives but they weren't the most patient of hairstylists.

On top of that, Sammy was, well, a baby so the threats of the Isle didn't yet register with her.

"Harriet, this is Sammy," Milah said as she slowly sat down on the edge of the bed. "Her papa is your papa's First Mate and her mama is our ally over on The Rose."

"What were you saying about me being the one to always make things fit within the pirate spectrum, love?" Hook asked, amusement evident in his voice as he leaned against the doorframe.

"It's never too early for Harriet to know these things or Jess for that matter," Milah said, smiling at Jess as she laid on the bed on her stomach. Jess cooed as she looked at Milah, content to just lie there.

"Has she needed anything?" Milah asked, looking at Smee.

"Young Mistress Jess has been as good as good can be," Smee said. "We fed her about an hour ago when we fed Sammy lunch, I hope you don't mind Captainess."

"Why would I mind you making sure my daughter got food, William?" Milah asked. "And you really don't have call her that. You don't have to call either of my daughters that."

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