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Gordon said okay and left the room. I went down to the living room and watched TV until lunch. Then, I went to Andrew's room and asked, "Do you need to be changed?" Andrew said yes. I replied, "Get up on the changing table." Andrew did as I asked, and I changed him. Then, I asked, "How is your homework going?" Andrew said, "It's going good. In about half an hour, I will be done." I said, "Okay, when you are done, you can go watch TV in the living room." Andrew said okay. I then left the room and went to the kitchen. I told Gordon to make burgers and fries for lunch and informed him that Devon's mom would be here for lunch as she is picking up Devon. Gordon said okay. I went to the living room and watched more TV. A few minutes later, Andrew came down and sat beside me. We watched TV for 30 minutes when the doorbell rang. I went to the door, opened it, and saw Devon's mom and Nicky. I said, "Come in, you guys can sit in the living room. I'm going to check to see if lunch is ready yet." I went into the kitchen.

Gordon said, "Lunch is ready."

I went into the living room and told everyone that lunch was ready. We went into the kitchen. I had just sat down when I received a call. I looked at my phone and saw that it was the head of the military. I went to my room and answered my phone. He said, "Hi Prince Jake, your dad isn't available, and we need you to allow a mission to go rescue Noah as he got caught by the plant we are at war with." I asked, "What would be the best outcome if we sent a man there to rescue him?" He replied, "We send a 5-man unit out, and the most likely outcome is that we lose 2 men." I said, "I can't allow it. I'm sorry. I know he is your son, and he is also my best friend. He is like a brother to me. And I know if we don't rescue him, he will be killed. But I can't approve a mission where 2 men die to rescue one." He said, "I understand. I know this was a hard decision for you to make."

I said, "Send Noah's little brother Adam here. I will make sure he is safe. He is 8 years old, right?" He replied, "Yes, he is 8. I will send him to you tomorrow morning."

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