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I got down on my knees so I was at Adam's eye level and said, "Adam, yes, my dad sent me there."

Adam then said, "Did they really do all those things to you?"

I said, "Yes, Adam. They did do those things to me."

Adam said, "Jake, is that why you were upset this morning?"

I said, "Yes, that's why I was upset this morning. And I just told Andrew that I was sent there this morning, but I didn't tell him what happened to me there. Adam  it's important that you don't tell him."

Adam said, "Okay I won't Jake and it's okay, I can wait to eat."

I said, "No, Adam. I want you to eat the sandwich. Okay, I'll be fine. Now go and get the sandwich. It's in my backpack." Adam leaves, he comes down, and Devon and Nicky's mom called Devon and Nicky for lunch, and we sit at the table and they eat.

Devon said, "Jake, why aren't you eating?"

I said, "I'm not hungry."

After lunch, Devon's mom went to the grocery store, and Devon, Adam, and I went to Devon's room. I gave Adam his iPad so he could watch movies. Devon was playing video games, and I was texting Bradley and doing some paperwork. An hour goes by, and I hear Adam peeing. Devon is busy playing his video games, so I go over to Adam and check his Goodnite. It wasn't too wet, so I went back to doing paperwork. Three hours passed, I was done, and I noticed Adam peeing again, so I decided to change his Goodnite. I said, "Adam, let's go to the bathroom." I pick him up he was still watching a movie on his iPad, so I took him to the bathroom and changed him into a fresh Goodnite.

Adam said, "Thanks, Jake, for letting me wear."

I said, "No problem."

Adam then said, "Um, Jake, do you wet the bed?"

I said, "Yes, Adam, I do."

We then go back to Devon's room.

When Nicky said, "Jake, can we talk for a few minutes?"

I said, "Sure, Adam, go to Devon's room." And Adam leaves, and Nicky and I go to Nicky's room.

Nicky said, "Jake, I want you to know what I said about my brother when we first met."

I said, "I remember."

Nicky said, "I was mad at him. I know that's no excuse, but  the  accident I had made me feel horrible about saying those things. Do you think Devon hates me?"

I said, "Nicky, Devon doesn't hate you, and I know if you went and apologized now, he would forgive you."

We go to Devon's room, and I tell Adam to go to the living room. Adam left, and I went to leave.

Nicky said, "Jake, stay please... Devon, I want you to know that I'm sorry for making fun of you about your bedwetting Can you ever forgive me?"

Devon said, "Nicky, I forgive you."

Then someone knocked on the door, and Nicky said, "That must be my friend." So Nicky goes to the front door, and I go to get Adam. I see Nicky answer the front door, and he said , "Hi, Steve," and Steve kisses him. Nicky said, "Steve, my mom doesn't know."

Steve said, "Oh yeah, I'm sorry." Then they saw me.

I said, "You two like each other. Don't worry, I won't say anything to your mom or Devon, but you can't keep it hidden forever. Your mom and Devon will find out."

Nicky said, "I know, but I'm not ready to tell my mom. I'm not sure how she'll react, but I'm going to tell Devon." He then calls Devon down, and when Devon gets to the living room, Nicky said, "Devon, I need to tell you something. Steve and I like each other."

Devon said, "So you're gay?"

Nicky said, "Yes, we are."

Devon said, "Nicky, I'm a little upset that you didn't tell me before, but I understand why."

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