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I wake up and wet the bed again, but the Goodnite held it all in, so I took off the Goodnite and got dressed. Then, I went to the bathroom to put the Goodnite in the garbage and I went to the living room.

Bradley asked, "What do you want to eat?"

I replied, "Waffles."

Bradley said, "Okay."

He then made me the waffles and gave them to me. I ate them and then went to my room to pick up two Goodnites and put them in my backpack. After that, I went to the front door, put my shoes on, and said, "Bradley, I'm going over to a friend's house after school and spending the night."

Bradley replied, "Okay, call me tomorrow when you need me to pick you up. Oh, and since you won't be here tonight, can I go to a movie?"

I said, "Yes, you can."

Bradley said, "Thanks."

I then left for school, and the first class was math. I finished all my math work in the first 15 minutes of class. I went to the teacher and said, "I'm done with my work," and handed it to her. She checked to make sure I did all the work and then said, "You have free time for the rest of the class."

I replied, "Okay." I looked over at Devon, who was about halfway done. Then, I looked at the rest of the class, and they weren't even a quarter done with their work. I sat down and played games on my phone. Twenty minutes later, Devon finished his work and gave it to the teacher. The teacher said, "You have free time too, Devon." He then came over and sat beside me, saying, "You're pretty smart. I'm the smartest kid in school, but I guess the title belongs to you now."

I said, "If you were the smartest kid in school, why were you being picked on the other day?"

Devon replied, "Are you joking? I'm sure you got picked on in your school for being smart."

I said, "Yes, I'm joking."

We talked for the rest of the class, but I kept thinking that smart people get bullied on this planet. On my planet, if you're smart, you don't get bullied. That's not to say we didn't have bullies, but it was us smart ones who would be the bullies because our power was stronger.

The bell rang, and Devon and I went to our next class. I finished the work in 20 minutes and then went on my phone. The class ended, and Devon and I went outside.

Devon said, "The bus will be here in 30 minutes."

I asked, "You take the bus?"

Devon replied, "Yes."

I said, "Okay."

I then called Bradley and said, "Bradley, I need a ride to my friend's house."

Bradley said, "Okay, I'll be right there."

Ten minutes later, he pulled up. I told Devon to get in the back seat. Bradley got out and opened the passenger door. Devon got in the back seat, and I got in the front passenger seat. Bradley shut the door and got in the driver's seat. We drove away, and Devon said, "You have a Ferrari."

I replied, "Yes."

Devon said, "Cool." He then told us his address, and Bradley put it in the GPS. We arrived at his house, got out of the car, and I thanked Bradley before he left. We then went into Devon's house, and Devon's older brother

 said, "You have a Ferrari, and you're hanging around my loser brother? Why? Now he wet the bed like a baby

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said, "You have a Ferrari, and you're hanging around my loser brother? Why? Now he wet the bed like a baby." At that comment, I made Devon's brother pee and poop his pants. Devon's mom

then walked around the corner and asked, "What's that smell?"

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then walked around the corner and asked, "What's that smell?"

I said, "Looks like one of your sons had a little accident," while looking right at Devon's brother. Their mom looked at him and said, "He did." She then told Nicky to go to the bathroom and that she would bring him a change of clothes.

Nicky left the room, and I introduced myself, saying, "Hi, my name is Jake."

She replied, "Hi Jake. You guys can go play video games." She then left to get Nicky some clothes, and Devon and I went to his room. We turned on the TV and PS4. Devon said, "I saw your hand move yesterday, and the kid peed his pants. Then today, you moved your hand like that, and my older brother, who's never had an accident, peed and pooped his pants. I know you made both of them do it, and no human could do that. It must be from this plant, not me."

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