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Andrews pov

I saw a few tears running down Jake's face, so I got up and hugged him. I then said, "Jake, are you okay?" He then said, "I have to go check on Adam," and left my room.

Jake's POV:

I had a flashback of everything I went through at the military school. I was beaten, locked up in a dark room by myself with no food or water for 24 hours. These were used as punishments, and people of all ages were there, but I was the only kid. I knew I couldn't tell Andrew any of these things as he would hate Dad. I know this because I hated Dad when I first got out. I mean, how could he send me there when I was only 8, knowing what they do? The only way I made it through was because of Bradley. He protected me. I met him inside.

I got to my room and I was in tears, which woke up Adam. He asked me why I was crying. I said, "I'm just going through some bad memories." Adam then got out of bed and gave me a hug. We then sat on the bed for a few minutes. I now felt a lot better, so I said, "Adam, let's get you changed." I then fetched a Goodnite bed mat and put it on the bed. Adam got on the mat and I  off his messy Goodnite, and I wiped Adam's bum clean. I said, "Adam, underwear or  Goodnite." He said, "Goodnight," so I put a Goodnite on him. He then got up and got dressed and took the bed mat and poopy Goodnite to the trash can.

Adam and I then went to the kitchen and sat at the table, with Adam right beside me. Bradley was making breakfast, and Andrew and Gordon came in and sat down at the table. We ate breakfast, and Andrew asked, "Jake, are you okay?" I said, "Yes, I'm okay."

Andrew said, "Can we talk privately?" I said, "Yes," so we went to his room. He said, "Why didn't you ever tell me that Dad sent you there?" I said, "Andrew, I never told you because I was protecting you."

I then left the room and went to my room. When my cell phone rang, I answered it. It was Devon. He asked me to sleep over. I said, "Maybe, I just have to ask my mom something." Devon said, "Okay," and he called his mom. She came and Devon gave her the phone. I said, "Hi, Devon's mom. Devon asked if I could sleep over."

Devon's mom said, "Yes, he already asked me if you can sleep over.I said, Yes"

I said " I figured he ask you the reason  I asked to speak with you is because my younger brother is going through a bit of a tough time. He can't seem to sleep by himself, so he's been sleeping with me. If I'm going to sleep over for the night, I would be bringing him, and I just wanted to make sure you're okay with it."

Devon's mom said, "Yes, you can bring your little brother."

I said, "Thanks, see you soon." I then ended the call and went to pack my bag and Adam's bag. I then went to the kitchen and said, "Adam, I'm going to sleep over at a friend's tonight, and I asked if you could come too, and they said yes."

Adam said, "Thanks, Jake. When are we going over?"

I said, "Now. Do you want to go take off your Goodnite and put underwear on?" Adam said, "No, I'll stay in my Goodnite. I have loose pants on, so they won't know I have it on." I said, "Okay."

I said  "Bradley, "I'm sleeping over at Devon's tonight, and I'm bringing Adam with me."

He said, "Okay, what time?"

I said, "Now." We then went to the car and went to Devon's house. I said "thanks Bradley"  and Adam and I got out of the car. I went to the front door and knocked.

Devon answered the door and we went in. Adam and I went to the living room. I said to Devon, "This is Adam, and Adam, this is Devon." They shook hands. I said, "Adam, go sit on the couch. I'm going to take the bags to the room we're sleeping in." Adam went to the couch, and I carried the bags to the guest room. Devon followed me.

We got to the room, and Devon said, "My mom said you're bringing your little brother. I thought you didn't have a little brother."

I said, "I don't. He is the son of the Head of the Military, and his brother, who was a very good friend, was captured and killed by the plane we're at war with. So, I told his dad to send him here." We then went to the living room, and I sat on the couch. When Adam whispered into my ear, "I just peed in my Goodnite," I whispered back to him, "Do you want me to change you?" He said, "No." Devon's mom then came into the living room.

I said "hi" and introduced her to Adam. We watched TV for an hour when I heard some wet farts come from Adam. I whispered to Adam, "Are you pooping?" He said "yes." I said, "Okay" it's stuck a little, but no one else has noticed yet. So I whispered to Adam, "Let's go and get you changed." Adam whispered back, "Okay." So we went to the guest room, and I put a Goodnites bed mat on the bed. Adam then got on it, and I took off his pants and dirty Goodnite, wiped him clean, and put a new Goodnite on him.

He then got up and put his pants on, and I took the dirty Goodnite and wipes and left the room. Adam went to the living room, and I went to the bathroom and put the wipes in the trash. I was just about to put the Goodnite in when Devon's mom walked in and saw me holding the poopy Goodnite. I said hi and told her that Adam had been having issues with making it to the bathroom, so he wears Goodnites 24/7.

She said, "Okay, you seem to be a good older brother, even though he's not your little brother. I heard the conversation you had, and I know he's the son of the Head of the Military of your planet, and I know the tough choice you had to make about his brother."

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