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I look at Devon. I don't know what to tell him. Should I tell him the truth? Should I lie? I thought about it for 5 minutes and decided to tell him the truth. I said, "Devon when Devon's mom walks into the room and she says that we are going out for dinner."

We follow her to the living room, put on our shoes, and go out to the car. Nicky comes out of the house and sits in the front seat. Devon and I get in the back seat, and Devon's mom gets in the driver's seat. We go to Denny's, sit down, and after a few minutes, a waiter comes over to take our order. Devon, Nicky, and their mom all order hamburgers with fries. I ordered the 10oz steak. We all ordered coffee to drink. We ate dinner.

The waiter comes to our table and asks, "Do you want a dessert menu?" Nicky and Devon's mom said no. The waiter leaves. We go to the cashier, and I say, "I'll pay for it," and pull out my bank card to pay. Nicky and Devon's mom leave the tip. We then go to the car and drive back to the house. Devon and I go to his room.

I say, "Devon, you're right. I'm not from this planet. I'm a prince on my planet." Devon asks, "Why are you here?" I reply, "I said my planet is at war with another planet right now, and my dad sent me here for my safety because I'm next in line to be king and I'm second in command on my planet."

Devon says, "You're the boss of your mom?" I clarify, "No, she was the second in command, but she passed away a couple of months ago." Devon asks, "Do you have any brothers?" I respond, "Yes, I have an older brother who is 15, but he's not responsible. So our dad told us that I was going to be the next king and the second in command."

Devon says, "So you get to boss him around?" I say, "Yes, but that also means I'm responsible for him. I have saved him from being stupid too many times to count. He's going to be here in a week. He was going to come with me, but I told my dad I didn't want the extra stress when getting everything set up."

Devon says, "Oh, it doesn't sound like you like your brother very much." I clarify, "I like my brother. I just get tired of him acting like a 3-year-old." Devon and I then play video games until 11 pm when we go to bed. I wake up at 7 in the morning and realize I wet the bed again. The Goodnite held it all in I keep the goodnite on and I get dressedand call Bradley to come pick me up.

I wait for 10 minutes, and when he shows up, I get in the car and go home and I go to my room and I put my wet goodnite in the trash.

A week goes by, and today my brother is coming with his servant. My brother's name is Andrew, and his servant's name is Gordon. It's lunchtime now, and Devon is over. We were playing video games when Bradley comes in and says, "Your brother and servant are just waiting for your permission to enter Earth." I get on the phone and say, "You can enter Earth, and the autopilot will bring you here." 30 minutes later, my brother and Gordon

" 30 minutes later, my brother and Gordon

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walk into the house, and I introduce Devon, my brother, and Gordon to each other

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walk into the house, and I introduce Devon, my brother, and Gordon to each other. We then go for dinner, and after we finish dinner, we go home.

The next day at school, my brother makes some friends who are troublemakers. After school, they ask him to meet up with them later that night. He says, "Okay, I'll meet you there." I say, "Andrew, you will not be going out tonight." He replies, "I do whatever I want to." He then gets in the car, and I get in too. We go home, and I tell him that he will not be going out.

He says, "Fuck you." I respond, "Andrew, go to your room now." He refuses, so I take his phone out of his hand and say, "If you don't go to your room now, you won't get your phone back for 2 days, and I will also take away your video game for 5 days." He reluctantly agrees and goes to his room. An hour later, I go to his room and give him his phone back, then leave his room. He stays in his room. At around 7, I hear a window open and shut in his room, so I send Gordon to check on him. Gordon comes back and says everything is fine.

At 11 at night, the house phone rings. It's the cops. They say, "We have Andrew..." So we go down to the police station, and they tell us that he and some friends were at the golf course and did a whole lot of damage. We pay his bail and go home.

I say, "Andrew, I've had enough of you acting like you are 3 years old. But I can see you can't act your age, so you will be treated like you are 3 years old."

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