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Note this chapter will switch from me telling to my brother tell the story

I tell him to go to his room, and I go to the ABDL store to get a box of diapers, a crib, and a changing table. We go to the cash registers, pay, and get the crib and changing table for delivery. The cashier said the earliest it can be delivered is tomorrow at 5. I said that's fine, and we go to the car and head home. I put the box of diapers in the bathroom and then go to my brother's room and say, "Andrew, tonight is your last night as a big boy. Tomorrow, starting at 5pm, you will be treated like a baby."

Andrew's POV:

My brother Jake said tonight is my last night as a teenager. Tomorrow at 5pm, I'm going to be a baby. I know he is just bluffing. I know he's not actually going to go through with it. It is now midnight, so I'm go to bed. I wake up at 10, go down to the living room, and watch TV. At 12, we have lunch. After lunch, I go back to the living room and start playing video games. At 5, my brother comes in and says to me, "if you need Togo to the bathroom I suggest you do it now Because in a few minutes, you will be diapered." I had to poop, but I know my brother won't actually diaper me, so I will just go after I finish this level.

Jake's POV:

I knew Andrew didn't believe me last night, so at 5, I told him that he better go to the bathroom now because he will be diapered in a few minutes. I then leave the room and go to the kitchen. I get a text. It was the delivery driver, and he said he will be there in 5 minutes. I replied, "Ok, come through the back door." 5 minutes later, I go to the back door, and 2 minutes later, the guy arrived. He brings in the crib and changing table, and I take him up to Andrew's room. Andrew is still so busy playing his games, he hasn't noticed anything yet. I get Bradley and Gordon to take my brother's things to the garage. They do, and the guy sets up the changing table and crib. When he's finished, I say thanks, and he leaves. I walk down to the living room and see Gordon. I tell him to go get the diapers from the bathroom. I go to the living room, and Andrew was just finishing his game. I say, "Come with me." He follows me to his room. When I open the door, he sees the changing table and crib, and sees Gordon walk in with a pack of diapers. His face drops.

Andrew's POV:

My brother tells me to follow him to my room, and when I get inside, I see all my stuff is gone and  I see a crib and changing table. I then see my servant walk in with a pack of diapers. I release shit. My brother was not bluffing. I have to go poop. I should have gone when he warned me, but maybe if I say I'm sorry, he won't go through with it anymore.

Jake's POV:

Andrew said, "I'm sorry, please don't, Jake. I'm sorry, I promise I will behave." I said, "Andrew, you had your chance, and I'm sorry, but my mind is made up."

Andrew's POV:

I should have just listened. If I didn't go out last night, I would not be in trouble.

Jake's POV:

I tell Andrew to get up on the changing table. He does, and he lies down. I then take his pants and underwear off. He doesn't say anything. I tell him to lift his bum, and he does without fighting it like I thought he would. Maybe he knows it would only make it worse. I finish diapering him and I say, "Andrew, let's go over the new rules."

1. Use the diaper for its intended purpose.

2. You will do what I say and wear what I say.

3. Gordon is now in charge of you, so you will do what he says, and Bradley is also the boss of you.

4. You will not change yourself. You will be changed by Gordon, Bradley, or me.

5. When we are out at the mall or dinner or whatever, you can wear regular clothes, but you will still have to wear the diaper and use it. When you're at school, you can wear your regular clothes, and you don't have to wear a diaper, and you can use the toilet.

6. If you break the rules or complain, you will have to wear diapers and baby clothes to school and when out in other places. Also, if you break the rules, I may decide to give you a spanking. And if I decide you deserve a spanking, it won't matter if we are out in public, at school, or in front of your friends. I will put you over my knee and give you a spanking. But if you behave and don't put up a fuss for a week, I will return your TV, video game, and phone to you.

"Do you understand these new rules?"

Andrew said, "Yes, Jake." I put him in his crib, and I go to the living room and put pizza in the oven. It will take half an hour to cook.

Andrew's POV:

I sit in the crib, and I have to poop very badly, but I'm going to hold it in for as long as I can. I know it's not going to be very long. 15 minutes goes by, and the poop starts to force its way out. I'm trying my hardest to keep it in. A few minutes later, the first piece of poop goes into my diaper. There is no use in fighting it anymore, so I just let it out. 5 minutes later, I finish pooping. It's all warm and sticky and mushy. I think to myself, "Why didn't I just listen yesterday? If I did, I wouldn't be here in a poopy diaper."

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