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I wake up and I'm excited because today I'm turning 13

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I wake up and I'm excited because today I'm turning 13. I get out of bed when my personal servant, Bradley,

says, "Good morning and happy birthday! What would you like for breakfast?"

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says, "Good morning and happy birthday! What would you like for breakfast?"

I reply, "Bacon and waffles."

Bradley asks, "Are you coming down or staying in your room?"

I respond, "I'm staying in my room."

Bradley says, "Okay, I'll bring them up."

I thank Bradley and he leaves. My name is Jake and I'm the Prince of my planet. My dad is the king, but my mom, who was the queen, was killed a few months ago by our neighboring planet with whom we have been at war for the past 5 years.

Bradley comes in and says, "The king would like to see you, sir."

I know my dad is standing outside my room because Bradley only calls me sir when my dad is around, as he knows I prefer to be called by my name.

I say, "Come in, dad."

My dad enters and Bradley leaves. My dad says, "You need to get out of your pajamas and get dressed. It's too dangerous to stay on this planet. You're going to a planet called Earth." He then leaves my room.

I get dressed, leave my room, and go to the spaceship. Bradley is waiting for me. As soon as I sit down, the ship takes off. Bradley is driving the ship until we get off my planet, and then the autopilot takes over and speeds up to the speed of light. It still takes 2 days to get to Earth.

I make the ship invisible and we enter Earth. We land in Los Angeles, USA. We then change the ship to look like a car. We go to a store and sell the gold we brought with us, which was a lot. We then buy a laptop and go to a coffee shop to use the wifi. I hack into the government's system and input our names and a made-up history, including where we lived, the schools we attended, where we were born, and many other things. When we finish, we use a special machine to make ID cards for both of us. We leave the coffee shop, open a bank account, and deposit the money we got from selling our gold, which was $10 million. We then buy a house, I get enrolled in school, and we go back to our house. We go to bed, and in the morning, I wake up feeling something odd. I pull the blankets off me and realize I wet the bed. I call Bradley, and he comes into my room and asks, "Jake, what do you need?"

I say, "Bradley, I wet the bed."

Bradley says, "I'm sorry. I'll change the bed right away."

I reply, "It's okay. Thanks." I then go to the living room and turn on the TV. There's an ad for Goodnites on TV. I watch TV for 15 minutes when Bradley comes into the living room and gives me breakfast, which is bacon and waffles.

I eat and then put on my shoes. Before I step outside, I tell Bradley, "Go to the store and get me some Goodnites." I leave and go to school.

I arrive at school and go to my first class. Not much happens until lunchtime when I'm walking to the lunchroom and see a kid from my class being pushed against the lockers by a taller kid who looks to be 15. I tell him to stop, but he says, "Mind your own business." He then goes to punch the kid against the locker. I use my powers to stop his arm without touching him. I then make him pee his pants. Another kid says, "Look, Jimmy peed his pants!" Jimmy runs away, and I go over to the kid against the lockers and ask for his name.

 Another kid says, "Look, Jimmy peed his pants!" Jimmy runs away, and I go over to the kid against the lockers and ask for his name

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He says, "My name is Devon."

I ask Devon, "Do you want to come with me to get some lunch?"

He says, "Sure."

We then go to the lunchroom, eat lunch, and talk until lunch ends. I ask him if he wants to sleep over tomorrow night since it's Friday. He says, "Sure." We then go back to class. The school day ends, and I walk back home. I get home and watch TV. At 6, Bradley brings me dinner, and we continue watching TV until 10. I then ask Bradley, "Did you go to the store and get Goodnites?"

Bradley says, "Yes, they're in your room."

I say, "Okay, thank you," and go to my room to put on a Goodnite and go to bed.

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