They fake coughed and he came out of his trance and saw all 3 of them giving him a teasing smile to which he realised that they heard what he said.

Cabir: So what were you saying? You will not leave Mukti when she is back... What's your plan haaaa?

Manik: Someone's hormones are at peak right now.

Abhi: I..It's not like that ok... Anyways I am hungry if you guys don't want to join then I am having dinner alone.

And without waiting for their reply he ran from there.

Later on they had their dinner with few chit chat and teasing each other and then went to their respective rooms.

Cabir came to Manik's room as they had something important to discuss.

Cabir: Manik is everything ready for tomorrow? This project is very important for us. We can't lose it.

Manik: Don't worry Cabir I have finished with the presentation work and mailed it to you. Tomorrow we will directly go to Oberoi Heights for the meeting and I am sure that we will crack the deal.

Cabir: Cool then I guess we should call it a day and even you go to sleep now don't overwork.

He walked out and Manik closed the door and laid on the back. He took his phone and video called Nandini who picked his call on first ring.

Manik: Seems like you were waiting for my call.

Nandini: I knew you will call me.. So did you saw my pictures?

Manik: Are you purposely trying to tease me?

Nandini: (giggling) Very smart ha. You caught my trick.

Manik: (smirks) Ahha wrong move my dear just wait till you are back.

Nandini: (blushing) I guess its too late we should go to bed.

Manik: Sleep as much as you want once you are with me you will not get much sleep.

Nandini: Will see that later on.

Manik: Anyways before sleeping wish me luck. I have a very important meeting tomorrow.

Nandini: I am 100% sure you will crack the deal. All the best. Love you. Now sleep or else you won't be able to wake up on time tomorrow.

Manik: Bye take care. Come back soon. I miss you.

He cuts the call and both went to sleep.

Next Morning:

All the boys were sitting on the dining table having their breakfast but unlike other days Cabir was sitting quietly and was lost in some deep thoughts.

Abhi: Cabir... Cabir.

He called him few times but he didn't respond to him so Abhi shouted in his ears.


Cabir: Huh? Bro why are you shouting in my ears?

Abhi: I am calling you from last 5 min. What were you thinking ha?

Cabir: Nothing.

Manik: Cabir what's wrong? And don't you dare say its nothing because we know there's something going on in your mind. So speak up.

Cabir: I am tensed. This deal is very important for us Manik. I am not questioning your abilities but I am sure our competitors will do something or the other to bring us down.

Manik: Cabir I told you yesterday that we will surely get this deal so just chill. (smirks) Afterall Manik Malhotra never loses so you don't worry. Now if you are done we should get going or else we will be late for the meeting.

Manan: Baby loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن