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There was the sound of shuffling feet, clanking metal, and snares coming from non-other than a creature that had just ran from out the side of the stone wall. I gripped the sword that laid to the left side of my figure, standing up as I swung the blade in an upright position, cutting the hand off of the Orc that just about impelled me with his sword.

I then instantly stabbed the Orc directly in the abdomen, causing him to fall to the ground dead, the life being sucked out of his body in less than a second. I turned my body around to face another Orc who snapped snares viciously with a devilish grin planted upon his cursed face. He went to take a swing towards my figure, but I blocked him well, groaning at the physical pain that continuously tormented my body.

I impaled the Orc in just a matter of seconds before turning my body, heavy breaths relieving themselves from my chest, my eyes then falling onto the limp and peaceful body of Kili. The grief and sorry that was bestowed upon me was worse than I imagined. I truly loved Kili. Whether I realised it or not. I truly did love him. My heart tore from the fact that I wasn't going to spend the rest of my life with him, but if that was what fate decided, then it will be my best to accept it and continue on with no fear of my destiny.

“I must finish this fight.”, I breathed out, looking to the lifeless body that laid before me, my lips quivering and my eyes holding back the tears. “I’m sorry.”, I breathed out, slowly walking away from Kili before turning quickly in rushing back down to find my uncle. I needed to make sure he was alright. I slashed a few walks on the way down towards the glacier, icy top. I turn my body to the right seeing Thorin standing against the ice before almost instantly a blade from beneath surface stab through his foot as he growled in pain.

I looked ahead and proceeded to run to Thorin and he pale Orc, Azog. Thorin got a few slices in Azog before he whipped around his mace and knocked Thorin backwards with a strong blow advancing on him quickly.

I yelled and charged at Azog. Navigating myself on broken chunks of ice that were already covered in freezing water was harder than I expected it to be. Thankfully, Azog wasn’t anticipating my attack, so I had that much on my side. I tackled the Orc, knocking him off balance. We slid around on the ice chuck and barely avoided spilling into the freezing water. I couldn’t land a clean blow, but I had to buy Thorin some more time. That’s all that really mattered, keeping Thorin alive.

That’s what I thought about as Azog finally regained control and grabbed me by the collar. I screamed as he lifted me into the air, cutting of my breathing supply. I kicked out and crawled at his grip, but it didn’t do very much good.

I’d dropped my sword only moments before, which made me feel incredibly exposed. I yelled out defiantly, giving one last kick before Azog threw me across the ice. I skitter helplessly on the slippery surface, crawling frantically for any type of grip at all. I felt my hands tear open, leaving blood trails behind.

The last thing I heard was the sound of Thorin’s voice calling my name just as I toppled over the frozen waterfall.

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