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The master had granted us food and water beyond imaginable. Everyone had eaten the bountiful food that had be laid before us, along with clothes and weapons. Some of the Dwarves were resting, some were talking amongst each other, and others were still eating the bounty. I had found comfortable place to sit, to think things over. I grabbed a stick and my pocketknife, carving a beautiful eagle into the wood.

Thought to myself deeply, wondering why it had seemed that Kili was almost trying his absolute best to stay clear from me. I was most certainly unaware if I had done something wrong, although nothing wouldn't added up. He was in pain, more pain than he should've had to deal with. It was, with no doubt, infected to of some sort.

I looked up, instantly locking gazes with Kili. He had been eyeing me down for a good long while now before he jerked his head back to the sword he was granted. I sighed placing my dagger and wooden carved object onto the seat below me. I slowly walked over to Kili, bending down before sitting against the ground completely, pulling my legs close to my chest and wrapping my arms around the front of my legs.

"You know", I paused. "If there's something you need or want to know", I exhaled. "You can tell me", Kili met my eyes once again. "You know you can ", I finished as I peeked his head up slightly "Is your wound getting any better", I questioned as he scoffed disrespectfully.

"You know", he paused tilting his head to the side. "Do us and yourself a favour", he paused remorsefully. "Learn to keep your mouth shut and stop worrying about everyone else", he spat, looking to me with nothing more than ager and despite. My arms fell to my side. Pushing myself off of the floor, standing to my feet, and looking down to Kili.

"anytime", I spat through gritted teeth, cocking my head to the side, and throwing down the torn rag I had from my pocket that I was planning to use for Kili. I turned around on my heels, heading straight towards the long hallway that laid before me, passing all the Dwarves in the room. I stomped down the walkway before hitting a dead end, a small window on the wall.

Anger fumed inside my chest, boiling from the tip of my fingers, stress piling up against my will, the frustration getting the best of me. Hot boiling tears began to swell up inside of me, more anger and frustration form the nerve of the Dwarf. I never understood why, but in anger and frustration was brought to a certain extent, tears would come burning through.

I only aloud a few tears to fall from my eyes in anger just as I heard footsteps coming towards my figure from behind me. I turned around to see Fili coming closer and closer before I wiped the tears form my face almost too quickly.

"hey", Fili mumbled out only a few feet away from me now. "You okay", he questioned as I sighed, running my hand through my hair breathing heavily.

"The nerve of your brother is driving me fucking insane" I breathed out as he nodded his head in frustration.

"he's definitely off". Fili stated as I tried to calm myself down a bit. "he's not himself" , he frowned, furrowing his eyebrows together.

"And all this", I mumbled out as Fili took a step closer in concern. "My past", I exhaled a deep breath. "Who I am who my parents were", my breath caught as placed my hand against my forehead. "I would totally understand if none of you trusted me anymore, I wouldn't blame you. I had to lie", I paused holding in the emotion I longed to get out. "I'm sorry for everything Fili", I sighed. "I shouldn't have"

"Allísa", Fili breathed out, stopping me from babbling on. "We all heard about your past, who you are, and why you had to hide it. So, don't be sorry for something that wasn't even your fault", he paused. "don't be sorry for anything. Everyone on this quest trusts you. With all of their hearts. Including mine.", he paused again as I looked up to my dearest friend. "Now my stubborn brother might not think so at this moment", Fili fumed sightly.

"I Will Never Ever.... Stop Loving You"Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin