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After around an hour of being in Kili's embrace, I finally decided to get up, "I, uh, it's my turn to be on watch. I-in case anything happens you know", I spoke standing to my feet, letting Kili go around me. He stood up, instantly being at my side, "do you want me to come with you and watch?", he asked, resting his hand on my shoulder.

I shook my head slightly, "No it's alright, honestly it's okay, but you can keep me company if you really want to. You don't have to it's your decision", I spoke, he took my hand leading me to the front gate. "I'll come", he stated, lightly rubbing his thumb round in circles on mine. I placed my other hand on his bicep resting my head on his shoulder.

Once we stood on the gate, I looked out onto the horizon, realising just how lucky I am to have such amazing people in my life, most people would kill to have such friends like these, but I didn't need to.

What do I say? I need to think of like a sentence starter. Or something to say. It's really hot up here, what if I mess up what I'm saying. Just say something already.

"I just wanted you to know that I love you so much and if it may not show all the time, I really do like I can't explain how much I do love you.", I randomly spoke, not really thinking what I was saying through first, as I looked out into the distance, watching the people and elves in the ruins prepare themselves. " You're so perfect and everything about you is perfect. There's nothing about you that id want to change. Literally you're that best person that I've met in my entire lifetime. You make me really, really happy. The thought of you is the best thing every and always makes me smile, but hearing your voice is just so peaceful.", I smiled turning my head to see him looking at me, he looked at me with a smile and walked up closer placing one of his hands on my own which had been resting on the stone gate.

I continued to talk, "I think about how lucky I am. I couldn't imagine my life without you. I would do anything to keep you in my life, I'm so glad I can love you and actually love the real you and I can tell you anything in the world.", he smiled more as I turned to face him completely, "You make me feel something, like whenever I'm with you I just don't feel anything but your presence and It's honesty the best thing ever. The stars are far away, but I love you beyond that."

"Your handsome and so, so perfect. I would never leave you and I promise that.", I knew that I wouldn't leave him, I needed hm, and he needed me, we depended on each other. "I'm so glad you are in my life; those other dwarves and elves don't have anything on you. You are literally perfect. I think about you all the time no matter what I'm doing."

"I love you so much. You're my head and my heart and I'm glad you walked through my uncles door.", he chuckled a little as I took a deep inhale, "And honestly, I don't know what I'd be doing right now without you and the other dwarves in my life, you were my light in my life, when my life was so dark. I hope that one day you can understand ow much I love you. I promise you this, that not one single second of the day goes by without me thinking about you."

"You are my world, my reason to live, my purpose.", I spoke slowly as I began to smile, he walked closer to me. " I can see a bright future together with lots of laughs, smiles, memories, and so much more. Words cannot honestly describe the amount that I love you. I want to be there for you, the one to help you with wars and fighting orcs off and stuff like that, and I promise to protect you.", I finally ended my statement. I looked back out to the horizon trying to focus my thoughts which we rushing around my head.

I can't believe I just said that. Oh shit. I was supposed to think that. Why isn't he saying anything. I shouldn't have said all of that.

He just stared at me not really knowing what to say, until finally he spoke up, " are my everything in one person and I never want to lose you, because you make me the happiest person in this world, I still remember our first kiss, it was so special. I never knew someone could be so perfect until I met you.", he paused breathing in small breath before starting to talk again, I smiled as he continued , "You're the reason why I wake up every day, my reason for living and my reason to smile. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me and now I can't imagine my life without you in it. I will always love you more than you will ever know. I keep thinking of how much I love talking to you, how good you look when you smile, how much I love your laugh. I think of the way you look at me when you're happy and trust me... that's the best thing in the world, and then I catch myself smiling so hard at what I imagined. I cannot believe how lucky I am to have you in my life. I can even explain how much I care about you. There's billions and billions of people in the middle-earth and I can't believe that I stumbled upon the most caring, trustworthy, beautiful elf in all the land. And I'm in love with you.", he said.

That was the most beautiful speech I've ever heard.

I moved closer to him wrapping and arm around his waist as the other rest on his chest. He did the same wrapping his arms around my back as we looked out to the ruins.

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