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"Bones will be shattered, necks will be wrung, you'll be beaten and battered from racks you'll be hung, you will die down here and never be found.", the Goblin King continued to sing badly while the other Goblins were looking through our clothes for any weapons or things that could be used to kill or injured creatures like themselves, "Down in the deep of the Goblin Town", Finally the Goblin king stopped singing as the other Goblins continued to look for daggers, swords, blades and bows or any other weapons that was hidden in our pockets. However, one of them took out the Elf blade that Thorin held.

The moment the Goblin put his hand on Thorin's sword, a large ringing sound was heard from he Goblin, as it screeched it threw the sword to the ground. "I know that sword", The Master Goblin exclaimed pointing to the sword which now lay on the ground in front of us.

"It is the Goblin-Cleaver", He shouted, the Goblins turned to focus on the single blade, which was laying on the floor, as I bit my bottom lip in fear. "The biter! The blade that sliced a thousand necks!", The Creature cried out. "Slash them! Beat them!", He ordered angrily, some Goblins slammed me on the ground, swung his fist at me which collided hard with my face, and kicked me in my stomach, as I screamed with agony.

Hoping to somehow escape this torture, they immediately began slashing each of us with their whips while I covered my face with my hands. "KILL! KILL EVERYONE!", I hoped to recover from the pain somehow, I tried my best to help the others up, as the Goblins approached each of us. I got up from the floor for a moment. Some nasty creatures attacked several times and threw me to the ground. In that moment I wiped off the blood that was blocking my view, I felt blood dripping from my forehead and into my eyes and mouth.

"Cut off his head!", The Goblin King shouted again, and I soon saw him fight, a huge horde of Goblins. Then he knelt down, grabbed his head, and pulled back violently. Now his neck was completely visible under all of that fat. My soul was constricted from the back of my stomach, and my eyes were watching in horror as I desperately tried to free myself from the Goblins grasping me. And less than a second later, a bright light flashed in front of us, each creature flew to the ground, emitting with huge smokes.

"Take up arms!", The voice of an old man had spoke, demanding the dwarves and I, "Fight!", he shouted as everyone began to stand on their feet firmly, "Fight!", Gandalf shouted out again before we all grabbed each others arms and stood. I was fortunate enough to find a weapons, holding a knife and hanging a bow and quiver over my shoulder.

"He wields the forehammer! The beater! Bright as daylight", When the Goblin King shouted in horror, the dwarves immediately picked up their weapons and decapitated the Goblins.

"Thorin! Follow me!", Gandalf exclaimed catching my attention. "Quick, run.", Gandalf shouted as the dwarves began to chase after Gandalf and me. Dwalin was in front of us before a large group of Goblins came into view. "Post! Charge!", Dwalin shouted as he picked up the log and pushed the Goblins away as he crossed the unstable bridge.

"Cut the ropes!", Thorin screamed and the Goblins on the bridge fell into the darkness below. Soon after the Goblins fired arrows at us, I was behind Kili. Like me, Kili blocked the arrows with his sword. Then he grabbed a ladder which was at his side and placed it in front of us, providing some protection.

He threw it right at the Goblins, their heads became caught in a hole. As we ran, they fell separately at the darkish abyss underneath us, we pressed them hard and hit the belt. Then Gandalf used his staff to knock down a large stone, which rolled over the Goblins and squashed the ones that were running towards us. As we were about to cross another bridge, all of a sudden the king flew from below the bridge and stopped us in our tracks.

"You thought you could escape me," The Goblin King stated, swinging his large staff in front of the wizard. "What are you going to do now, wizard?", The Goblin asked, just before Gandalf pierced his eye with his staff before he cut him deep into his stomach. The Goblin King paused for a moment, understanding that this was it for him. "That'll do it", He said till Gandalf sliced his neck, the Goblin King falling to the ground lifeless.

Then all of a sudden the legs of the bridge below us started to give out and irrupt below our weight, the edges of the legs started to crumble, and we started out to fall immediately to the floor of the Goblin realm. We instantly hit the solid floor with all our might, and every dwarf became crushed underneath the debre. I coughed and moaned in agony as the dirt and dust consumed the oxygen around us. I let loose a grunt of pain, coughing out the dirt that had ate the oxygen.

"Well that could have been worse.", Bofur spoke loudly, struggling to breathe through the smoke and dirt that stuffed our vision. But quickly after Bofur started out his opinion, the Goblin King fell on each and every one of us.

"You've got to be joking!", Dwalin cried out desperately, and anger erupted from his face as I struggled to push him away from the force exerted on my body. It doesn't work very well.

"Gandalf", Kili screamed in worry as he looked straight at the large hordes of Goblins jumping from the top of the mountain before we all began to escape from under the rocks and wood. Gandalf shouted as he assisted the dwarves.

"There's too many,", Dwalin shouted, "Then we can fight.", As Kili stood up, Dwalin had just finished speaking.

"Only one thing can save us now, Daylight!", Gandalf stated. "Come on! Here! On your feet!", Gandalf exclaimed while helping some of the dwarves out. We ran and ran as fast as we could reaching a thin tunnel, running through even further. "Quick! Quick!", Gandalf shouted, pushing us forward. We finally made our way out of the tunnel before running through the forest to avoid the Goblins.

Finally we stopped, out of breath from running far. "Five, six, seven, eight", Gandlaf began to count the dwarves. "Bifur. Bofur. That's ten. Allisa, Fili, Kili. That's thirteen.", he took a deep breath, "And Bombur. That makes fourteen.", Gandalf completed his speech. But I felt some thing very wrong, as though we have been surrounded by dangerous, strange spirits. It felt like someone was being dragged away from my soul.

"Where's Bilbo?", Gandalf questioned worriedly, my heart sinking to the pit of my chest. "Where is our Hobbit?", he questioned once again as I frantically gazed upon my surroundings. "Where is out Hobbit?!" Gandalf was furious. But I knew he would never leave me after all we had been through, and he would never leave me without a proper goodbye. How could i not have realised he wasn't in the cave with us. Where could he have gone? How did he get away from all the Goblins unnoticed?

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