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The trumpets were sounded, loud in the air whilst Fili, Oin, Kili and I stayed behind watching the other dwarves get comfortable on the boat, the master stepped onto a platform as the crowd cheered for him.

"Go now with our good will. And may you return fortune to all", the master shouted as everyones hearts were lifted, the cheering got lounder and louder as the Dwarves and my uncle set off on the barge down the lake. I then noticed a rushing bofur, running with his hands flailing till he stopped to the end of the dock.

"no", bofur cried, looking amongst the people before his eyes met mine, a smile now lifting upon his cheeks. "Did you miss the boat as well", he questioned as snicker escaped from my lips, I shook my head lightly, looking at the floor trying to stop myself from bursting into laughter, before I noticed Kili slowly falling forward on his feet.

"Kili?", I questioned, grabbing his waist tightly and lower back as my gaze turned to how pale he was getting as his eyes began to slowly close shut.

"Kili!", Fili yelled as he began to help Kili up who fell over a second ago, my stomach turning as I looked down to his wound, he was still losing so much blood. I looked up to Fili, interlocking gazes in fear, my heart falling to the pit of my chest. I knew he could easily die without the right treatment, and that alone, scared the living shit out of me.

"Fili", I stated as we began picking him up, Kili's arms around each of our shoulders and our arms around his waist for support, "He needs medical attention now, I know how to deal with things like this, but it could be something far worse than I thought". I began pulling Fili and Kili towards bard's house, which wasn't as far away as it seemed. We struggled climbing up the stairs slightly, Kili groaning a moaning from the pain. I knocked on the door to the greeting by bard.

"No I'm done with Dwarves, go away", bard hissed trying to close the door, but I stopped him instantly, meeting the eyes of the man who stood before me in all of his grace.

"Please, bard", I breathed out as Kili lifted his head looking to bard. "he's very sick, and if we don't do something we could lose him", I pleased out, watching as bard hesitated for a moment. "please", I breathed out before he pulled open the door, allowing us to enter into his home before bard stood by one of the empty beds.

"You can lay him on this bed", bard stated as Fili and I laid him down gently against the surface of the bed, watching as Kili bean turning and moaning form the pain, wincing before I looked up to Sigrid.

"I'm going to need some hot water, a clean rag, and a sharp knife", I paused, looking to Sigrid, trying to hold in the tears from what I knew I would have to do, and I was going to have to have a lot of willpower to do so. I turned my gaze back to Kili, pulling a chair next to his side as I sat down, grabbing Kili's hands and holding it tight.

"it's alright Kili", I breathed out as he groaned and winced from the pain, looking up to me with blood shot eyes before gripping my hand tightly. "you're going to be all right", I stated before Sigrid, bofur, and in came rushing over with the ingredients I needed. I folded to rag tightly and secure before looking to Kili. "Kili", I paused, "Put this in your mouth, you're going to have to trust me", I paused as he nodded his head firmly.

I placed the gag in his mouth, to stop him from biting down on his tongue and to help from the screaming. I unwrapped Kili's cloth around his wound, ripping the pants so I could have more contact against the injury. I looked down, grabbing the hot water, and dripping the spare clean rag on the nightstand into the water. I cleaned up most of the blood that had been coming from his wound, Kili wincing from the pain, "Fili", I breathed out looking up to Fili which was on Kili's right side of the bed., "Hold his hand"

I gripped the knife tightly before pressing down from where the end of the arrow had snapped form the barrel. I pulled up, Kili tensing his body, screaming though the rag in agonizing pain, my heart falling into my chest, cutting more of his skin for the arrowhead to be released, Kili screaming and shaking from the pain as more blood began spewing out. "in", I breath out. "Find me some pliers or something small that can grab the end of the broken arrowhead.", I looked to Kili, seeing the pain coming from the bottom of his heart.

I looked back down to the wound as my heart sank, it was infected with poison. I knew almost instantly that the arrow from whatever Orc, poisoned it intentionally to kill Kili. He only has a few hours to live. Oin came rushing over handing me the small pilers he had been given. I inhaled a deep breath before carefully gripping the wooden off the arrow before pulling it out as fast as I could as Kili yelled from the agonizing pain, my breathing heavy as sweat dripped form Kili's head.

He began twisting, turning, yelling as he gripped the rag from his mouth, "The poison is reaching close to his heart. If we don't find a cure now, we could lose him for good"

"Can you not do anything", bofur questioned , before I quickly turned to in. He looked to me in concern before I spoke up.

"I need herbs, something to bring down his fever, anything to stop the poison and slow it down" I stated toward bard as in placed a hand against his head looking towards Kili, him screaming from the pain.

"We have nightshade, fever few", bard paused as I shook my head knowing those would only barely pass time.

"There is no use to me", I paused thinking of what the elves would use with a healing enhancement.

"Do you have any Kings foil", I questioned as bad furrowed his eyebrows.

"Kings foil, no", he paused. "it's a weed. We feed it to the pigs", bard stated before I looked to bofur quickly, him already knowing what I needed him to do.

"Pigs? Weed? right", bofur stated before looking to Kili "don't move" bofur ordered Kili as I shook my head in disbelief at the man's unknown humour. I grasped Kili's hand, holding it tightly before placing my other hand against koi's forehead, caressing his soft face.

"you're going to be alright, Kili you're going to be alight.", I breathed out before pulling my chair closer to Kili, waiting for bofur to hurry on back.

Kili had only gotten worse, yelling, twisting, and turning from the shock of pain, horror stowed upon my face before I looked up to Fili. "Bring him to the table", I shouted as Fili, Bain and I picked him up from the bed as Tilda and Sigrid cleared the table spotless. Kili continued to yell from the agonizing pain, the poison spreading further throughout his body. Then out of the blue, the round beneath us shook as Tilda looked out from the window.

"Da?", Sigrid questioned from the fear, wondering what on middle earth could that have been.

"it's coming from the Mountain", Bain stated as I whipped my head towards the three children and bard with worry

"You should leave us", Fili paused looking to the helpless children. "Take your children and get out of here", Fili suggested as bard turned to look to us both.

"And go where", he questioned. "There is nowhere to go", bard stated as Tilda came a few steps from fear.

"Are we going to die, da?", Tilda questioned, fear coming from the pit of her stomach as art looked down to his beautiful child.

"No darling.", bard stated with a half-smile.

"The dragon, it's going to kill us", Tilda stated from fear before bard looked up above his table, taking down a huge back arrow.

"Not if I kill it first", bard stated as I nodded my head in agreement before Kili let out a yell from the pain he was having.

"We need athelas", I mumbled closing my eyes as Fili took a step closer to me in confusion.

"what", Fili questioned as I looked up to Fili, exchanging glanced before I turned my gaze to the front door.

"Kings foil", I paused. "The elves had another name for it, a spell to help the sick and drifting souls", I paused still knowing each and every part of the spell. "It could save him", I inhaled a deep breath "athelas can save him"

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