Is He Hurting You? -Chapter 12

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Hey guys! Thanks for all of your support so far on this story! Sorry but this chapter isn't as good as the other ones. I had a really hard time writing this and it ended up being a little angsty again. But it has a lot of important parts in it. I'm not the happiest with this chapter, but if I didn't post it, I don't know if I would have been able to continue with the story. There are a lot more amazing chapters to come I promise! Now on with the story. <3


Tikki's eyes widened when she saw the kwami fly through the floorboards. She knew she had felt some other kwami looking for her, she could sense their presence. She didn't recognize them as any of the others from her miracle box, so she connected them to the shark kwami. She quickly looked up at Mari from her open bag. Noting that the human didn't notice.

She quickly flew up a bit and poked the human's leg trying to get her attention. The moment she looked down Tikki tilted her head to the side and pointed to the door with worried eyes. Marienete's eyebrows scrunched before she shot her hand into the air.

Ms. Bustier, paused her teaching to look at the dark blue-haired girl. "Yes, Marinette?"

"I forgot my, uh, textbook behind in the locker room, may I please go get it?" She asked.

Ms. Bustier paused for a second before nodding. "Yes, but come back quickly please." She then turned back to the chalkboard and Mari grabbed her bag and ran out of the classroom door. The moment she was far enough away from the class she opened her bag and looked in at the red kwami.

"What's wrong? An Akuma?" She asked worriedly, whipping her head around.

Tikki shook her head. "No, I saw the shark kwami." She got closer to the opening of the bag. "Only for a second. But they were in the classroom and then flew down through the floor."

Her eyes widened. "You mean Riptide's kwami? But why would they be in the school?"

"They were probably looking for me and Plagg probably." Tikki responded, but that only made her holder more confused.

"What do you mean? And how would they know where to look?"

"Well, kwamis can tell where the others are. They can sense their energy. But they can only do that if they are opening up their own location to the kwami they are looking for. It is also much easier for hunting class kwamis to do like sharks."

"Then why haven't we done that with Hawkmoth's kwami yet? If we could find him we could find out his secret identity and end this madness." Marinette asked. It would have been really helpful if they could just tell where Hawkmoth's hideout was.

Tikki shook her head. "Nooroo has closed himself off from the other kwamis years ago, to protect us. He is too weak to use that much energy and if we tried to track him in that state hawkmoth would surely know and be able to turn it back on us and track us himself. Like he did when we tried to contact Nooroo before."

"I guess you are right, that is dangerous. But still, why is Riptide's kwami trying to find you?"

"I don't know. But we should look. We can only tell around how close they are, not exactly. He's downstairs." Tikki pointed towards the stairs and Mari Ran.

After a bit of searching, they ended up in the locker room. "He's close," Tikki whispered into her owner's ear as she floated next to her. Guess it was a good thing they came in here to actually get Mari's textbook that she really forgot.

"I don't see them." She whispered back, narrowing her eyes. Suddenly as they walked around the corner through some lockers the shark kwami was floating right in front of them. The kwami's yellow eyes immediately slit like a cat's eye in shock and backed away from the girl curling his shark tail in on himself.

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