First Fight? -Chapter 4

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Hey guys, sorry this update was a little more behind than I would have liked. I had my finals week and then we moved the week after, so it was kinda chaotic. I also had some writer's block on the fight scene, I couldn't seem to get it right. I hope it is good enough. :)
I am so excited to be writing more of this for you amazing people to read. <3
This picks up right where we left off, enjoy! :D


"Lucky Charm!" Ladybug called out. Riptide's eyes widened when a strange red and black spotted object appeared in a flash of light above her, it fell down to Ladybug and she caught it.

Ladybug looked down at what she had been gifted by her power. She had been given a... camera? How was she-? Suddenly she was yanked backward just as Stoneheart's fist smashed into the ground right where she had been standing. She quickly whipped her head around to look back at Riptide who was now standing next to her after he had just pulled her out of harm's way. His yellow slit eyes now looked at her with curiosity. "What is that for?" He asked, his eyes quickly glancing down to the camera in her arms. Not even mentioning the fact that he had just saved her.

"It's my power, we need it for a plan." She explained. She then looked up at Riptide just as she had gotten an idea. She looked around at all of the components of her plan. Chat Noir, Riptide's dagger, the camera, and then Stoneheart's fist. "Okay, I have one."

Riptide tilted his head. "Are you sure it will work?"

"Yes. Just trust me." Ladybug said. Danny listened closely to her heartbeat. She was sure about this plan.

He narrowed his eyes slightly. "Okay, shoot."

"As soon as he is about to grab me, stab his closed fist with your dagger." Riptide looked down at the dagger he was holding in his hand, and back up at Ladybug before nodding.

She started running towards the giant, without another word. Danny raised his eyebrow. "Are you not going to be telling us the rest of this plan?" He asked, mostly to himself.

Chat stood next to him looking battle-ready for whatever his m'lady had planned. "You'll figure it out." He said before running forward brandishing his staff.

"That still doesn't help!"

Ladybug ran up in front of Stoneheart, taking dozens of photos with the flash on. "Smile for the camera." She quipped cheerily. Stoneheart roared and held his arm up to cover his eyes from the bright sudden flashes of light. Riptide ran closer, preparing for his part in this plan he didn't quite understand yet.

Stoneheart reached forward trying to grab Ladybug or at least stop the flashing light, shifting his attention away from the akumatized object. She smiled as she looked to the side at Riptide who was now very close to Stoneheart's closed hand.

He did as he was told and stabbed the closed fist. Hoping it didn't hurt the akumatized person too much. Stoneheart roared again angrily. His fist opening a bit as he tried to grab the shark-themed hero for stabbing him.

Just as the broken bracelet began to slip, Stoneheart grew bigger making his hand too big to be able to catch it again quickly. The creature looked as the bracelet fell with wide glowing eyes. "Chat Noir now!" Ladybug yelled.

Chat jumped through the air yelling out. "Cataclysm!" His hand was engulfed in the black aura of magic, looking kind of similar to an ectoblast on Danny's hand. The moment he had grabbed the bracelet in his hand it turned brown as if it was rusted and fell to the ground like crumbling dirt. From the remains, a dark purple butterfly fluttered out of it.

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