The Hotel Room -Chapter 9

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TW: A little bit of PTSD.


After Chloe had left the room, Danny had about an hour before he would have to leave again to go meet up with the others and the Guardian. Danny shivered a bit, slightly worried, he had no idea who this guardian was, or how powerful he is. Did he know Clockwork? It would make things much easier if he did. But Danny would be meeting him blind, not knowing what to expect. But then again Danny had been doing everything blind since he got to Paris.

Danny sighed and fell back onto the bed he was sitting on with a small bounce of the springs. This bed was certainly nicer than sleeping on a bench in the park, or in the back of an alley behind a dumpster. Heck, it was probably even nicer than the one in his old room... His old room... a room he could never go back to.

His mind started filling with memories, memories of him waking up in the morning after he had more than 3 hours of sleep that night. He would feel quite well rested and would go downstairs and be greeted by his sister, nose deep in a book at the table. Something or other about teen psychology. His sister always loved phycology, before he left she liked to study how he acted with the other ghosts and people to write her thesis on ghost phycology.

His nose would smell something burning in the kitchen, there was always burning in the kitchen. His mom-...Maddie was not the best cook, and she would be cooking something with some ectoplasm infused in it, mainly for her new experiment. Maybe she was testing out the ways it affected him and Jazz when they ate it, he would never know... Ectoplasm that could have been gotten from capturing a ghost, like some of his friends in the zone, or him.

Danny shuddered, closing his eyes. He didn't want to think about that. Anything reminding him about back home would make him more depressed. Jazz was always there for him, she helped coach him through panic attacks or nightmares in the middle of the night, when Jack and Maddie wouldn't even notice Danny had been screaming in his sleep. Her warm smile and how she had always made sure he was okay. She would ask him questions about his day and try to distract him from what he had been panicking about.

He knew what she was doing and he didn't mind. She was always the one that could help him. She would help bring him up and check on him after they were in a conversation with their parents where they talked about 'how evil ghosts were and that they all should be destroyed, especially that Phantom'. Danny had a distressed look on his face while his eyes were still closed.

She was there for him when he told them his secret, she got him out of there, if she wasn't there to try and stop Jack and Maddie from shooting he would be on a dissection table right now. He wouldn't be alive or safe without her. He could now only hope she was okay. If anything happened to her while he was gone he would never forgive himself. If he could ever go back. His core thrummed with worry, wanting to protect her make sure she was okay, and he can't do anything here, he can't help any of his humans. What could he possibly-

"Are- are you okay Danny?" Danny jumped at the quiet voice, panting slightly with the rising panic of his run-away thoughts, he looked over to his side. It was Finn. Danny sighed and leaned back again.

"I'm fine Finn, sorry for worrying you." He waved lightly at the small shark floating next to him, breathing a sigh of relief, calming himself down.

Finn looked concerned and flew a little closer. "Are you sure? You seemed really... Distressed."

Danny nodded. "Yep, just fine. Just thinking about my life before."

The Kwami still looked worried about his human, but didn't act on it. He could tell there was something that happened to Danny before they met, something that he wouldn't want to talk about yet. "Well, I'm here if you want to talk about anything." Finn held his flippers out to the side.

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