Chapter 11 Company

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Dabi looked both ways before running down the hall as fast as he could. The man had gotten his wish for company beside Tomura. He regretted that now. He would rather take Tomura on his cranky days where he snapped at everyone for no good reason than this. "Hey, Dabi wait up!" A young girl shouted as she raced after him.

"Shit shit shit!" Dabi said he rounded the corner he frantically looked around for a hiding place. Dabi smiled as he saw a broom closet he was going to be able to loose the girl who was pursuing him. Dabi grabbed the doorknob he was in the closet in a second shutting it quietly behind him.

Dabi could hear his own heart racing from where he'd been running. It was the only sound in the tiny closet. "Dabi where are you?" The girl asked as she walked outside the closet. Dabi tensed up he wished she'd leave soon the bucket of brooms wasn't comfortable against his back.

Dabi groaned as he saw light slip into the closet. She had caught him fantastic he thought bitterly. "Dabi I found you! We're we playing hide in seek? Oh, I'll hide next time!" Toga said excitedly as she bounced up and down. "No we were not playing! How many times do I have to tell you I find you very annoying!" Dabi said he walked past the girl.

To his annoyance Toga continued following him. No matter what he did or said she always followed him around. "Oh, your just grumpy hot shot." Toga said she somehow managed to keep up with him even if she was way shorter than him. "Don't call me that." Dabi said annoyed.

Toga giggled Dabi rolled his eyes. He had been trying to get a snack in the kitchen one day about a week ago. Toga had spotted him cornering him instantly asking about his name, family, why he was at the palace and a bunch of other rapid fire questions Dabi hadn't been able to answer. Dabi only gave her his name even if she begged for more information on him.

Toga worked in the kitchen to prepare meals. She evidently according to Kurogiri was confined to the kitchen because she loved to bother Tomura. For her own safety and for Tomura's possessions living to see another day she had been put on permanent kitchen duty. Not that she obeyed that rule very well.

During her lunch break and just whenever she could slink off without Kurogiri or one of the other chefs could notice she found Dabi. Dabi must be new and interesting she'd leave him alone eventually he had thought at first. Dabi wanted to punch past him for potentially jinxing himself. He had been naive to believe the pest would leave him alone. Now he was stuck with her. Lucky him.

"I made cookies earlier want one?" Toga asked she finally stopped talking a mile a minute to see his reaction. "Hm, okay fine since I'm stuck with you anyways I'll take one." Dabi said he might be in a better mood after tanking up on sugar. "I made your favorite! With extra chocolate chips." Toga said she walked behind Dabi now.

Dabi thought it was creepy she knew that. Then again he supposed he might steal a few two many of them when Kurogiri made them. Dabi was indeed happier after he had a cookie or two. He may be a murderous psychopath with no regards to most people's feelings but even he liked sweets sometimes.

"So are we friends now?" Toga asked hopefully. "We'll see brat." Dabi said he was starting to get used to her a little more everyday. She was basically his shadow at this point following him around. If she disappeared he might question where she was. Doesn't mean she wasn't annoying though. She might be tolerable with enough time.

Tomura opened the barn door he had managed to escape between his daily reading he'd picked up on and sword fighting lessons. He'd blown his teacher off but he thought this was way more important. Besides, who needs to know how to use a sword when he has a powerful quirk?

"Hey, Spinner where are you?" Tomura asked he couldn't see his friend anywhere. "I'm in the second stall on the right side!" Spinner replied. Tomura walked over to it unlatching it before stepping in. Spinner was kneeling in the hay stroking a horses neck gently. It wasn't just any type of horse it was a baby horse no more than a few hours old judging by it's spindly legs and small awkward looking body.

"A baby horse?" Tomura asked confused as he started at the black furry creature. "Yeah, isn't she pretty?" Spinner asked he patted a adult black horse who must be it's mom. The horse neighed Spinner laughed as she shook off his hand. "That's Void named after the kingdom of course." Spinner said he pointed at the horse.

"What's her name?" Tomura asked pointing at the baby horse. "She hasn't got one yet. You got a suggestion?" Spinner asked curiously. Tomura thought about it for a few seconds. "Raze. Her name is Raze." Tomura said he reached hesitantly down to pet Raze. Spinner grabbed Tomura's hand in his own he guided Tomura's hand onto the young fillies head.

Tomura tried to pull his hand back but Spinner put it back. "It's okay you're wearing your gloves." Spinner reminded his friend he saw Tomura relax at that. Tomura petted the horse gently he jumped when she sneezed. Spinner chuckled, "I thinks he likes you." He said.

"How so?" Tomura asked he was distracted by Raze. "She keeps looking at you for starters." Spinner said he knew both of them were going to have a great bond. "Whatever." Tomura said like he didn't care but he was smiling. Spinner didn't comment on it not wanting to ruin the moment.

Spinner noticed Tomura came out to the stables almost everyday. He feed the young horse apples or carrots he got from Dabi. Dabi had taken to smuggling them to Tomura after he heard about the horse from Toga. Tomura didn't know where Dabi got the food but he supposed he didn't much care. He had made a bond with the horse.

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