Chapter 23 Ambush

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It had been several days since Dabi and Tomura had left the palace. They had rode constantly to make sure they were far enough away to not get caught easily by anyone who would recognize them. So, far  Dabi had to wear a mask to cover his face. His was the most obvious due to his scars.

"I hate this." Dabi whined as he tugged on the corner of his mask. "You know you have to wear it and so quit complaining." Tomura said annoyed he had been listening to Dabi's whining all day his patience was running low. Dabi let out a angry huff but didn't protest anymore after that.

"Let's set up camp it's getting late." Tomura said looking up at the sky. Dabi looked up to the sun was setting it would be dark if they didn't start soon. "Yeah, I'll get the firewood?" Dabi asked even though he already knew the answer.

"Yes and this time don't just set the whole tree on fire! Chop down the wood with the axe." Tomura said he handed Dabi the axe. Dabi took the axe hesitantly he would rather set the entire tree on fire and let it fall. It was much easier and quicker that way.

It took Dabi until it was dark to get enough fire wood for the night. He had chosen a smaller tree a sapling to cut down. Dabi wasn't the strongest man and hell if he was going to try to chop down a tree by himself. That's why he liked to set the trees on fire. Even if it almost caused a forest fire had Tomura not put it out a to late.

"Thank you here's dinner." Tomura said he handed Dabi a piece of bread and jerky. "Man I hate this shit." Dabi said he took a bite of it anyways. "You sure complain a lot for someone who wanted to come." Tomura said he raised a eyebrow.

"So? I did want to come. I don't regret coming if you're asking." Dabi said he was sincere with what he was saying. "Okay then why do you complain?" Tomura asked confused. "I'm me Tomura it's in my nature. If you ever ask again I will deny it. But still the conditions aren't ideal. Theirs only one reason I'm staying." Dabi said.

"Why?" Tomura asked. "You." Dabi said he stared at Tomura for a few seconds. Tomura felt heat go to his face at what Dabi had said. He shook his head he started thinking about anything but that at the moment. He could sort through whatever this was when he wasn't running away from All For One and the throne.

They let the fire burn so they could still see. Tomura laid on the ground next to Dabi their shoulders were close enough if he scooted a little closer they would be touching. Tomura shivered the wind was had been bad all day. It was night so it was even colder.

Tomura curled into Dabi's side he always loved warmth. Dabi's eyes flew open he stared at Tomura for a few minutes. Dabi sighed eventually he didn't care that much he was just surprised. Dabi shrugged before he closed his eyes. He fell asleep shortly after.

Dabi awoke before Tomura as usual. Sometime during his sleep he had put his arm around Tomura's waist pulling him closer. Dabi groaned he wanted to hit himself for that. Tomura would be freaked out most likely had he done that he put his arm down by his side.

Dabi untangled himself from Tomura he threw another log on the fire to keep it big enough while they ate breakfast. Dabi woke Tomura up it took a little bit but he eventually sat next to Dabi in front of the fire. "It's to early for this." Tomura grumbled as he rubbed at his eyes.

"You just like to sleep in late." Dabi said he smiled when Tomura shot him a glare. "You know it's true and why were you cuddling up to me last night?" Dabi asked amused. Tomura felt his face turn red he turned the opposite direction of Dabi. "It was cold." Tomura said defensively. "Okay sure." Dabi said not fully believing him.

Dabi dropped it not wanting to make Tomura mad. But he still thought that their was more to it than just him being cold. They started riding soon after breakfast they made the horses run to put more distance between them and the Void kingdom.

"We'll finish going through the forest then stop to let the horses rest." Tomura said Dabi nodded. "Stop right there!" Someone shouted as they and several other people jumped from behind trees. Their faces were masked and all their clothing was black.

"Bandits." Dabi growled he clutched his horse's reins tighter. "Oh, no we don't want your stuff we want him." The one who Dabi presumed was the leader said. He pointed at Tomura. "You aren't taking Tomura anywhere." Dabi said he glared down at the bandits.

"Dabi let me handle this." Tomura said he got down from his horse. "Why do you want me? Better answer before I decay you into small pieces." Tomura threatened taking off his glove. "We're here to return you to the palace. All For One is offering a pretty sum for you." The leader said he pulled a wanted poster out of his pocket.

The leader pinned the poster to a tree with a knife. Dabi glanced at it a drawing of Tomura at the top it said wanted alive. Dabi felt disgusted by the amount of money offered. It was no wonder that these thugs were trying to take Tomura with them. Dabi didn't even hesitate as aimed a blast of fire straight at the bandits.

Screams as they were burnt to death were the only sounds for a few seconds. Dabi stared at them with satisfaction that he had solved the problem easily. "Hey, Tomura-" Dabi began he froze as he heard a gunshot. "If we can't take him alive I'm killing him." The leader said he dropped the gun as the second of Dabi's blast consumed him.


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