Chapter 29 Treaty

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"We've got both the earth, fire, and water kingdoms to sign the treaty." Tomura said he laid the document out on the table in front of Dabi. "That's good now how many more do we need?" Dabi asked curiously. "Two." Tomura responded.

"Those kingdoms are?" Dabi asked. "Light and nature." Tomura said he looked at all the signatures by kings and queens. They were so close to peace but so far. He'd gotten most of them to sign it after little to a lot of convincing. Tomura was sure All Might didn't want war. He just didn't trust Tomura.

Tomura could understand his "father" had been All For One. Tomura hated thinking of him with that title. That was what most people who didn't know of his intense hatred for the man called him in regard to Tomura. It made him mad luckily he had learned to control his anger a bit better over the last year and a half.

That's how long it has taken to travel to all their kingdoms and get them to sign it. It was exhausting work writing letters back and forth. Plus then actually getting them to sign it. Tomura had been home only part of those six months. Luckily, Dabi came with him otherwise he might have gone crazy.

Tomura hated meetings with stuck up royal people. The one with Enji had especially been awkward. Enji hadn't wanted to sign it but Tomura was able to scare him enough to sign it. He was after all the heir to All For One even if he hated it. At least it worked in his advantage once.

Tomura was on a trip right now to the light kingdom to get All Might to sign it. They didn't agree on pretty much anything. Except that they both wanted peace. Tomura hoped he could get All Might to sign it. If only he'd believe him Tomura's task would get 100% less harder.

"Do you think this is going to work?" Dabi asked curious to see what his husband thought. Tomura sighed he was looking out the carriage window watching horses and people pass bye. "I don't know. I hope it does. I really do." Tomura said he leaned his head against the glass.

Dabi frowned he hated it that Tomura was upset and stressed. He had gotten all the signatures he needed but one. He was so close yet so far. "It's gonna work out. If anyone can convince him it's you." Dabi said he sounded determined. Tomura glanced at him he gave him a appreciative but hesitant smile.

"I hope your right." Tomura said just as they carriage came to a stop. The door opened the stagecoach who was Spinner opened the door. "Shall I help you your highness?" Spinner asked jokingly as he helped out his hand to Tomura.

Tomura rolled his eyes their was a small smile on his face though. Tomura didn't need Spinner's help he took his friends hand anyways. Spinner helped him down then Dabi who protested but accepted it. Dabi huffed he grumbled something about looking pathetic for accepting the dumb lizards help.

Tomura grabbed Dabi's arm redirecting the grumbling man towards the palace. Dabi threatened to burn the guards who stared at him. One blonde guard with spiky hair and red eyes didn't take the insult well. He told Dabi to die and called him staple face. Tomura forced him threw the door before fight could break out.

Dabi seemed to be in a bad mood Tomura decided to fix it before he threatened the wrong person. "What's got you so fired up? Literally." Tomura said he patted out the small blue flames that had lit up on Dabi's shoulder.

Dabi's waist coat now was singed slightly now. Tomura supposed it was better then the palace being burned down. He didn't think All Might would want to sign the treaty after that. "That dumb brat called me staple face!" Dabi yelled he glared at the wall as if imagining it was the kids face.

"I call you staple face." Tomura said confused why Dabi would get so worked up about a nickname he called him. Dabi never got worked up anymore when he called him that. Dabi threw his hands up in the air he was exasperated. "Exactly! You call me that." Dabi said Tomura blinked confused at him.

"I don't care if you do. You're my husband. But not that dumb brat. No one makes fun of me except you. Got it?" Dabi asked he pulled Tomura close to him but his waist coat. "Yeah." Tomura responded he looked down at Dabi's lips he was distracted so his reply was one word.

"Hm, good." Dabi said he leaned in and smashed his lips against Tomura's. Tomura kissed back equally as passionate he felt Dabi pull him even closer if possible. When they separated they were both breathing hard. "Damn." Tomura said at a loss for words to describe the passionate kiss.

A cough interrupted them Tomura looked in the direction it had came from. "If you boys would follow me that'd be great." All Might said he scratched the back of his head awkwardly not knowing what else to do. He had walked in on a intimate moment between the couple. He decided it was best to ignore it.

Tomura felt his face heat up at being caught. He blamed it totally upon Dabi for distracting him. Dabi just smirked as he followed behind Tomura. "Cocky little bastard." Tomura hissed in Dabi's ear they were a little ways behind All Might. "You like it though." Dabi said as he sped up to be in front of Tomura.

Tomura grumbled but he couldn't disagree with what Dabi had said. All Might signed the treaty after both men did their best to convince him. Tomura was overjoyed and Dabi kissed him afterward right in front of All Might not caring that they were seen. Tomura found he didn't care that much either he was to happy to care. He was proud of how far he had come. Most importantly he was proud to have Dabi.

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