Chapter 12 Tolerable

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"I know we hate each other. I'm not staying because I want to. Kurogiri's making me." Tomura said interrupting the silence that for so long had been present at all their meals at the dinner table. "Go on, creep." Dabi said he chuckled at the annoyed glare Tomura sent him. Dabi loved to annoy Tomura he had to do something to keep from being bored after all.

"As I was saying raisin." Tomura said he smiled when Dabi's smile dropped he went back to eating his food after the insult. "Kurogiri is making me make a truce with you." Tomura said he sounded disgusted to say the words. "Truce?" Dabi asked confused. "Yeah, something about how we need to get along?" Tomura asked he sounded confused.

Why did it matter to the old man if they hated one another? If they weren't actively hurting each other anymore Tomura didn't think they needed to be friends. "Ugh, fine the old man isn't going to give up until we do so I suppose I agree to your stupid truce to tolerate each other." Dabi said he rolled his eyes he thought this was stupid.

"Okay agreed then." Tomura said he ignored Dabi for the rest of the meal. Tomura started to go back to his room he was stopped by Kurogiri on his way out of the dining room. "First off I'm proud of you for acting like a adult for once and agreeing to be friends with Dabi. Second I'm not old." Kurogiri said he beamed at Tomura.

"We are not friends and you are old." Tomura said he was gone before Kurogiri could protest. "Quit listening to our conversations old man." Dabi said he patted Kurogiri on the shoulder before walking away. "Those two." Kurogiri said his tone was fond. They were learning to like one another even if they didn't realize it.

"Come on Raze just move forward it's not hard!" Tomura said he was trying to halter break the young filly. Trying was the word because she kept her feet firmly in the same spot refusing to give in to Tomura pulling on her lead rope. "You have to he patient with her she's only around a month old." Spinner said he came to stand by his friend.

"You know I don't like being patient." Tomura grumbled he sat on the ground he had given up. "Come on now Tomura." Spinner said he tried to hand the lead rope to Tomura who refused it. "I've been trying all morning to get her to do that." Tomura said sulkily.

"It's only been thirty minutes." Spinner said he chuckled at his friends glare. Raze walked over sniffing at Tomura's hair. Tomura laughed he shooed the horse away. "I think someone's a suck up." Tomura said she was now nosing the apple he'd tucked away in his pocket as a treat for her.

"Okay okay here." Tomura said he held out the apple for the horse to take. Raze ate the apple in a few bites she neighed as if to state her appreciation. "Uh, huh I'm still mad at you." Tomura said he crossed his arms over his chest. The horse nuzzled his face. "Okay maybe not but don't repeat this behavior young lady." Tomura said in-between his laughter.

"Thanks for the company Spinner but I've got to go. All For One is having a meeting with the Fire Kingdom about the next course of action for the war. I have to attend something about I'm the future king so I have to know how to make negotiations." Tomura said he was bored already and he hasn't even attended it yet.

"No problem. A bunch of old men talking sounds fun this is the one time I'm glad to clean up horse crap." Spinner said he lead Raze back into her stall easily. "How?" Tomura asked confused and feeling a little betrayed by Raze. "Like I said patience." Spinner said shrugging. "Speaking of horse crap..." Spinner said before walking back into the barn.

"Hey, Dabi I'm making lunch for the Kings! I need help want to help me? Please?" Toga asked excitedly she was practically bouncing to and down. "No." Dabi said he was bored but not that bored. "Please?" Toga asked again hoping to annoy him enough to agree.

"No." Dabi said again he was starting to get annoyed. The conversation went like that for the next five minutes Toga bugging him and him refusing. She followed him all around the castle he eventually tried loosing her by running away. Dabi sighed he had finally lost the pest.

"Were in the kitchen so now you have to help!" Toga said he jumped out of his skin as she surprised him by hugging him from behind. "Don't do that!" Dabi hissed he shoved her back. Toga gave him a look that to akin to a kicked puppy. "Okay okay I'll help you just leave me alone!" Dabi said he threw his hands up in the air he was exasperated.

"Good." Toga said grinning to wide for his liking showing off her to sharp teeth. "I need something to cover my scars. I'm not gonna have them messed up." Dabi said he looked around the kitchen for something to cover his hands. That was how Dabi ended up with gloves on all the way up to his elbows and a pink apron around his waist.

He'd protested but she'd insisted it was essential he wore one. "Just so you know I hate you." Dabi said he had been tasked with taking the lunch to the meeting. "Oh, don't pout the apron is off now!" Toga said she tried not to laugh thinking about it.

"Why do I have to take it again despite you being the cook?" Dabi asked he really didn't want to do this. "I'm confined to the kitchen remember?" Toga asked her smile faded. "Yeah yeah, don't get sad on me Blondie I'll be back." Dabi said before he left.

Dabi opened the door to the room the meeting was to take place. It is wasn't to unlike the one that he'd almost burned down. Thinking of that filled Dabi with glee he could barely suppress the urge to burn something else just to get a similar feeling. Dabi froze as blue eyes met his own.

He knew their was a meeting with a king but their were several other kingdoms. It of course just had to be his dad didn't it? Dabi sat the plate of food down in the table before bolting out of there. He wished he would have been told about his father coming. Evidently, that wasn't a important enough detail for him to know. He clenched his hand into a fist he needed to calm down before he actually did burn something down.

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