Chapter 10 Dinner

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Dabi walked down to the dining room as slow as he could. He didn't want to attend but he knew he didn't have a choice. He opened the door their were several seats positioned around a large table. Tomura was sitting at the edge of one side. Dabi decided to sit two seats to his right. While he wasn't really close he was close enough Tomura glared at him.

Dabi sent him a smirk just to rile him up further. Tomura tensed his hand curling into a fist he looked like he wanted to kill Dabi Kurogiri came in at the right moment to stop their incoming fight. "Tomura don't even think about it." Kurogiri scolded the man pouted like a child.

"He's annoying though." Tomura grumbled unhappy to sit by Dabi. "Then why did you sit by him?" Kurogiri asked confused. "He sat by me!" Tomura protested. "Okay okay it's not a big deal let's start dinner." Kurogiri said trying to keep what little was left of the peace.

Kurogiri brought them both food Dabi moved it around his plate he didn't feel hungry. "Please eat your food." Kurogiri said he didn't like the idea of him making it for Dabi to waste it. Dabi scoffed but he took a bite of it. Dabi said nothing to Tomura throughout the dinner it was all tense science.

Kurogiri had hoped they'd get along it didn't seem his plan was working at all. Dabi had managed to eat half of his food by the time he was done he shoved his plate forward he didn't want anymore. "I'll be right back I'm going to put away the dishes behave." Kurogiri said he teleported away.

"Man this was boring." Dabi said he leaned back in his chair propping his feet on the table. Tomura glared at him for that but didn't comment on it. "Not my fault your bad company." Tomura said he wanted to leave but Kurogiri would be mad if he did. "Ha, says you!" Dabi said amused.

"At least I don't look like Frankenstein's monster." Tomura said he ignored the blue eyes glaring at him. "Is that so crusty?" Dabi asked he leaned back in his chair more. "Yeah better watch that chair there." Tomura said he smiled amused at the idea of Dabi falling to the floor. "Hey, I'm not gonna-" Dabi said he was interrupted by his chair falling backwards.

Tomura laughed loudly as he saw Dabi's shocked face. "Oh my God that was hilarious!" Tomura said amused. Dabi smirked he grabbed Tomura's leg dragging him to the floor. He let out a yelp as he fell he looked just as surprised as Dabi. It was Dabi's turn to laugh but Tomura found he wasn't mad. "Don't do that again asshole." Tomura said his threat didn't sound like he actually cared.

"Hm, we'll see." Dabi said not their eyes met Dabi thought it was the first time they hadn't glared at each other while making eye contact. "What's going on? I heard a scream!" Kurogiri said as he burst into the room. Both men burst out laughing confusing Kurogiri greatly.

"You missed a lot." Tomura said he was grinning. "Yeah." Dabi agreed. "I'm not going to make you boys clean up before heading to bed be happy now go." Kurogiri said he decided he didn't want to know. At least his plan had worked kinda. They had been getting along even if he didn't mostly understand why and the part he did understand was that they found his confusion funny.

Kurogiri shook his head fondly Tomura was such a weird but amazing kid in his eyes. Kurogiri checked on them a few times during the rest of the evening to make sure they weren't tryin to hurt one another. It seemed they had unofficially agreed to be somewhat civil for the rest of the evening. That meant Kurogiri was finally off babysitter duty for a few hours.

Tomura was struggling to read a book he found them to be so boring. However, Dabi had annoyed him into reading one. He still hated the man but he found he could tolerate him at least to not kill him at dinner like he would have two weeks ago. Dabi had read evidently a amazing book he'd roped Tomura into supposedly enjoying it to.

Tomura hated reading since he was a child. He doubted Dabi's suggestion that he was going to change Tomura's mind. Tomura glared at the cover for a solid five minutes straight before even flipping to the first page. All For One had a massive library with all different kinds of books. The man sure knew how to keep Tomura away from a room.

Tomura read the first page with little interest. He yawned incredibly bored he was about to close it when something caught his attention. Their was a dragon in this story it was burning down a village. He liked dragons. Maybe this story wasn't so bad after all. Tomura flipped the page wanting to know what happened next.

"Good morning Tomura Shigaraki." Kurogiri said he had teleported into the young man's room. Tomura startled awake the book he'd been reading fell out of his lap. He groaned his whole body ached from sleeping on the floor. He'd accidentally stayed up late reading.

Kurogiri's eyes widened somehow Tomura was reading a book. "How did someone convince you to read? In the nineteen years I've known you I've never even seen you pick up a book once." Kurogiri asked curiously. "It doesn't matter old man." Tomura hissed before walking out of his room to get breakfast.

Tomura kept eyeing Dabi across the table. Dabi's mouth turned downward he was tired of the man's staring. "What?" Dabi asked annoyed. "You're book wasn't all shit." Tomura said he looked down at his food instead. "Told you. Maybe, you should listen to me more often." Dabi said jokingly.

"Nah." Tomura said he still thought Dabi was an idiot. Dabi knew he needed to find a way to talk to someone beside Tomura about things. He had started sharing a interest of his with his enemy. He really needed someone else to see other than Tomura and the old man.

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