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I woke up the next morning engulfed in Volodya's thick and pillowy white comforter. The sunlight pouring into the room from the huge window. I rolled over to check my phone in a sleepy haze to see 157 missed calls and 40 text messages from Tony and a couple from my bridesmaids and mom. It dawned on me what happened last night and my stomach dropped just thinking of what I will eventually have to deal with- with Tony. I didn't remember much from last night, except for me showing up at the dacha and onward- I didn't even remember how I even got there. I was extremely embarrassed beyond belief of how I acted infront of Volodya and him having to deal with all that drunk drama last night. But I was also extremely happy about us finally making love.. it was amazing. Indescribable. By far the best sex of my lifetime.

I looked down to see that I was wearing one of Vovas clean T shirts and a pair of his underwear. I turned around to see that he was not in bed with me. I got out of bed and tip toed out of the room into the hallway. I started to hear Vovas stern and gentle voice as I walked into the kitchen to see him leaning against the counter while he talked to someone on the phone and wrote down information in his notebook. He looked like he had already spent half the day doing work. He wore a grey suit and tie.

"Yes, I will talk with him tomorrow and go over the necessary topics-"
He replies to the man on the phone as he looks up at me and blushes. Grinning from ear to ear as he looks back down to his paper and continues to write.

"Okay goodbye"
He hangs up his phone call and stood there for a second to admire my appearance- me awkwardly standing there wearing his clothes.

"How's the hangover?"
He teased playfully to break the heavy tension.

"it's okay my body is just... a little sore."
I replied awkwardly as we both let out a soft giggle. Knowing exactly what I was hinting at.

"Yeah you did a lot of- physical movements last night"
He carried on the joke as we both laughed.

"Here I made you some tea."
He said as he picked up my cup of tea and handed it to me, sitting down in the chair next to me.

"I hope you aren't uncomfortable wearing my clothes, I just figured you wouldn't want to put your party dress back on"
He said sweetly as he pointed at my outfit.

"No Ofcourse not Vova... thank you."
I replied. We basked in the awkward tension in the room. Both of us still obviously high on each other from last night- but just waiting for one of us to get to the elephant in the room.

"I'm sorry about dragging you into all the drama last night... you shouldn't have had to deal with that."
I said.

"Oh no don't apologize Vivi, actually I wanted to apologize to you for raising my voice at you last night. You didn't do anything wrong. It was your... husband that made a fool out of himself. He had been pushing my patience the whole day, and when I saw him act like that with you, I lost it.... I think I was just so irritated at the fact that you chose him to marry."
He replied as he leaned back in his chair.

My face grew serious and kind of sad. Also a part of me was very embarrassed that Volodya actually saw how Tony treats me, and the fact that I just let it happen.

"Does he always treat you like that?"
Vova asked as his voice grew soft.

"I mean... yeah.... Yes- he does."
I replied truthfully as my heart started to pound.

His gaze fell to his feet with disappointment as he clenched his jaw and shook his head with disbelief.

I knew out of everyone in the world, Vova would always understand me and I could always be myself with him. But there was a part of me that still saw him as an older brother, I knew he would always protect me like a baby sister and I didn't want to disappoint him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2022 ⏰

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