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Vladimir greeted warmly as he pulled me in for a hug.
He wore a black suit with a black tie.

"It's quite a place you've got here Vova! the kremlin is so beautiful."
I said as I ogled the tall ceilings and architecture.

"It is beautiful right? I'll give you a tour later, come on let me show you my main office"
He motioned as I followed his lead through some hallways, up the beautiful staircase and into the office.

"Here it is. I'm sorry it's a bit of a mess"
He said as he started to move some papers into his desk drawer as soon as we walked in.
I didn't realize the awkward silence I was creating by staring at all of the things in the room.

"Everything okay?"
He asked as he looked up at me, examining all of the art on the walls.

"Yeah I'm fine, I'm just- taking it all in."
I let out a giggle as my face turned red and hot when I realized how painfully awkward and tense this interaction was becoming- how could I have nothing to talk about with him? It's like all of a sudden I forgot how to carry a conversation.

"So this is where the president does all of his wor-"
I asked to break the ice before my stilletto heel buckled from beneath my foot.
Vladimir and I both gasped as he ran to me from behind his desk and caught my body and brought me back to balance.

"You're exactly like how I remember you"
Vladimir said as he stared into my eyes and let out a hard laughter.

"What's that suppose to mean?!"
I asked as I giggled along with him at my clumsiness.

"You're the clumsiest person I've ever met- yet you feel the need to wear the most extravagant outfits"
Vladimir teased.

"Okay I'm not that clumsy-"
I replied with a chuckle.

"I see you walk on these red carpets with your husband all the time on TV and I always wonder how many times he's had to save you from tripping or falling"
He teased as we both laughed.

I replied as the laughter fell silent.

"Yeah- your fiancé. You know I've seen some of his movies- I never expected for you two to pair up but I'm happy for you vivian."
He replied as we both sat in his living chairs in his office.

"Thank you... and your wife? Who is she?"
I asked.

"Oh I'm not married anymore. I was married to Lyudmila for a few years and we had two beautiful daughters-"
He started to say as he got up and showed me a picture of his daughters from his desk.

"Thats Masha and that's Katya there.."
He explained as he stared at the picture with a warm smile.

"Oh, I saw your wedding ring on your finger I didn't know. Your daughters are beautiful Vova"
I replied warmly.

"Thank you, yeah I still wear the ring because the people don't particularly know about our divorce yet. It's a long story I don't want to ramble on about it."
He said as he sat back down in his chair.

"Vova where did you go?..."
I blurted out as I couldn't hold it in anymore.
He grew a concerned look as his eyes fell down to his feet.
"What happened to you? Why did you leave me with no explanation? Why haven't you contacted me in all this time when you easily could have. You've seen me on TV you knew where I was.....I deserve some sort of explanation!"
I pried into him as he just stared at me in silence and let out a stressful sigh.

"Vivi there is just a lot that you don't know, it's hard to explain"
He replied vaguely.

"Volodya- that's not good enough. You were my best friend. My family. And to this day you still won't tell me? Years later?"
I continued to pry into him as he just stared blankly at me with no reaction or reply.

Tell me I'm your national anthem (a Vladimir putin fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now