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Volodya pulled me in for a tight hug, his body feeling lean and solid. He wore a black suit with a blue tie and a gold wrist watch. His hair swept to the side just how he's always worn it. He pulled away from the hug and rested his hands on my shoulders to admire my face. We studied each other's faces for the first time since high school, his beautiful blue eyes hadn't changed one bit... just how I remembered them. In this moment, I felt transported back to prom night. I felt that same burst of feelings I felt when he kissed me for the first time. I knew this moment held a very deep meaning for both of us as we both got lost in each other's eyes before he snapped himself back into reality and cleared his throat.

"It's great to see you Vivian."
He greeted with a soft smile.

"It's great to see you Vladimir, I never thought I'd see you again.. you have no idea how much I've missed you."
I replied.

Vladimir looked down with deep thought, with no reply.
My heart started to race and anxious thoughts fled my mind as the silence grew extremely loud and I could feel the very obvious energetic barrier he put between us. Why couldn't he answer that? Did he not miss me? There was so much to say.. so many questions un answered.. so many unacknowledged feelings.

"He's back!!! Can you believe it!!! And the president!"
My mother interrupted light heartedly as she grabbed his face and started kissing him.

"Haha Thank you, I've missed you all

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"Haha Thank you, I've missed you all.. I hope my arrival wasn't intruding. I just saw.. that Vivian was in town for her wedding  in the tabloids and I had to come congratulate you on your success and your new marriage"
Vladimir said as he glanced over at me.. standing up and handing me the roses.

"Thank you Vladimir- or should I say Mr. president Putin"
I teased nervously as I grabbed the flowers out of his hand.

"Haha and what about you? Ms- or soon to be Mrs. famous actress!"
He teased back as he motioned his hand toward Tony sitting awkwardly in the living room.

Volodya's laugh was one of the most interesting things about him. It's one of those laughs that makes you laugh you know? It's one of the many traits that oppose his strong and emotionless demeanor so harshly it catches you off guard. Especially because it's such an awkward sounding laugh and it's so nerdy that it's cute- you can't help but laugh at his laugh.

"Tony have you said hi to Vladimir?"
I asked Tony to get him to acknowledge what was happening as he looked up from watching the tv and gave Vladimir a blank stare.

As if I wasn't nervous enough, it was obvious that Tony was going to make this even more difficult. I prayed to God in my head that he wouldn't make a rude comment or embarrass me infront of Vladimir. How embarrassing it would be for Vladimir to see what I chose to marry.

"Nice to meet you Tony, I want to congratulate you on the engagement"
Vladimir said.

"Sup man"
Tony said as he glanced at him- then back to the TV.

Vladimir greeted him as he walked over and shook his hand. Tony didn't even stand up to greet him out of respect. I noticed Vladimir took note of that- side eyeing him with suspicion.

"Tony show your respect and get up like a man!"
My father scolded Tony as he was very irritated by his behavior at this point.

"Oh no that's fine- He's obviously very enamored with watching his musical on the TV"
Vladimir assured my dad sarcastically and let out a giggle- glaring at Tony.

"Tony you've seen that movie so many times before, please be present"
I sighed and pleaded with Tony.

"Babe this is my movie that won me my second Oscar! You would think you would want to watch your husband on the TV!"
Tony clapped back at me.

"The man loves watching himself! What confidence!"
Vladimir teased sarcastically while making all of us except Tony  burst into laughter.

Vova really had a way with being able to put someone in there place with one little joke. I could tell Tony did not like that one bit. It turned me on so much to see Vova put Tony in his place so effortlessly... I could have torn his clothes off and had my way with him right there on the kitchen table. Vova and I locked eyes as we continued to laugh- our laughter fizzling out into us grinning like idiots, lost in each other's eyes for a little too long before Vova glanced at Tony and cleared his throat to cut the tension.

"Anyways guys- I'm afraid I have to go because I have a meeting in a little while, but I would like to invite you all to stay at the Kremlin this weekend.. if you aren't too busy with the wedding planning ofcourse"
Vladimir announced to my family.

Ofcourse my family excitedly agreed with those plans, we all said our goodbyes and he and his security drove off.

You can safely assume that it was tense between Tony and I that night, he didn't speak to me for the whole rest of the day until we came to our room to go to sleep.

"Tony can you please tell me what's wrong?"
I pleaded with him as I washed my face- him silently changing into his pajamas behind me. Slamming the closet door with force and walking into the room.

"Tony plea-"
I started before he interrupted.

"You aren't going to that damn kremlin this weekend that's for sure"
He spat.

"What? Where is this coming from?!"
I asked irritably.

"Why would he even invite us to go? It's obvious that he just wants YOU to go... and your all ooh, yes mr high and mighty president! I'd love to come to your kremlin and fuck like rabbits in your office!..."
Tony mocks.

"What the fuck Tony? He's my childhood best friend, you know that he's like family to us... your literally being so irrational right now"
I clapped back.

"Oh don't give me that bullshit! I saw those eyes you were giving each other! you think I'm stupid don't you? Don't get me started on your stupid little laugh when he's not that fucking funny. I didn't find him funny at all...."
He yelled.

"What eyes Tony? I haven't seen the guy in all these years I thought he was dead! Ofcourse I'm happy to see him"
I clapped back as I could see Tony for who he truly was in that moment. A horribly insecure and miserable human being.

"You were staring at him like a piece of meat... you whore!"
Tony yelled in my face with rage.

In that moment, I don't know what came over me but I slapped Tony in the face with all of my strength. He starred at me, shocked as ever for a few seconds before he slapped me in the face and I fell to the ground. I started to cry uncontrollably.

"Dont ever fucking put your hands on me like that again... get the fuck in bed and go to sleep"
Tony yelled as he ordered me around like a dog.

I got into bed and tears rolled down my face. I stayed up day dreaming about what it would be like at the Kremlin with volodya. There was no way I would let Tony stop me from going. I contemplated breaking up with Tony but I knew I didn't have the strength to do that. Tony treated me like a dog- like a worthless creature... but I couldn't leave him. I loved Tony and I desperately wanted him to change and be a good husband and I didn't even understand why I still felt that way. I guess I had been with Tony for so long- being treated this way and talked to like this, that even though I was the most beautiful and famous actress in America... I felt like the ugliest and most worthless human in the world. I started to believe I deserved Tony's treatment and that I actually was what he said I was. "Vladimir probably would never waste his time on me... the insecure and vulnerable person Ive become. I'm delusional to think that he would actually love me..." I thought to myself as i genuinely felt like I could never do better than Tony. I didn't realize at the time how horribly brainwashed and manipulated I was by Tony.

Tears rolled down my face and I drifted into sleep.

Tell me I'm your national anthem (a Vladimir putin fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now