Ch. 2

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Once we hit high school, i waxed my eyebrows, grew boobs and toned down my extreme clothing style to be trendy and flashy. I joined the theatre club and was the lead role in almost every play and quickly became one of the most popular girls in school. Vladimir on the other hand, became the bad boy of Saint Petersburg high. He grew a lot taller and more lean looking. Ofcourse all of the girls would gossip and talk about him, but he couldn't care less. He didn't care for romance or any of the attention he attracted. He only cared about having fun and breaking every rule that was presented to him...

All of the boys at our school were scared to ask me out because they knew they would have to deal with Vladimir. When senior prom came around, Vladimir insisted we go together because it would be the most fun and I wouldn't have to deal with any guys trying to get in my pants at the end of the night. Ofcourse I accepted his offer..

I spent all of my savings on my prom dress, you know I had to go all out for prom... this was my one chance to look as extravagant as possible for one night without looking overdressed. I wore a super tight red dress that hugged all of my curves in the right places, red high heels, my hair curled pretty, and my makeup done like a real Hollywood movie star. I stared at myself in the mirror and practiced my dance moves until I heard a knock at my door.

"H-.. hey Vivian.."
Vladimir stood nervously on my doorstep with a dozen red and orange roses, wearing a formal black suit and tie. His hair slick with gel and swept to the side as his eyes carefully studied my appearance from top to bottom.

"Hi Vova!"
I teased and giggled cheerfully as I grabbed him tightly for a hug.
"How do I look?"
I asked as I twirled in a circle in front of him.

"You look beautiful vivian."
He replied with his very serious tone.

I could tell something was off with him because he wasn't all silly and sarcastic with me like usual. He was really nervous and serious, I figured it was pre prom jitters.

I grabbed the flowers and we headed to the school on foot like usual.

"Vova I've never seen you this nervous!"
I teased as I shoved him in the shoulder

"I'm not nervous I'm just- ahhh"
He looked down at his feet as his face turned bright red.

"Hey, let's have a good time tonight okay? Just promise me, no fighting please?"
I stared deeply into his glistening eyes as they reflected the moonlight.

"Oh shut up, let's go."
He laughed as he opened the school doors for me.

We went to the dance floor and met up with our mutual friends. We danced all night and had so much fun until the night started to calm down and they played a slow song.

"Ahh! This was fun!" I wiped the sweat off my forehead and started to walk back to our table

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"Ahh! This was fun!" I wiped the sweat off my forehead and started to walk back to our table. Assuming that this type of dance was for the couples.

"Wait- vivian!"
He grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him. I stood in shock as he guided my hands onto his shoulders, gently resting his big hands on my waist.

"Vladimir, this is for couples. What are you doing?"
My heart raced as I looked up at him.

"Let's have fun... tonight is special"
He stared deeply into my eyes with his soft smile.
I couldn't help myself but to smile like an idiot. I've always thought Vladimir was so handsome... I just didn't think he liked me like that.
I rested my head against his chest as we swayed back and fourth.

"You know vivi, you are really special to me. And I could never forgive myself if I didn't tell you how I feel"
He whispered gently into my ear.

"Well what is it?"
I asked him nervously

He stared deeply into my eyes in silence without answer

I started before he cut me off and passionately pulled me in to him by my waist and planted his soft and plump lips on mine. I stood in shock as butterflies fled my entire body, feeling an electric shock wave through my entire nervous system. Just like the movies. It was like him and I were the only two people that existed on the planet and time seized to exist. We kissed passionately for what felt like forever. He pulled away and just stared and admired my face.

"I-... I love you"
He muttered bluntly

"I love you too."
I replied and kissed him once more.

After the night ended, he walked me home and we laughed and joked around the whole way. We were both on cloud nine and so happy. Once we got to my front door, he stopped to kiss me goodnight

"I love you vivian. Forever okay?"
He said as I saw tears start to form in his eyes.

"I love you too Vladimir, what's wrong?"
I asked as my concern grew for him- wiping the tears off his face.

"I just need you to know that, and never forget it."
He said as he kissed me once more and walked off home.

After that night, I called his house, even showed up every day for two months after that and no one answered. I never saw Vladimir again. I wept and cried for many nights as I wondered where he went and what happened to him.

Tell me I'm your national anthem (a Vladimir putin fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now