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That night, I went out to the grocery store and bought every magazine I could find with Vladimir on the front cover. The news about him entering office was huge worldwide because it gave people around the world so much hope for Russia to be rebuilt back into a peaceful and functioning country again. I couldn't believe it was him... I was so in shock, I had to read everything I possibly could about this. I read all of the articles about Vova while Tony and his friends celebrated our soon to be marriage by getting violently drunk... as usual.

"What are you reading huh?"
Tony drunkenly interrupted my reading as he snatched the news article out of my hand and squinted at it. He could barely even read it, that's how drunk he was.

"That's my childhood best friend, Vladimir- remember the one I told you about?.. he just became the president of Russia"
I innocently replied. It was a pattern for Tony to get belligerent and abusive when he was drunk, so I would try to talk to him as nicely as possible to avoid triggering him.

"President huh?.. the president of Russia and he STILL hasn't bothered to call you after all these years.. don't waste your time reading about this."
He drunkenly muttered as he threw the news article in the trash, taking another swig out if his beer can.

"Anyways babe.. I'm hitting the sack. I'll be waiting for you to come give me a blow jay.....clocks tickin'"
He shouted as he walked away and into our bedroom.

I walked to the trash can, picked up the news article and straightened out the crumpled paper, folded it gently and hid it in my brief case. I sat down at the kitchen table and started to cry... I couldn't believe how much of an asshole Tony was, especially while we planned our wedding. I felt pressured to stay with him because of how much media attention we got as the "perfect couple". Tony was shallow, greedy and narcissistic... After finding out that Vova was still alive, I started to realize that Tony didn't love me, he barely even cared about me. He didn't give a flying fuck about my interests, feelings, or personality. He always had to push negativity on to me... he just wanted me as arm candy because of my status. On the other hand, maybe Tony was right. Yes, Vova being alive and hearing this news was an exciting relief... but i can't ignore the fact that he hasn't ever bothered to reach out to me. Maybe he did forget about me, he even got married to another woman. Maybe Vova is my true love... but I'm not his.

I made peace with the thought that even though he is alive, I probably still won't ever get to continue my relationship with him. I mean he is the damn president and he's married. At least I could have peace knowing that he's alive and well- even if we never talk again. I decided to continue my wedding plans with Tony... I didn't know what else to do other than to accept my unfortunate fate with him.

We flew to Russia and decided to spend our time there until our wedding was over to spend more time with my family and for them to get to know Tony.

We got off the plane and arrived at my little childhood apartment. My parents awaiting our arrival at the balcony, grinning from ear to ear.

"Mama!.. Papa!!"
I ran upstairs and greeted them with a huge hug.

"We missed you so much vivi"
Tears rolled down my moms face as she kissed my cheek.

"And who is our future son in law??"
My father jokingly asked as Tony walked up to join us.

"Nice to meet you sir, I'm Tony"
Tony greeted as he struggled to carry the luggage up the stairs.

"Ahhh Mr. movie star! Nice to finally meet you!"
My mom cheerfully greeted him.

"Yeah.. I mean I just have 4 oscars.. no big deal"
Tony greeted sarcastically.

I scolded him in disbelief that he would actually make that kind of first impression infront of my parents.

"Ehh you have 4 awards for acting.. definitely not strength."
My dad snapped back as he helped Tony carry the luggage inside. I could tell my dad could see right through his successful status and could see that he was arrogant and disrespectful. That worried me as to how this visit would go- knowing that my dad isn't one to hold back his opinions.

It didn't take long for Tony to rub both of my parents the wrong way. Not even ten minutes into our visit, my mother started to serve us my favorite soup that I loved growing up. She had spent all morning making it for us and Tony refused to eat it and asked "what part of the cow the meat was from". We sat at the dinner table and ate, when my moms framed photo wall caught my eye. I stood up to take a closer look and found a couple pictures of me and Vova. Us playing with rocks in the street, the time I made him let me dress him up like Marilyn Monroe and it took me 30 minutes of convincing to get him to pose like her for the picture, us eating my moms pourage at our dinner table after his judo practice... us before going to prom. I smiled like an idiot as I admired these memories that I held so dearly in my heart.... I missed him so much it hurt.

"Wow I can't believe he's the president now"
I said as I looked through the photos.

"I know. I always believed in him like he was my own son. I'm so glad he lived up to the potential I knew he had as a little troubled child. We are so proud of him"
My mom said.

I glanced at her as my face grew sad.

"I know you miss him honey, so do we"
My mom assured, as I noticed Tony's face turning green with jealous rage.

"Yeah yeah so sad. It's best to just cherish those memories and not dwell on them. I mean the guy is the president now *laughs sarcastically* it's not like you will ever have the chance to be around a person of that status"
He snapped at me.

"A person of that status?! Have you forgotten that we have the same success? Oh I'm sorry- you have 4 oscars and I have SEVEN? Oh but I don't go around boasting to every mom wife and child about MY success do I? -It's not about status... I swear it's just so hard to deal with you sometimes Tony"
I snap back at him as I start to cry and run to my bedroom.

I couldnt believe Tony was acting like such an asshole infront of my parents. I could tell they wondered why I wasted my time on Tony, let alone marry him. I was so embarrassed to know that my parents who have raised me to be such a strong woman could see that I lacked enough self respect to choose this person as my husband. But the truth is.. yes I knew Tony was an asshole but I had a strong attachment to him. We were both codependent on each other because of how much time we had spent together.. at the time I had lied to myself and tried to convince myself that there was love there.

Tell me I'm your national anthem (a Vladimir putin fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now