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The next week was pretty tense.. my whole family came to see me and get to know Tony. They all grew a dislike for him and I became extremely stressed out having to deal with all of that tension, while trying to make these big decisions planning our giant televised wedding. That Friday morning, my customized Versace dress had came in the mail for me to try on. My mother helped me get into the dress and started to cry as we looked at my reflection in the mirror.

"You look so beautiful Vivi, I can't believe my daughter is finally getting married... you know honey, even though we might not like Tony so far.. You are marrying him which means he is very special to you. You have our support and we will always support your decisions.. your a strong girl and we love you."
My mom cried tears of sentiment as she straightened out my hair with her hands.

"Aww mom I love you... I could have never done so many great things with my life if it weren't for you and papa."
I replied.

It warmed my heart that my mother would support my marriage just for me, even though no one truly liked Tony. Deep down... I knew I wouldn't be happy in this marriage, but I continued with it because I felt I had no way out at the time.

"Here put this on.."
my mother started as she put her 2 karat diamond hair clip in my hair that she wore in her wedding. It was passed down to all of the daughters in our lineage for them to keep after marriage, and then to their daughters eventually.

"Mom, the family heirloom?"
I started to cry a bit when I saw it on me.

"It's time that you have it. Let's go show everyone how beautiful you look."
She said as we walked out to the living room together to see my Dad, Tony, and my aunt and uncle sitting on the couches.

"Wow! You look gorgeous!"
My aunt cheered

"Beautiful darling"
My dad said as I stood in the middle of the room and gave them a twirl. Everyone in the room looked so happy and excited to see me in my dress except Tony..

"You look good babe, but that ugly hair clip messes up the whole look. I really hope you aren't wearing that at the wedding. It's going to be televised and they are gonna shit talk your look in the press."
Tony said nonchalantly as he leaned in his chair.

The whole room grew silent and my smile grew into a frown of shock.

"I'm can't handle this shit!"
I stated as my family started to scold and yell at Tony. I ran into my room... squeezed out of my dress and put my normal clothes on.

"I'm going out!"
I yelled as I grabbed the car keys and stormed out of the front door.

"Where are you going? I'm sorry babe I didn't know!"
Tony screamed as he ran out to follow me.
I ignored him and drove off.

I decided to spend the whole day by myself to finally get some peace. I explored around, got some ice cream and visited all of the spots in town that I loved as a kid. It was actually really relaxing. And I have to say, this was the point where I stopped being effected by tony all together. His attitude, his behavior, his remarks.. nothing could effect me. I knew our marriage would end in flames.. very soon.

I decided to come back home around 6pm. once I drove up, I saw 3 black cars parked in front of our apartment, and two large men wearing suits and sun glasses standing infront of our front door.
My mother heard my car drive up and ran frantically to meet me outside.

"Mom- what's going on??"
I asked in a panic as I got out of the car.

"Vladimir is here to see you Vivi! HES INSIDE!"
My mom whisper screamed frantically.

My heart dropped to my stomach.

"Vova is here to see you! He's inside with the family come on!"
My mom grabbed my arm and I followed her to the door as my heart pounded through my chest with disbelief and anticipation.

I opened the door to see Vladimir sitting at the kitchen table with my dad and my uncle- talking amongst themselves while Tony and my aunt sat awkwardly in the living room.

I muttered as was at loss for words as I saw Vladimir sitting so comfortably in our house with my family after all these years. A sight I never thought I would ever see again.

"Vivian!!... so nice to see you again."
Vladimir immediately stood up with a huge bouqet of roses after seeing me walk through the door.

I muttered as I stood in shock.

Tell me I'm your national anthem (a Vladimir putin fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu