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"Hey babe wake up"
Tony said as he gently nudged my shoulder awake.

I awoke to Tony holding a trey of coffee, pancakes and sausage- my favorite breakfast. His skinnier and shorter than average stature, his slicked back- bleach dyed brassy orange hair, his dark tan olive complexion, his black beaty little eyes watching me awake through his glasses.
I flinched out of reflex at the sight of him.

"Hey- dont flinch baby your okay, I just brought you breakfast."
He muttered extremely softly with an undertone of guilt from last night.

"Good morning"
I replied with a cold and cutting tone.

"Baby I'm really sorry for what I did last night. It will never happen again I promise.... you know I love you. Sometimes I just get so heated like that and I do these things because I love you so much. I did that because I love you.... you know that right?"
Tony explains in a soft voice as he gently kisses up my arm.

After what happened last night, Tony's true colors stood out so clearly know. I could see right through him and his manipulation. I had been on an emotional rollercoaster of getting abused and belittled by him, and then he would gaslight his way back into my good graces. I had already seen the tabloids with us on the front cover "vivian and tony billion dollar wedding coming up in Saint Petersburg"  Everyone in the world- our fans were so excited and eager to see our extravagant wedding. I knew if I called it off and broke up with him, it would tarnish my career horribly. I had no choice but to brave face my way through this, even if I couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel. I had to fake it out and play into him to avoid his abuse for now.

"Yes Tony I love you."
I said as I kissed him.

We ate breakfast in bed as Tony continued to tell jokes and laugh as if him hitting me last night never even happened. Tony never took accountability for his wrong doings and he never apologized for anything he had done in the history of his life. He would just gaslight and change the subject until the issue was forgotten. I just played along.

"Uncle Tony! Can you play barbies with m-"
My niece, Layla started to say as she rested her hand covered in chocolate on Tony's forearm.

"Ew! Your going to ruin my shirt! Go ask your mom!"
Tony snapped as he rolled his eyes and nudged his arm away from her.

I muttered in disappointment.

"What? My shirt is like $700"
Tony replied.

"Come on Layla I'll go play with you!"
I got out of bed and grabbed her hand, happily walking her into the living room where she had her barbies laid out all over the floor. I played with her for about 15 minutes before I heard the home phone ring in the kitchen.

"Hello this is Vivian"
I greeted.

"Vivian, it's Vladimir"
He greeted back softly as a smile grew on my face.

"Oh.. Hi Vladimir what's up?"
I asked with anticipation. Just the sound of his voice was enough to brighten my entire mood

"I know you and your family will be coming here to the kremlin tomorrow, but I actually have nothing to do today so I was wondering if you would want to come meet me for tea and to uh... catch up a bit?"
I could hear the smile through his voice as my nerves started pumping.

"Oh uhh..."
I muttered as I glanced over at Tony watching TV in bed through the doorway of our bedroom.

"I'd love to... I'll be there in about an hour?"
I replied in a quiet tone so Tony couldn't hear.

"Great, I'll send my driver and a security agent to go pick you up. I figure you wouldn't want to deal with paparazzi bombarding you on the road"
He offered.

Tell me I'm your national anthem (a Vladimir putin fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now