38 - As A Result

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Chan yawned and opened his eyes with a significant amount of struggle considering he was in the hospital with unnecessary bright lights, unnaturally white walls, and incessant noise. The guys had brought him here after the incident, when Chan was in an in-and-out of consciousness kind of state, considering he'd been chucked at a wall relentlessly, multiple times and most definitely has some head trauma along with a consistent amount of injuries across the rest of his body.

Chan doesn't know how, but Seungmin had managed to convince the doctors not to get the police involved as it was evident that someone had done this to him. All Chan had to do was agree not to press charges which was easy to comply with considering there was literally no one to press charges to, unless an urn counted, and all was good. Chan didn't need to worry about lying to the police and probably fucking up because he wasn't the best liar, and they'd probably end up sending him somewhere because he claimed he could see ghosts.

He looked over to see Changbin asleep in a very uncomfortable looking chair, Jisung on the floor in front of him (Chan sighed disappointedly), Minho on another chair reading a book, and Felix perched on the end of his hospital bed scrolling through his phone.

Chan moved his leg a bit as a way to wake it up, which inadvertently gained Felix's attention, and he quickly put his phone away.

"Channie! You're awake" he smiled, earning the interest of Minho, who walked over and simultaneously kicked Jisung and hit Changbin, both groaning in sync as they glared up at him.

"Chan's awake" they perked up at that and the four crowded around his bed.

"Have you guys been here all night?" He asked, starching out a bit as he sat up against the headboard.

"Yeah, wanted to make sure the Faceless Man really was gone, can confirm that he is gone"

"Thanks, Jisung, I did watch him crumble to dust, but thanks" Chan laughed at Jisung's pout and put his arms out for a hug in compensation. Jisung gladly accepted.

"Seungmin, Hyunjin and Jeongin went down to grab some food, and they're hopefully gonna meet your neighbours on the way" Changbin explained, joining Felix in sitting at the end of the bed.

"They know?" Chan sat up a bit more, taking a sip of his uncomfortably warm water.

"Yeah, we informed them when you were admitted into hospital. Oh yeah!" Felix stopped as if remembering something.

"You have two broken ribs, two broken fingers, had to get quite a few stitches, a concussion and to finish it off, you broke your left wrist" Felix pointed to the said wrist and it was only then that Chan realized that his wrist was in fact wrapped up and in a sling.

"You sound unreasonably happy at my injuries" Chan looked back to Felix, laughing as he spoke.

"I'm just happy that it'll mean you'll sleep more, you have already slept more last night than you would've in a typical three days" oh wow, that was an achievement, although Chan didn't want to ask why Felix knew of his unintentional sleeping schedule.

"Maybe we can finally get rid of his energy drink stash" Changbin spoke now from the chair he'd sat back down in and Chan went red, earning a smile from Felix, Minho and Jisung.

"Whoop! Whoop!" Everyone turned to the door where Jeongin was cheering with a handful of fast-food packages. He came into the room followed closely by Brian, Seungmin and Wonpil, who all also had food packages since there were 12 mouths to feed. Lastly, in came Jae, Hyunjin and Dowoon, who were mostly empty emptied apart from Dowoon, who handed Chan a card and a little gift basket.

"Aww, really!" Chan spoke excitedly, digging into the basket to find a wolf plush, a soft blanket and a bunch of treats.

"Thank you so much!" He exclaimed, reading the card and then placing it next to the one the guys got him previously.

"How are you feeling?" Brian asked as he sat down in the chair closest to Chan, clasping his hands together as if interviewing Chan for a job.

"Apart from the ceaseless pain all over my body I feel absolutely tremendous" he smiled cheekily and Brian rolled his eyes.

"By the sarcasm, I can tell that you're definitely feeling better."

"How does it feel to not have to worry about a guy with no face trying to eliminate you?" Jae asked, which earned a punch from Wonpil, causing the boy to pout and rub his arm before proceeding to still look to Chan for an answer.

"Overall really good, but I still feel kind of nervous for some reason. Like I'm expecting something to happen you know?"

"Well, you'll always have the residual anxiety Chan, it's just how your body works. The effects of such a bizarre experience" Brian explained, apparently all-knowing.

"Fucking fantastic" Chan spoke sarcastically, slumping back into the hospital bed as he crossed his arms, but hey, at least he doesn't need to live in fear of a murderous phantom that has no face anymore. So that was a plus.

"Let's just hope no other ghost wants to kill you, Chan," Jisung said, as if that was a necessary point to make. It definitely didn't spike a new level of anxiety in Chan (sarcasm), he didn't even think about the possibility that there could be more ghosts like the Faceless Man, more that could come in contact with Chan and want to kill him.

"You really know how to ruin a moment huh Sung?" Minho finished, and they all indulged in the food the guys had brought.

Even if something else does happen as a result of Chan's new experience, he knows that he'll always have not only his neighbours - who were already familiar with the situation - but his friends as well. They'll all stick by his side to help him out and Chan finally felt as though he could accomplish anything.

"Oh, shit" everyone paused to look at Chan, expecting some whole new giant problem to arise.

"How the hell am I gonna tell my parents what's happened?" The room erupted into laughter, considering that that was Chan's number one concern after literally nearly getting murdered and having spent the last few months of his life in a circumstance that no one thought was possible.

"At least you're still you Chan" Hyunjin wiped a faux tear from his eye and continued to literally inhale his chips.

Chan still didn't know how he was going to tell his parents.


WOOOO!!! We are finished !! The ending wasn't the best but we been knew, endings of chapters are not my sting point, never-mind endings of entire books.

Anyway, thank you to everyone who has stuck with this book :)) I apologize for the consistent delays of chapters throughout it, but I appreciate your patience.

Thank you all again for reading and I really hope you enjoyed this book :)))

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