13 - Doctor Visits

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Chan woke up and immediately winced as soon as the light hit his eyes.

"Channie!" Hyunjin was the first voice to be heard, and he turned his head to see the said boy, Minho, and his mother, all with utterly concerned faces.

Sitting up, Minho handed him a plastic cup full of water and it was empty as soon as it touched his lips.

"Are you feeling okay?" Chan just dumbly nodded, he felt fine, just kind of out of it.

Apparently, it took a while to get the teacher's attention, the woman still waiting for Chan to walk over. She'd started panicking when she saw Minho and Hyunjin trying to wake him up, the rest of the class looking around confused until they spotted their unconscious classmate.

Chan couldn't even remember what had happened. He was so out of it when he eventually woke up in the class, Minho helping him sit as he looked around to find everyone staring at him right up until Minho and Hyunjin led him out, and he fell right back asleep when he lay on the bed in the nurse's office.

"Dude, you seemed really out of it when we walked you downstairs, do you remember any of it?" Chan shook his head again, he couldn't even remember waking up in the classroom, only the info he'd been told.

"You wouldn't answer us and swayed a
fuc-" Hyunjin gave a quick glance to Chan's mother "-a lot, you swayed a lot"

"Right c'mon, I'm gonna take you home," Minho helped him stand, Chan telling him he was okay and could walk but was quickly shut down. His mother signed him out of school for the rest of the day as they walked past the school office.

"Oh Chan wait" he paused, turning to face Hyunjin.


"You got 81%, nice one" oh yeah, the test scores.

The boy ended up falling asleep on the sofa as soon as he arrived home until he was ever so rudely awoken by the entrance of his two younger siblings.

Choosing not to acknowledge them, he closed his eyes again and huddled himself further into the couch, bringing the blanket up to cover his ball-like position.

"Why is Chris home?" He heard Hannah whisper, obviously trying not to wake him up.

"Oh, he fainted at school, we don't know why, but he's really tired right now so be easy" he could actually hear the pout on his mother's face and he felt bad for making her worry.

"He fainted?" Lucas spoke from what seemed like the kitchen.

"Yeah, during fourth period" he felt the back of his mother's hand against his forehead and nearly flinched back at the surprise.

"Oh sorry hun, I didn't mean to wake you" she looked pitiful, going to do the same thing she had done before awakening him.

"Are you okay?" He looked over to see that Hannah had plonked herself on the other couch, nodding to ease her concern.

"Did you feel ill at all before you fainted?" His mother had tried to ask him questions in the car, but he was so out of it that he just fell asleep and she decided to leave it until he'd gotten some shut-eye.

"I honestly can't remember, I don't think so?" He stretched, the blanket falling from his frame and making him shudder as his bones cracked uncomfortably.

"Has he told you about the headaches and nosebleeds?"

"Hannah!" He whisper shouted, not wanting to concern anybody even more.

"This could be serious, she needs to know!"

"Headaches and nosebleeds?"

"Yeah he kept coming into my room claiming I was whispering in his ear, and then both times after it he got a headache followed by a nosebleed"

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