26 - Desperation

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Chan wished that he was still at the time where he didn't know the 'hallucinations' were not in fact, hallucinations, but actually ghosts.

It's only been two days since his neighbours told him about it all, and to be completely honest, it was freaking him out. He didn't like the idea that they were all starting to realize they could see him, because apparently, that meant they'd try to get him to help them.

That's what Brian had said anyway, that the witch that lived here specifically wanted the ability to help them out, 'free their soul' or whatever word choice he had used - Chan honestly blanked out quite a bit after the revelation.

Though he had said something along the lines of her heart being in the right place, wanting to help the afterlife and that, but she went about it in such a wrong way that it ended up doing more bad than good, resulting in her not actually caring that some random teenager was going to acquire the skill instead of her.

Chan was quite ambivalent towards the whole thing. Yes, he enjoyed helping people, but if they were already dead how the bloody hell could he do that? Also, he did not ask for this and he really isn't prepared to actually communicate with them. Adding to that, there's always the constant staring, and apparently, Chan gets this really far away look on his face when he's looking at one of the ghosts, according to Dowoon and Jae.

Though the boy did realize that the random satanic things in his room were not actually satanic, but rather witch doings. For example the book, or the weird marking on his wall, it must've just been stuff for the process.

Speaking of the fact that it had been two days since Chan found out about his involuntary ability gain, he hadn't actually slept. It was definitely freaking him out far more than he thought it would've as he kept thinking back to moments where people who he thought were there, were only seen by him.

He also didn't want the Faceless Man to come back and even if he wanted to sleep, his body physically wouldn't let him because of fear, to the point that he was starting to feel nauseous at night.

Apparently, the Faceless Man needed to 'charge up' after coming in physical contact with a living person, but it had already been quite a few days - Chan lost count - of Chan not seeing him and it was starting to bite at his nerves more than he wanted to admit.

After the train incident, he didn't want to be unconsciously dragged anywhere again, whether it be a cliffs edge or the ocean, or whatever, he didn't want to die.

And so for the past two nights (and this current night), Chan had been clutching his covers to himself as he surveyed the room: windows tightly shut, blinds closed, limbs away from every side of the bed so that no demons could get him. Chan didn't feel as dumb for doing that childish act anymore, considering he could now see ghosts.

His family were peacefully sleeping whilst Chan was constantly on the verge of an anxiety attack. Which had been happening more frequently, he'd had two in the same day - which he didn't realize would be as bad as it was - and he felt as if he was always on edge, looking around to make sure he was safe.

The boy didn't technically need energy drinks anymore as his body is too scared to actually go to sleep, but he still drank them before or during school so that he could get through class. Since there were people about during school, he felt safer there, and therefore there was more of a chance of him falling asleep there.

There was a tapping sound from the window and Chan's throat immediately closed from fear as his eyes locked onto the culprit.

He pulled his covers higher to cover the bottom half of his face and he pushed himself as far into the corner of the bed as he could.

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