18 - Bizarre Entites

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It was late at night, the workers of the 24-hour store probably hated a group of 8 teenagers coming into the place to buy sweets and (attempt to) buy alcohol. Well, really only Jisung and Minho attempted, the others didn't care too much if they got any or not, but the aforementioned two were visibly sulky when they didn't succeed. Bizarre

The lot were getting ready for a sleepover at Jeongin's, deciding that now was a brilliant time to acquire food for the day despite it being nearly midnight.

Changbin and Seungmin seemed to be the designated bag holders, the said things full of sweets and drinks. They planned to have an all-nighter since Jeongin's family wouldn't be home. However, it never ended up being an all-nighter because half of them would fall asleep before they'd even started a movie.

It was nice, Chan enjoyed spending time with his friends because it meant that he didn't have to think about the weird shit that was going on with him. He'd done some thinking and concluded that Jae and Brian were acting rather suspicious during the day before.

It was like they knew what Chan was experiencing. Like they were aware of him seeing things?

Chan paused, along with his thoughts, gaining a few of the boys' attention when he stopped walking with them. Of course, as soon as he mentions ignoring all the 'weird shit' that is going on this happens.

His face immediately went pale, as if there was someone physically changing it in a colour wheel, and he stumbled back a bit.

"Chan?" The boy didn't move. Too caught up on the sight. What he could see, was a man. Or at least he thought it was a man. It was difficult to tell since didn't have a fucking head, as if it had been decapitated.

Blood oozed out of the gaping wound, crimson trickling down the ripped, definitely not modern clothing and he stumbled about as if drunk. The sight of the bone made the blonde feel uneasy until another body made its way through the apparition as if the former wasn't there.

This one was also stumbling, but this time he actually had a head, Chan realized that this guy wasn't in his right mind when he spoke up, revealing that he was in fact, drunk.

"What are you looking at?" it was slurred and the very obviously drunk man made his way over to the group. He was clearly bothered that Chan was looking at him (although Chan would argue that he was most definitely not looking at him, but rather the headless man).

"Oi!" Chan tried to look for the headless man again as the other man shouted, but he'd disappeared. He was rather rudely - if he must say so himself - interrupted when a fist made contact with the left side of his face, sending him to the ground.


"What's your problem?" A few of his friends' voices were apparent and they sent the man off, him stumbling to the bus stop before plonking himself down and promptly falling asleep.

They looked down to Chan, who was still on the floor, not bothering to cover his now bleeding nose as it dripped onto the pavement beneath him. He was still deep in thought, the man's appearance etched into his head despite him being nowhere anymore.

"You alright?" Felix asked, helping him up. Chan just nodded, still a bit grossed out at what he'd just seen. He was usually completely fine with gore in movies, barely tearing his eyes away at the gruesome parts. But seeing it in real life really put things into perspective.

"There was something there wasn't there?" Minho crossed his arms, Chan looking up to meet his eyes, blood still dripping from his nose as he finally brought his hand up in an attempt to stop it.

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