25 - Alleviation, But Also Not

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Chan opened his eyes groggily, feeling surprisingly well-rested - that was new - He stretched and climbed out of bed, making sure it was made before he left the room.

Brian said he'd wake him up when he 'got enough sleep' but Chan wouldn't be able to get back to dreamland even if he tried, so he just went back downstairs.

However, he paused as soon as he heard what was being talked about; himself.

"It's clearly affecting him. He's getting anxiety attacks that he'd apparently never had before" that was Brian, he couldn't see any of them, they were in the living room, so he just listened outside.

"It's also dangerous" Jae was back then. What he'd said scared Chan, what did they mean dangerous, and how do they know?

"What about Sungjin? Do you think....?" Wonpil trailed off.

"I'm like 98% sure he can yeah" there was silence for a minute.

"What if something's already happened? And he hasn't told us?"

"What do you mean?"

"With the guy, the guy she'd always talk about"

"I don't know" a sigh.

"Wait, shh" they went quiet and Chan heard footsteps get closer and didn't process what was inevitably about to happen until Brian was right in front of him.

"I said I'd wake you?" He spoke as if he hadn't literally just been talking about Chan.

"I couldn't get back to sleep" Chan looked at him wearily as he followed the man into the room that everyone was sitting in, them all back from wherever it was they were.

"You guys...you guys know something, don't you? About what's happening to me?" Brian sighed again.


"You've been seeing things, haven't you?" Chan paused. Oh, so they really do know. To be honest, despite how suspicious they all acted at times, he really wasn't expecting them to hit the nail right on the head.


"Can you tell us what's been happening? What you've been seeing?" Chan sat down.

"I wanna know what you know?" Chan wasn't about to reveal everything when what they were implying had a small chance of not actually being what Chan was implying, and he didn't want to risk sounding insane. They sighed simultaneously.

"The things you've been seeing, they seem...injured? Don't they, and no one else can see them" no, yeah, they definitely knew exactly what Chan was going through. It was his turn to sigh.

"It," he paused to look up at the lot, making sure that telling them was the right decision before inescapably deciding that he wanted to get it off his chest. "It started when I moved in, only with voices, like...whispers, in my ear when I was asleep. But then I saw this little boy in my room, who seemed to enjoy scaring me. I'd see people everywhere, at my friends' houses, in school, everywhere."


"I went to the doctor, but he said that it's just hallucinations from lack of sleep due to stress" Chan sighed. He wanted an explanation, needed an explanation. "Can you please tell me what's going on because I know it's not just in my head"

"It's not" Chan breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's worse" well that's...that's not good.

"Unfortunately for you, you have the ability that many witches crave to obtain with years of black magic just because you moved into the room some witch who was practising it died in" Brian explained as if that would make any sense.

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