11 - I Hear Voices, I See Visions

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Drifting off to sleep for Chan was so much easier when there were people in the same room as him.

He had insisted that one of the other two took his bed, but they both jumped on the temporary blow up beds claiming that Chan 'needed the comfiest bed out of them all so he could at least get a little sleep'.

Honestly, Chan did try to argue, but when someone as stubborn as Minho is there, you don't really have a chance, to be honest.

Chan didn't know what time it was, but a few hours after nicely falling into a deep sleep, he was awoken. His eyes were still closed but he was awake, mad at his body for deciding that less than 3 hours of sleep is enough.

He squeezed his eyes tighter to try and go back to dreamland, and let out an annoyed sigh after 10 minutes when it wouldn't happen.

"Ahh!" He yelped, sitting straight up and scooting backwards, subsequently hitting his head rather forcefully on the wall, causing him to let out another pained sound.

The little boy was back, however he wasn't in the same place as usual, he was right in front of Chan's face, practically staring into his soul. It was strange, he looked so real as he went and sat on Chan's desk.

Of course, the loud noises Chan had made woke up the other two, who looked at each other, looked to Chan, and then looked at each other again after noting the state he was in. Glazed eyes, trembling hands and staring into nothingness. He honestly looked on the verge of a panic attack and the two quickly stood up to see what was up.

"Channie?" Felix started, slowly walking over and climbing onto the bed as to not distrust the boy and panic him more.

"What's up, Chan?" Minho this time, standing beside the bed rather than joining the other two. "What is it?"

Chan just wordlessly pointed his hand towards where the boy sat, not tearing his eyes away. Felix and Minho looked at each other again.

"What? What are you pointing to?"

"Do you not see him?" They looked at each other for a third time, this time with wide eyes and a slight chill running through them, admittedly scared of their friend's statement.

"See what Chan?" Felix pushed, trying so hard to squint and see what his friend was seeing, but to no avail.

"The boy, do you not see the boy?" He hadn't even blinked once and it was starting to really scare Minho and Felix. Was he sleep talking?

"No, Chan, we don't...we don't see anyone outside"

"He's not outside" pure fear ran through both boys.

"Where is he?"

"He's on my desk" the glances Minho and Felix kept sharing with each other were either fear, concern, confusion, or all three.

"There's no one on your desk Chan" Chan sighed shakily, dropping his hand and finally looking away, almost refusing to turn in the direction he'd previously stared at.

He hugged himself as he leant against the wall, Minho rubbing circles on his back.

"Did you seriously not see him?" Chan finally glanced up to Felix for a brief second before looking back down again, rubbing his arms as if he was cold.

"No...we didn't see anyone" Felix sighed.

"Is he..." Minho began, hesitantly. "Is he still there" they looked at Chan as they waited for an answer. The boy bearing another short and reluctant look over before turning back again, slowly nodding his head.

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