24 - What's All The Commotion?

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To be completely honest, the train situation was quite...stressful? Terrifying? Literally any negative connotation Chan could think of, he was feeling. It scared him that it could happen again, and he certainly did not want to see the creepy faceless man likewise.

What made it worse is that Chan knew he didn't have a choice in that.

Yet again the boy was home alone, and would be for a couple of days minus his sister who would nip in and out the house so often that it was as if she spent more time out with her friends than she did in the place.

Chan also disliked the feeling he got in his room after discovering someone had died there less than 2 decades prior. There was something more eerie about it and he couldn't help but think about how the woman died.

It had said unknown causes on the description, but he hadn't got any further into researching as his computer decided to shut down every time, which definitely wasn't coincidentally timed.

He thought back to the weird things in his room and wondered if they had anything to do with it. The strange symbol behind the wallpaper and the big book under his carpet still sat unlooked at since the first time he had seen them.

That reminded Chan of what had happened when he found it, and a shiver ran through him. It was only a couple of days ago, but the bruise on his hand was still pretty raw. His mother had asked him what happened, but he just made up some bullshit excuse about smacking it on something during PE.

He looked over to where it was again and crawled over. Trying to pull the carpet back proved harder than last time and Chan had to actually sit back in confusion when it wouldn't budge.

The boy looked closely at the floor and noticed that when the carpet lifted, the sides would go up easily, but as soon as the pull reached the middle it would stop relieving. His eyebrows creased as he focused on the said spot whilst trying to pull again.

It almost looked like a...


As if...someone was holding it down?

Something was holding it down.

And that something would be right next to him.

Chan sat back, still looking at the area and watching in fear as the carpet almost relaxed. He hadn't realized that it had been pressed so far into the ground, that as soon as the pressure went away; the carpet almost sprung back.

His eyes widened.

He walked closer.

The carpet dipped.

His breathing picked up.

There was something there, something that really didn't want Chan to get into the book that was hidden beneath it.

Chan did not like that fact.

There was a bang upstairs, as if something had been knocked over, and Chan was not about to go and check what had happened.

Instead, his hands began to tremble as he bundled into himself on the bed, pushed far into the corner of it.

He could feel his heartbeat through his ribs and almost hear it as it proliferated instantly.

The heaviness in his pocket reminded him of his phone. More importantly the numbers in his phone. Most importantly Brian's number, in his phone.

The boy had received all the boys' numbers, well, all except Sungjin, which Chan found a little strange. Maybe he'd ask about it when he saw them next, that is if he remembered.

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