3 - Continuation

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"Chris? Hurry up!" Hannah was shaking him violently and it took a good while to actually peel his fatigued eyes open to see an annoyed-looking Hannah. Fully dressed and ready to go, an unbothered Lucas in a similar way.

He sat up confused, "What?" Was the smartest thing his jumbled brain could think of first thing in the morning.

"We're gonna be late if you don't get your ass up right now" he looked to his bedside table clock that read 8:37. His school started at 8:45, the other two's at 9.

"This is the third time I've woken you up" Chan only remembered waking up once in the night and that was when he had that excruciating headache after Hannah's little prank.

"Shit" he shot out of bed and tore his warm bed shirt off, quickly grabbing a fresh, cold school shirt out of the wardrobe.

"Are you okay?" Chan turned around confused, attempting to find the armholes in the shirt with his tired brain and subsequently getting it wrong twice.

"What? Of course I'm fine" he finally got the shirt on and turned to his siblings, buttoning up the fabric.

"You've got b-"

"You guys can head off without me today, I know you like to be early"

"Okay, but-"

"You're going to be late, go on" the two shrugged despite having plenty of time for themselves to get to school and made their way out of his still slightly unpacked bedroom. He heard the door close as he was brushing his teeth faster than he definitely should have.

He decided to use his skateboard today as it would be quicker. Once leaving the house the boy couldn't help but peek at the window opposite to reveal the eerie man's head-turning to follow Chan as he skated away. He shivered, that man gave him the creeps.

Arriving 15 minutes late caused the boy to miss stopping by his locker to put his skateboard in it. Trying to get his breath under control from the rush, he pushed the door open and all eyes were on him.

"And why are you arriving to my class" the teacher paused to look at his wrist. "20 minutes late Chan?"

"Sorry, I woke up late" he spoke sheepishly, the teacher looked down to his skateboard and back up to his face before creasing his eyebrows together.

"I think you should head to the bathroom" he spoke, still looking at Chan, but rather his whole face than his eyes, almost like he was trying to analyze him.

"What?" He muttered to himself but it didn't go unheard.

"Go and clean yourself up" the teacher ushered him out of the room and Chan confusedly made his way to the school bathrooms.

Upon entering he immediately looked to the mirror and gasped. Accompanying the mess of curls he hadn't bothered to sort in his morning rush, he evidently also didn't care to look in a mirror, as there was dried blood under his nose and all over the bottom left side of his face. To top it off, he had walked into class like that. Great.

After cleaning himself up he made his way back to class, still holding his bag and skateboard and pushed the door open. For a second time that day, all eyes were on him.

"I'm marking you late" Chan just sat down with a red face - this time not from the blood - next to Changbin, whose foot he had to stomp on to stop him from laughing. When they walked out of class Changbin burst out in cackles again.

"Dude, you look awful, I'm surprised he didn't let you off the hook"

"Nice to see you too" Chan scoffed, stopping at his messy locker to finally drop off his board and any other unnecessary things on him.

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