12 - Repercussions

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To be completely honest, Chan was on the brink of exhaustion. He'd gotten a little bit of sleep after his family came back and actually ended up sleeping under his bed one night to see if it made a difference.

News flash: it didn't, he was still terrified.

The boy was back again, he'd also seen him once more after Felix and Minho left, sitting further away on the floor. However this time, Chan forced himself to close his eyes and not open them again until he fell asleep.

It worked, surprisingly, he actually managed to get back to sleep and he was admittedly quite proud of himself.

Then there was the woman again, the one with what seemed to be stab wounds covering her torso. She was right outside the main school doors and it was as if no one else could see her.

Chan was freaked out, to say the least, he didn't know what was going on and he certainly didn't want to keep experiencing it.

"Chan, did you understand the homework for Physics, like what we had to do?" Hyunjin turned to the blond.

"Hmm?" Chan had been knocked from his trance and didn't even know what Hyunjin was talking about.

"The homework, Physics?"

"We had Physics homework?" Chan rarely forgot his homework so his friends could tell that his sleeping habits were taking a toll on him.

"Well, I guess we're going down together since neither of us have done it" Hyunjin sighed, looking at the sheet helplessly. "Wish you the best brethren"

"I believe your saviour has joined" Minho lay the sheet in front of Hyunjin before taking a seat at the table and the boy audibly gasped.

"I didn't bother to ask you earlier cause I thought you wouldn't have done it!" he had a smile on his face as he was eagerly writing down the answers from Minho's paper.

"Wow you have so much faith in me," he said it with such enhanced monotonous energy that it was like he was calling out someone's bad joke.

"Minho are you really surprised though?" Minho blatantly ignored Seungmin's statement before turning to Hyunjin again.

"Can't guarantee you it's right, but yeah, my mum said if I did all the homework that was due in by the end of this week she'd buy Soonie, Doongie and Dori the cat climber thing I wanted to get them"

"Of course the only time he'd do his homework is 'cause his cats gain from it" Jeongin mumbled.

"Hey listen, I have priorities okay, and my cats just happen to be at the top of the list. Chan, you can use them as well if you want" Chan was brought out of yet another trance, looking towards the boy who had spoken. It took him a moment to realize Minho wasn't offering Chan to use the cat climber and instead was referring to the homework.

"Nah you're alright, this is the first time I've forgotten homework all year so I think I'll be fine, plus, she'll get very suspicious if all three of us have the same answers, seeing as we're all friends" Chan waved him off, looking down at his untouched biscuit. He'd felt hungry all throughout second period, ultimately buying a snack from the cafeteria for break. Only now, he wasn't hungry anymore, despite it still being break.

It was as if his stomach's sole purpose was to embarrass him. Like 'cry as loud as you can during a silent period but the moment you enter a loud environment act as if you've just eaten a full course meal. Okay? Okay'. Stomachs man, they're out to get you.

"Chan, you're looking at that biscuit like it murdered your entire family" Felix broke whatever conversation the rest of the boys were having. Probably something about iced Americano or why Jisung shouldn't be trusted with kitchen utensils.

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